I painted my front door!

I decided to go with black because it’s classic. But my porch needed something to go with the new paint job. I have loved Cutting Edge Stencil’s Houndstooth Stencil from the first moment I saw it.
So I thought it might be fun to stencil a houndstooth rug for my porch!!

Cutting Edge Stencils sent me one of their amazing Houndstooth Stencils as part of The DIY Club. Then I headed down to my local hardware store and found an indoor/outdoor rug for $19.99! So I brought that home and got to work.
The first thing that I did was I taped the edges of the rug. Since the rug was a different size than the stencil, I wanted a nice, crisp border going around the edges of the rug.
Then I started stenciling at one corner of the rug. I used the same paint that I used to paint my front door. And I also used a foam roller.
**One tip I recommend is to have a piece of newspaper handy to roll the excess paint from the roller before you roll it onto the rug.
**Another tip is to not push too much on the stencil as you roll – it can stretch.
I pushed a little too much and it made my lines a little wonky, but overall I really love my new rug! It makes such a stylish statement!!
Shelley made me a really cute House Number vinyl, but it’s been so cold that I haven’t been able to put it on yet 🙂
Have a great day!!
xoxoPS — It has been so fun to see YOUR favorite projects of 2011. I have spent the last few days going over them and they are amazing!!! I will be wrapping up my favorites tonight and announcing who won the custom brooch!

Wow, what a great idea, painting a rug! I'm gonna have to try it!
I LOOOVE it doll! Wish I had half the time to even think on making something for MY porch at present! I guess I will just have to be happy drooling at yours lol! xoxo
Love the door and the rug, but what I'm interested in is the wreath. is that multiple sizes of ornaments. I love those colors and that giant snowflake. did you make it? how do i get one?
So freaking adorable! Love the wreath too.
oh my gosh chick. love it. my friend makes fun of me for loving houndstooth so much. glad to see i'm not the only nerd. 🙂
Love it!! I am going to have to try the rug idea! My question is…what paint did you use for your door? I am looking to paint my door, and although I have to wait for the winter months to subside I want to be ready! Thanks!!
That looks great! Are you getting past quatrefoil? Cuz I saw some at Target yesterday and thought of you, so you better not yet!
Love the black too!!!!
I love the idea of putting your house number on the door with vinyl! Great idea!
I love the idea of putting your house number on the door with vinyl! Great idea!
i love it jenn! the black makes a huge difference, and I love the pop of color and pattern from the rug!
Everything about this project is phenomenal, even the wreath on your door that wasn't mentioned. I would have NEVER thought about painting a rug. I want to paint my front door too, but am stuck on color choice.
I love love love this! I need to paint my front door too, and will paint it black. We have a security screen (black) so we can't have a cute thick door mat and I've yet to find one I really like, but WOW! I might have to do this 🙂
I love the door. I need to do mine too. I am also interested in the details of the door paint, primer, etc. Maybe an update to this post?
Ahhh… LOVE it. Cannot wait to show my hubby a photo of your new BLACK front door! I've been hinting ever so fiercely (ha!) to repaint our door black – he wasn't quite sold but I think your pics of your finished product might push him over the edge!! Thank ya!
Fabulous door…beauteous rug…L.O.V.E. the bench! I have a bed frame sitting under my stairs waiting to be adopted. I just found him a home!
Jen! The door looks great, and the rug is magnificent. Have I ever mentioned how incredibly talented you are?!
It looks SO good!
Is your door metal or wood?
Love, love, love this! I have been *really* wanting to paint our doors. After winter is over… I just might do it. Did you leave the door on? Did you brush or spray? It looks fantastic!
You are simply amazing! The first thing I did when we moved into our house was paint our front door black! Instant pop! 🙂 I am tempted to paint the inside of my front door black too!
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I am just trying to keep up with you! 🙂
Have a great day!
