Early Spring Home and Gardening Ideas. Discover a plethora of creative and budget-friendly DIY gardening and yard ideas to transform your outdoor space into a blooming haven this spring.
Early Spring Home and Gardening Ideas

Now is the time to start planning your spring gardening and patio projects! Today I am sharing some easy gardening. patio and yard projects you can tackle to make your spring and summer even better!

18 Outdoor Ideas That Will Make Your Patio Awesome
18 Ideas that will make your patio awesome this summer! Easy DIY ideas to make your outdoor space even more enjoyable this summer!
Easy and Inexpensive Kitchen Herb Garden

Inexpensive and Easy Kitchen Herb Garden DIY. Grab a few dollar section items and create a kitchen herb garden that you can enjoy all year long!
Stacked Herb Garden and DEIY Stamped Garden Markers

A stacked herb garden is an easy way to have fresh herbs all the time, whether you plant them inside or outside!
Modern Farmhouse Succulent Garden

Corral your succulents and display them in one place with these easy ideas!
How to Make a No-Maintenance Garden Box

How to create a no-mantenance vinyl garden box in a morning! You will love being able to step into your yard and grab fresh produce all summer long!
Free Printable Garden Markers

Printable Garden Plant Markers. Keep track of the plants in your garden with these DIY Garden Plant Markers with free printables that are the perfect size for Dollar Store stakes.
How to Create a Hanging Patio Garden

DIY Hanging Patio Garden. Make the most of your patio space by hanging shelves and planting flowers or herbs in painted pots!
14 Outdoor Patio Ideas

14 Outdoor Patio DIY Ideas! It’s the perfect time to work on your yard! Here are some beautiful DIY projects to improve curb appeal!
15 Pergola and Outdoor Screen Ideas

Pergolas and yard screens are easy ways to create shade and privacy but also can be a beautiful addition to your outdoor design.
Backyard Pergola Project

Last summer we added a Backyard Discovery pergola to our yard and it was such a game changer. We love entertaining in our new patio space now. And it was so easy to put together!

5 Ways to Get Your Backyard Ready For Spring
5 easy ways to get your backyard ready for Spring! Easy and inexpensive ways to make your backyard pop.

Terra Cotta Star Herb Planters
Terra Cotta Star Herb Planters. Create pretty farmhouse planters with natural wooden stars for your home or yard!

How to Make a DIY Recirculating Fountain
DIY Recirculation Fountain. Create a soothing fountain for your yard with just a few simple items from the hardware store. Make a soothing recirculating fountain for your home this summer!

DIY Fountains to Make Your Yard Awesome
DIY Fountains to Make Your Yard Amazing! Bring your summer yard up a level by bringing the soothing sound of running water to your patio!
Affordable Modern Patio Ideas

Three Different Spring Patio Ideas. No matter your style, I’m sharing beautiful and affordable items to make your patio an oasis this summer!
Welcome Home Saturday

She Gave it a Go / 10 Easter Basket Gifts for Teens

White Arrows Home / Looking Froward to Planting Gardens: Books and More to Inspire

The Tattered Pew / Simple 3 Step Spring Floral Arrangement

tatertots & jello / How to Make a Simple Garden Planter Box

Which Idea is YOUR Favorite?
Let us know in the comments!