It’s my three year blogoversary!!
I started Tatertots and Jello as a personal blog, as a place to keep my creative projects. And it has grown into something that I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams. I am loving this blogging world and the opportunities that TT&J has brought to me. I love creating project and promoting other people.
The administrative side of TT&J has grown so demanding and I am so behind on emails. I’m so sorry if you have emailed an not heard back from me. I wish there were more hours in the day. I really want to focus more on creating projects because that is my passion.
And so — I’ve decided it’s time to hire some help!
I’m looking for a part-time ‘virtual’ assistant. I need someone to help me with my Weekend Wrap Up Parties which are averaging 800 link ups each week. As well as someone to help coordinate guest posts and coordinate advertising — about 10 hours a week. At least half of this time would require working on the weekends – I just wanted to put that out there 🙂
Requirements and Duties:
Strong knowledge of blogging and social media
Experience with Photoshop, a plus but not required
Demonstrate good work ethic, must be trustworthy, and self motivated
Ability to meet deadlines
Detail oriented
Excellent communication and follow up skills
Available throughout the day to check emails and answer questions.
I would love to hire someone that has a blog and knows WordPress.
I am so excited to have someone join me in this wonderful journey.
Please send me your resume and if you have a blog, include a link!

PS — Have you ever driven past a discarded pallet? Pick it up and create something great! I am sharing 12 decorating projects using shipping pallets over at Babble’s New Home Ec today 🙂
PPS — To celebrate my blogoversary — an awesome giveaway is coming up tomorrow!!
Happy Blogiversary!! I sent an email with my resume. I'm addicted to your blog, I have to check it a few times each day (and your FB page). Sounds like a wonderful job, and hopefully you find the perfect fit!
I pinned this tutorial for my own project! Great color scheme!
Happy Blogiversary!! I sent an email and resume, it sounds like a fantastic job and an honor to be a part of a blog I read every day!
I am amazed you have made it this far all on your lonesome! What a blessing of creativity your blog has been to thousands of women. Best of luck in this new expansion and venture. I am sure with additional help this blog will be better than ever. Who knows, what's next? The Tatertots and Jello book? Have a very lovely weekend. -K
Congrats on the anniversary and good luck finding an assistant!
I just picked up a pallet last week and can't wait to get started on a project I've had swirling around in my head!
Happy Blogiversary! I wish I would have found you at the very start. I found you a year ago, and it has been a joy to be inspired by you and so many you feature. You're a blogger's best friend 🙂
I have a few more questions about the postition, and I'll be sending a resume!
Rach H
Congratulations on your anniversary. I sent my resume in for consideration, fingers crossed!
Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!!! Wow!!! I just love it here, and always have 🙂
And how exciting to be hiring help. I wish it could be me, but I don't know that I'm qualified 🙁 Best of luck, darlin'!
Congrats on your blogaversary! Wow, 3 years already??!
I would LOVE to help Jen, although I don't have any photoshop experience 😉
Good luck with finding the right person!!
Happy three years! It is so amazing (and inspiring!) how far you have gone in just three years.
I sent you my resume–Because, let's be real, it would be such an honor to work with you!
Happy Blogoversary Jen!! That is just so exciting!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents and inspiring those around you to create! 🙂 I am very interested in your virtual assistant position! I know you will have so many talented individuals to consider! I have experience with Photoshop Lightroom, photography, I have been blogging now for 4 years. I'll send a resume along with some more information! 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity! 🙂
Congrats on 3 Years!!! That's just great. I'm going to go check out the pallet ideas now. thanks for all the great ideas:)
I just found your blog a few months ago, and I am so glad I did! I visit your blog often, I love it!
I would be so honored to apart of your team on your wonderful blog! I sent you an email with my resume and more info about me.
Thank you for your consideration!
Congrats on 3 blogging years!! I truly enjoy your blog.
HAPPY 3 years! WOW!
your blog is just plain awesome. i'm so proud for you & proud to know you. you do so much for ALL of us.
hoping you find the perfect assistant that will help you out exactly how you need & will help you grow even more. *fingers crossed* for the right person to fit the job!!!!
happy 3 years. your blog is a shining star for all of blogland.
I love working with pallets. Check out some of the things I've made:
Wishing you on completing three successful years in blogging!
We will be willing to provide our service as a Virtual Assistant for you.
Please feel free to contact us for free trial of our services.
Hi Jen,
It's great when your blog gets so big that you need an assistant. I've sent you an e-mail applying for the position. Here's my VA business website,
and my momma-blog
WOW!!! You need an assistant!! That's awesome. I'll do it. 😉
Happy Blogoversary!
Jen I have watched your blog grow and grow and GROW and have been amazed at all you manage to do 🙂 Congratulations on getting so big you need help!
I hope you find just the perfect person to assist you 🙂
Happy Blogoversary! So awesome to see how far you've come and to be along for the journey : )
Good luck on finding an assistant – I'm sure you'll find someone fabulous!
Happy Blogoversary!!
I"m happy to say…I knew you when!
Love you Jen!
Happy Blogiversary Jen! I love seeing all the great projects you come up with! I've been interested in a virtual assistant position for a while now and would love to help you out! I do work full time but have free access to the internet and email all day long. I use Photoshop Elements for digi scrapping so I have knowledge in that area but I don't know wordpress. Willing to learn anything you throw at me! Would love to discuss it more with you. You can email me at [email protected]! Thanks!
Happy anniversary. I just started my blog this summer and can only imagine how wonderful three years of blogging must feel!
Good luck on finding help!
Congrats on your anniversary!! I am so glad I found your blog about a year ago!!! Here's to many more years of Tatertots and Jello!
happy 3 years! thanks for all the great ideas!
Happy Blogiversary, Jen!! Three years–that's so exciting. You are definitely at a good point. And hiring help? That's so cool!!!
Happy anniversary! I sent you an email inquiring about the position.
Jen! Congrats on your blogiversary! You have come a long way in three years and you should be so proud of your blog – its the bees knees! I am interested in the virtual assistant position! I definitely meet all of the requirements but two – photoshop and wordpress. However – I can do a LOT to a photo using microsoft publisher and I have used a little. I would be so willing to learn photoshop though! (It's on my list of things to do…) As for WordPress I am also really wanting to learn about that as well. Please email me (skye dot nicole at yahoo dot com) to discuss details! I am interested!!
Yeah for you!!!! You need a break! I'm thrilled you are going to get a tiny little one on the weekends.
Happy Bloggyversary!
Happy Blogiversary 🙂
Hope you'll find someone to help you very soon…
I would like to apply, I will work for free! the one catch is that I will only be available after 4 through 7 weekdays, on weekends from 7am through 7pm.
I have my own blog ( and have a very basic knowledge of fireworks, which is the mac version of photoshop. I can make blog buttons, and basic html/java script coding. I would be very happy to deal with the emails, and the linkys!
Happy 3-year blogiversary, Jen!! Your blog is such an inspiration! I love that it's a place where creativity really begins and spreads around the blogging universe! You do a tremendous job–and I'm shocked that you have done it completely on your own all this time!! You must be Wonder Woman!! Thanks for all you do to inspire!
I totally feel you on this!
I need someone that knows wordpress ASAP!
Big HUGS Sweet Friend!!