Jenn {redberrybarn}
Love the new look! Really like the rug. I painted all my interior doors black in the hopes that it would hide the dirt. I also liked the look of the black doors. Do you know that my tribe can still manage to get black doors dirty? I'm waiting til spring to paint my back door. I did the part facing outside last summer. Now to do the inside part. I'm afraid that the steel door in Michigan winter will not take too kindly to paint. Add that to my to do list!
Awesome job Jen!! Love the color that you chose for the mat, it looks great w/ the black!
I am a sucker for anything houndstooth. Your front porch looks so inviting..I want to come over! 🙂 Did Home Depot have different colors of the outdoor rugs?
I love the rug! It looks so chic and fantastic. What a great idea.
I love the black door. Ours is a dark red, it was teal when we bought the house 7 years ago. It is due for a spring update. I think you did a great job with the rug!
Wow, really really love this. It would be freaking awesome inside a house too…but does the paint get all hard and crusty? Do you think I could do it to a plain cheapie rug from Walmart? Apparently I need a ton of help in my decorating skills. 🙂
PS the black looks great!
Oh, this is fabulous ~ but don't know which I liked most–the door, the rug, the wreath or the bench made from a Jenny Linn crib. WOW what a first impression your front makes!! Beautiful!
love the door & houndstooth is one of my favorite patterns!
i have been in the mood to paint lately. i just finished my daughter's room and now i think i'll move down to the gym! 🙂
new year projects are so fun!
This looks awesome, it makes the door pOp!
WOW that turned out great. I would have never in a million years guessed you painted that with a stencil!!!
I am just loving those pillows…love it!!
sandy toe
How completely unshocked will you be when I tell you I love it! ;D
WOW-totally awesome! I live in a community with strict HOA rules and we aren't allowed to pick our own door colors without approval..trust me, pretty colors like that black are not on their list 🙂 Rug is fantastic!
It's gorgeous! I love the color of the rug too!
The door looks amazing, and the rug is so cute, I wouldnt want it getting walked on!
I would love a front door like this but am stuck with a horrid plastic one!
I am joining in the crowd that is hoping you'll share what paint/color/primer/etc. you used on the door! I have been wanting to paint our double doors black for a while but am too scared I'll screw it up! 🙂
The rug turned out perfect, as well!
Your porch looks so inviting. I love the black door. I've been wanting to paint mine black for a while. I cannot wait until Spring to do it! Your rug is awesome! Love, love, love it!
I agree with share tips on the door. 🙂
that rug is awesome. how fun with those colors. love it!!!
the door looks great! in the past i've always had a hard time painting our front door. i could never get it even for some reason. your door looks like a professional did it. your entry looks so colorful!
It looks great! I love the rug!!!
-Kayla from
It's gorgeous Jen! The whole front porch looks stunning!
Hope you are having a fabulous 2011 so far!
Wow… it looks amazing!!! Don't get me started with the outside of this house. : )
It looks amazing. I love that rug!
The rug is fab! Great job! I love black front doors. I was going to paint mine black but I was afraid none of my wreaths would show up well. Your wreath looks great on the black.
I love the door, I love the mat, and I love the wreath. It's all beautiful. I've been wanting to paint my door but haven't decided on what color yet.
Yowzas. That's a great looking rug.
I want to paint my front door! It is ugly and white. My shutters and accents are black. OK not to ask for a tutorial but what kind of paint (gloss, eggshell, etc.) and how many coats and what type of brush did you use?
Great job Jen!
Wow that looks really amazing!! And the bench is still one of my all time faves!
Oh my word, Jen…I love me some houndstooth, so I am loving your rug–and the *new* door. Cute winter wreath too…I was wondering today what to put up in the absence of my Christmas wreath. 🙂
wow, looks great! Would never know it's a stencil and such a great time of year, post holidays, when everything is looking a little blah!
the rug looks just amazing, and the black classic door allows the awesome rug to be the star and plays well with it. fantabulous as usual!
