There’s nothing that makes me happier than when I see bloggers changing the world for the better. That’s happening right now with Swap a Smile. Amy from The Idea Room and Heather from Whipperberry have teamed up to change some children’s lives. And I am so excited to join in to help in this wonderful endeavor by donating one of my projects!!
We as women and mothers delight in the joy of raising our families despite some of the frustrations and effort it takes. We delight in hearing and seeing our children grow and learn, and we strive to put their needs before our own. Their heartaches are OUR heartaches and their joy is OUR joy. So imagine if you had a child who was beautiful and happy in everyway…but who did not have a beautiful outer physical smile to match the beauty of their inner smile?
Every three minutes a child is born with a cleft — often unable to eat, speak, socialize or smile. In some places these children are shunned and rejected. And in too many cases, their parents can’t afford to give them the surgeries they need to live a normal life. Whereas, most of us are blessed to be living in Nations and countries where we have access to basic services and healthcare for our families which is there to help us help our children to lead healthy and normal lives.
We feel that women everywhere have the same basic tendencies to nurture and care for their families and feel that automatically connects us as social beings. A group of us wanted to be able to use this crafting/DIY community and find some way to give back to others, to be involved in something that was bigger than us and our blogs, and do something to actually make a difference in the lives of women and children who are just like us.
Operation Smile is a charity organization healing children’s smiles, one operation at a time.
Operation Smile, is more than a charity organization. They are a mobilized force of medical professionals and caring hearts who provide safe, effective reconstructive surgery for children born with facial deformities such as cleft lip and cleft palate. Each operation costs approximately $240.
With this is mind, we created “Swap A Smile” to raise funds through an online auction of DIY and Craft Bloggers’ past projects. We would love for you to join us in our efforts to give back to others who need help. It only takes a little bit to go a long way. Our goal is to be able to give at least 5 children new smiles and help them to live the life they weren’t meant to live.
Find out more about this amazing auction and what I am giving away by clicking on the “more” button…
We reached out to some various bloggers and asked them to help us out with and unique charity auction to raise funds in hopes to be able to help a few children by giving them a smile.Each of these bloggers have generously agreed to auction off an item that they have made recently and shared with their readers on their individual websites. Below you will see a list of all of the items that are being auctioned off. You can access each item by clicking on the link or the image and you will be redirected to that persons site and the item that they are auctioning off.
The auction will begin immediately and will end on Friday, October 14 at 12:00 pm PST. Each item has been assigned a shipping cost that will be added to the highest bidding price. The item will go to the highest bidder. You can bid on an item by leaving a comment on the individual’s post leaving us your name and the price you are bidding.
If you are not interested in bidding, but would still like to help out, we have also made it so that you can donate any amount to help us out with this great cause! Every little bit helps!
We will be writing a follow up post and providing everyone with a screen shot of the PayPal account and keep you updated on our progress so you can be sure that your money is really going to support this cause.
I am giving away a set of “Trick OR Treat” Pillows!
{with black lettering, not grey}
To win these pillows, just leave a comment with the amount you would like to bid. All money goes to Operation Smile. $5.00 will be added to your bidding amount to cover shipping. If you are international, the actual shipping cost will be added to the winning bid amount.
The auction will begin immediately and will end on Friday, October 14 at 12:00 pm PST. The pillows will go to the highest bidder.
Here are the other beautiful items that are being auctioned off for such a great cause:
{if you would like to bid on any of these beautiful items, click on the picture and it will take you to the post where you can bid}

i bid $60.00
Hi Dominique!!
You won the Trick or Treat pillow covers for Swap A Smile. I know it’s getting close to Halloween, so let me know if you would rather me make you some Thanksgiving or Holiday pillow covers in the same style and I can do that instead.
If you could send you money to this following Swap A Smile PayPal address and include $5 for shipping, then I will be able to ship the pillow covers to you:
Here is Heather’s email for PayPal: [email protected] via Paypal
Hi Jen –
Not sure if I should be reaching out to you about this or someone else…but I tried to click on the PayPal Donate button above, and all it did was bring my directly to my own Paypal account.
There was no where that led me to Swap a Smile to put in an amount to donate.
Do you have any more information as to how we can donate money directly?
Thanks so much – love your pillows BTW 🙂
Let me check on that link for you Jessica. Sorry about that!!
Jessica —
Here’s the direct link to donate to the Save a Smile paypal account —
Is it still possible to add an Item to auction off and link up..???
I would LOVE these!! I will start the bidding at $50.00…
Yay! First (but probably not last bid). I will start it at $20.00
Amy » Thanks Amy!!