I partnered with Tide and Walmart to bring you these ways to make doing laundry more efficient. All opinions are my own.
5 Laundry Tips for Small Laundry Rooms and a Free Laundry Schedule Printable! Laundry hacks to help you save time.
I love starting fresh in the new year. I’ve been organizing and making our home more efficient. With 5 kids and 2 dogs things can get a little hairy around here. We got through LOTS of laundry. And with only one laundry room, we have to think efficiently to get everyone’s laundry done. I’ve been working on my #ClutterChallenge in January and it has really motivated me to get efficient with everything in our home, especially laundry.
As you know, we are huge Tide fans here. I’ve been using it for over 20 years. I love seeing the development that Tide puts into making laundry more efficient and effective. So, when I found out that Tide has a product with new packaging design I was super interested, especially because you can easily order it online from Walmart.com. We order everything online and it saves us so much time, but I am dismayed at all of the extra packaging that comes along with online purchases.
The new Tide Eco-Box has been designed with 60% less plastic and 30% less water than the current 150-ounce Tide press-tap bottle. And since it isn’t packaged inside of another box, there is no extra box to recycle and no bubble wrap!! The concentrated formula means that it is 4 pounds lighter! I LOVE this.
When I got my Eco-Box I was surprised at how small the package was. I even did an unboxing!!
I loved the design of the Eco-Box. It has ingenious tabs underneath that make a stand, which raises the box up and makes measuring on flat surfaces so much easier and less messy. There is an opening on top of the package for the included dosing cap which is smart. And the no-drip twist top really works – no mess!
Having so many people doing laundry all the time in a tiny laundry room has really made me get super-efficient with our laundry and I thought maybe I can share my tips and help other moms!
5 Laundry Tips for Small Laundry Rooms
Keep Laundry Detergent Easily Accessible
I keep our Tide Eco-Box on top of the washer. It’s easy to access, but up, safe and out of the way. The dosing cup fits right inside of the top of the container, so it’s always right where I left it. I keep extra detergent and cleaning tools in the cupboard above the washer and dryer so it’s easy to replace an empty laundry container with a fresh new one.
Everyone Has Their Own Laundry Hamper
Since my kids are teens and young adults, they do their own laundry. I make sure each person has their own hamper that they can carry easily to the laundry room. Once their laundry is done, they can load their clothes back into their laundry bag and take it back to their room. My husband and I both had separate laundry bins which took up a lot of our closet. I decided that to be more efficient it made sense for us to share a hamper. So I found this three-bin laundry hamper at Walmart and added HIS, HERS and LAUNDRY words to the front. We both enjoy doing our own laundry, so we can each lift out our bin and take it into the laundry room. The middle compartment is for towels because who wants wet towels sitting on their clothes, right??
A Small Basket for Lost Socks
It seems like there are always lost socks. I keep a small basket by the detergent where people can look for their lost socks.
Create a Folding Station
I keep all of the laundry items like detergent, softener and cleaning tools on the washer so they are easily accessible. This frees up the top of the dryer for folding.
Printable Laundry Schedule
I’ve created a free printable laundry schedule that you can hang in your laundry room. If you frame it with a glass front, people in your home can write their name and day they plan on doing their laundry. If you use a non-permanent marker then you can easily wipe off the marker each week and use it like a dry erase board! Just right -click on this link to download this free Printable Laundry Schedule!!
Order Tide Eco-Box Online
Be sure to check out the new Tide Eco-Box! You can order it exclusively from Walmart.com!
Have a Lovely Day!
We also have been using tide for years. I’ve never ordered it online. I need to try this!
Yes! Ordering online is the best. You can order it inline through Walmart and its free shipping too. There’s a link at the bottom of the post.
Thanks for the idea and schedule . We do a lot of laundry here too!
You are welcome! Cheers to making life more efficient!