Have you heard of Creative Estates? It’s a Fabulous New Blogging Conference that has just been announced!! I love the concept!
What if all our creative friends lived in one neighborhood?
We could go across the street, and borrow thread instead of eggs. Go next door if we needed handmade business ideas would be ideal. Stop down the street for help with a blog design or blog post. And stopping on the next street over to see a friend’s new product or craft project? Amazing!
That’s the thinking behind the new Creative Estates Conference!!
I love it!
And guess what?? I am going!! And, I will be speaking on a panel there.
I’d love for you to come too! The conference is very affordable. It’s going to be so much fun. Plus, there are going to be wonderful speakers and great information shared! Also, there is going to be a fantastic Handmade Marketplace — and there will be no entrance fee to get into it!
Come check it out!
Creative Estates Ticket Page
Creative Estates Twitter Page
Creative Estates FaceBook Page
Registration is open! And, if you get your conference tickets right now, there is an EARLY BIRD price! But only a few Early Bird tickets are still left — so get those soon.
April 8-10
Chandler, AZ
I hope you can go – I’d love to meet you!!