Awesome! I love a black front door! The rug is amazing too. Nice little facelift!!! Great job!
Oh my gosh I love it! My door needs repainted so bad, but we are renting haha.
That rug is rocking my world! you go girl!!!
This looks fabulous! Houndstooth is one of my all-time favorites, but I never ever thought about using it in my decor. (Maybe because I wear it a lot and got stuck in that box.) I don't have a porch, per se, but I am thinking a cute one in spring colors on my patio might be necessary in a few months…
Thanks for the inspiration. Again.
I did a front door face lift a few months back…it's also black. I will be looking for a rug that I can stencil because that is an AWESOME addition =)
So, Houndstooth and I are supposed to be an item. What the heck? Are you trying to steal him away? Boo! You'd probably win, 'cause I can't compete with your awesomeness. Oh bother.
Love everything about this. And next time you get an itch to re-do front doors….
My house has a delightfully granny glass one that would be happy to oblige you. YUCK! It's top on my list of "fixes" for this year.
I'm still confused as to where you get the energy to do all this….but you should bottle it and sell it in BULK! Loves!
You are a genius. I love this idea and all it's possibilities! And go figure, I'm on the search for a new doormat!
Oh man! My front door is in desperate need of a facelift! Any chances you're going to give details on what kind of paint you used? Primer? Finish? I may just have to be a total copycat here because that looks so amazing!
the door looks great painted black!
what brand did you use? and i love just adore the rug!! great job!
Pure {and adorably} GENIUS!!!
Houndstooth is my absolute favorite pattern…well, right under polka dots, of course!
This looks terrific!!!! I've been trying to think how I could make a houndstooth stencil… but now I think I'll just buy one! Fabulous job!
This looks terrific!!!! I've been trying to think how I could make a houndstooth stencil… but now I think I'll just buy one! Fabulous job!
WOW! What kind of paint did you use for the door? My door is in DESPERATE need of paint, but I don't even know where to begin….
Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree
I have been wanting to paint my front door black and now you have inspired me! What brand, paint color, and type of finish did you use? Do you have to put any kind of sealant on it?
Oh fun!!! I would've never, ever thought of painting a rug!! Do you think the paint will wear off quickly?
You have a beautiful front porch! The updated door is quite chic. I'm feeling inspired to update my porch now. 🙂
Looks great & reminds me that my door is in serious need of painting!!
Question~ are those little blinds for your sidelight windows? And do you know where to get them?
[email protected]
Too cute! I love the aqua! I am drawn to all things aqua and turquoise…I feel like my whole house is white and aqua!
Love it!! Looks so good
Love love love!!! The black looks amazing. I love that your porch is big enough for a large rug, too 🙂 We just have an uncovered stoop- and the paint on the door fades SO much 🙁
LOVE the rug! I love your porch area, it looks great!
What a GREAT idea with the rug! I have been looking for rugs for months now, but it never even occurred to me to paint my own! Thanks for the inspiration as always! 😉
Looks fantastic! Good job!
I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love the rug!!!
I can't get over that rug! WOW! Love what you've done with your front door, too…the color makes everything POP! I think your snowflake wreath is pretty snazzy, as well!
that rug is just too awesome.
The door and rug look great, Jen! I did black on my front door, too, back in the Fall and I like it much better than the white I had. Plus it looks better with our new tan siding.
You have so many great ideas! I love the black and white…it will be such a nice contrast! I started a giveaway on my blog this morning! Hope you can stop by to enter! Hugs! ♥
What an adorable funky twist! I love it! 🙂
Jen, The black looks so sleek and classic! I love it.
I LOVE the black! It makes everything look so classic. And that rug is SUPER cute! Our front door is a set of double doors and I can never find a rug that I like that is big enough….maybe I should just paint my own:) Thanks for the great idea Jen!
OMG, this looks incredible! I am obsessed with houndstooth and your rug turned out awesome! Well done! happy new year 🙂
So neat! I love this! It looks great.