Fall is such a wonderful time of the year.
I love the weather right now with a slight chill in the evenings.
The leaves are starting to change.
I am thinking about getting my sweaters out!
Pumpkin pie.
Hot chocolate.
Hay rides.
Apple cider and hot doughnuts!
I have a few really exciting events that are coming up.
One of them is a special week celebrating Autumn with some special,
very talented bloggers!!
It’s going to be a wonderful, jam-packed week with tons of
great ideas
and fun!!
I hope you will join us!!
- On Monday, Myra from My Blessed Life will share a craft/decor project…
- On Tuesday, gear up for some delicious inspiration from Deborah at Taste and Tell...
- Wednesday I will be talking about crafts/decorating with a fun Fall tutorial…
- Thursday Liz, from Hoosier Homemade will share a delectable project…
- Friday, the ever cute Amy from Positively Splendid is going to show us how to spiff up our wardrobes with a fashion project…
And — we want YOU to join in the fun!!
Each day we will have a link up where YOU can share your ideas!!
Plus, there are going to be some exciting giveaways too!!
I’d love it if you wanted to grab a button and spread the word. It’s going to be a fun week and we would love to have everyone come join in the festivities!!!

PS — Coming up this week:
A beautiful giveaway tomorrow
Tuesday I have a Ruffly, Fall project to share!
Another fun giveaway
And a couple great Guest Tutorials