It’s the last day of school at our house!
And the day we have our end of the year tradition: Glitter Toes!
My girls have been looking forward to this for weeks!
One of my blogging idols — Kami @ No Biggie clued me into this fun glittery craft last year. If you haven’t checked out Kami’s blog — you need to. She is so clever, funny and stylish!
Here’s the 411:
Fun colors + Sparkles = a fun afternoon!
- Pick out a nail color you like and a coordinating glitter. I found some awesome Martha Stewart glitter at Walmart that has pretty much every color of glitter there is.
- Paint your toenails and while paint is still wet, sprinkle glitter all over each individual toe to cover well. You will need to lay a piece of paper under the toes to minimize the mess and to catch the leftover glitter so you can use it again.
- You can brush off the excess glitter with a small paintbrush, but make sure not to brush directly on the toenail or you can mess up the paint job.
- Paint a clear top coat over the glitter to help keep it contained and to add a shine to the sparkle.
And Voila! You have sparkly glitter toes — and fingers. So cute! And a great project to do with your girlfriends or little girls before you hit the pool!
Do you have any End-of-the-Year Traditions that you do at your house??
My sister’s neighborhood has a big block party every year!
Please Share them with us!
Have a Glittery Day!

And, the CSI Project is having a great Martha Stewart giveaway — go over to enter!
This is so fun! I am excited to give it a try.
At our house painting toenails is a Sunday afternoon tradition. It is fun to spend some time together as girls….. Even if we don't get around to it every Sunday…..
As far as end of school traditions: We have the kids go thorough all their paperwork. hey get to keep twenty items, and the rest…… gets burned!!!!
We have a fire in the backyard and roast marshmallows and say goodbye to the last school-year by watching all their hard work go up in flames. It's great fun and the kids really look forward to it each year….
My little girl and I "glittered" our toes yesterday and had soooo much fun doing it! Our toes were the rage at church today, even my little Sunday School girls were begging to come over and get the same special treatment! Thanks for sharing such a fun idea! We loved it!:)
LOVE the glitter toes!!! Great idea to just sprinkle glitter over the nail polish! Love that!♥
I love this tradition!
what a fun tradition! The last day of school around here is next Thursday. Gotta get my supplies ready to do this with my little girl…she'll LOVE it!
Such a cute idea!!! I will have to try this when my baby sister comes out to stay with me this summer 🙂 Thanks Jen!
Jen, that is adorable and so very fun. Now I just need my 7 month-old niece to get a little bit older and that party girl will love it!
xo – Sydney
awww…Thanks Jen! You just made my night. What a compliment!
I love that you have made this a tradition. Yay for summer! Yay for darling daughters to do glitter toes with!
What a fun end of the school year tradition Jen!! xxoo
What a cute idea! Coincidently I just painted my toes that exact insta-dry teal!!!
What a cute tradition. My girls love it when I paint their nails; we usually use glitter nail polish, but I bet this is more sparkly.
What a FUN tradition!!! I wonder if my 11-year-old boy would go for it? 😉 Me thinks, not.
Oh, I love this idea! How cute! I just gave my girls pedicures last weekend, toes painted for my little one and a french pedicure for my oldest, but this glitter would have been so cool. I believe I see this in their future.
Our last day of school tradition is going out to eat right after school. once the girls were past kindergarten,they could bring a friend (my oldest has been bringing her same best frind for 5 years and next week will be the 6th), my mom joins us for this is the "kick off to summer" for us, plus it's always close to my oldest birthday, so she gets an extra treat (of embarassament when we have them sing). then, if there is a good kids movie out, we see that, thinking TGIF and Shrek 3this year! have a great summer!
Oh they look great 🙂 I'm making a list of the things I need to do when school lets out in two weeks – make a sign & get balloons to meet them at the bus, ice cream sandwiches, and glitter toes! (Maybe next year I can come up with something original…)
Those are very cute and sparkly toes!
What a fun idea! My girl will absolutely love this. I have to go get that glitter…my Walmart had it on clearance the last time I was there.
What fun! I'm gonna do this with my sister when she comes to visit 🙂
I almost bought my neice a pedicure for her K graduation present. Now, I'll have to do this with her the next time she stays with us. I haven't seen that glitter at WalMart. I've got to get some!!!! So cute Jen!
I am so doing this with my girls!
i've gotta get me some glitter-my girls will love this-thanks for sharing and cute toenails
Very cute! I need to do this with my niece, or maybe just go to work with glittery toes. :o)
This is the most creative, fun, different, and CUTE tradition I've heard of!! LOVE this idea!
what a cute idea! No end of year for us (my little ones are too small for school-yet)..but I know my 2 yr old will LOVE trying this! Thanks for sharing!!
I love the glitter toes! My girls would lose their minds if I did this to their toes, they would absolutely LOVE it!
I remember when you all did this last year. So cute! Abby barely sits still for me to paint her nails, so we'll have to wait longer for this.
Is it easy to get off?
What a fun tradition! I love it!
I love love love this idea. Perfect for celebrating the last day of school. My daughter and her friends may not be able to wait until next school year.
That is super cute. I think I will have to try this on my granddaughter.
I have that Martha glitter and you best believe that you will soon find me with some awesome glitter toes.
SO cute!! and fun 🙂
I love this I really need to do my toes like this its so cute
Summer + nail polish + toes + GLITTER? Great idea! I just do a little end-of-school questionaire that is the same every year. It will be fun to see how the answers change as the children grow up!
What a fun tradition. My daughter would just love this. What a special and clever way to celebrate the end of the school year.
That's a cute idea! I'll have to try that with my 2 girls. The last day of school was 2 weeks ago here, and is always followed by a trip to Sonic for a blast. The kids love it. Mainly because we are in Georgia and it's so hot when school gets out.
Love the glitter nails! Makes me wish I had a girl! Enjoy the summer.
I've seen those on Xazmin's site before! They look awesome. 🙂
Glittery Glam~ I AM IN LOVE!
ARE YOURS the aqua ones? THAT IS my fav.! love the color. The yellow nails are so cute too. BEING A girl does have it rewards… Hugs, Jenn
now THAT is a fabulous idea.
and i LOVE me some GLITTER!
🙂 guess what I'm doing this weekend???
p.s. love Martha's glitter box too! 🙂
It's our last day of school, too. What a great and fun idea. There is no end to the wonderful things you can do with Martha Stewart glitter.
Cute toes!!
So cute! Makes me wish I had a little girl to do glitter toes with! Maybe I can talk one of my friends into doing glitter toes with me instead:)