Harry Potter Nimbus Broom Free Halloween Printables. Celebrate your love of Harry Potter and all things creepy this Halloween with these free printables! Just print them off for easy decorating!
Free Harry Potter Printables

Raise your hand if you love Harry Potter! We read all of the books together and we have a tradition of throwing a Harry Potter movie marathon each October, just in time for Halloween! So I thought it would be fun to create a little Harry Potter printable that goes with our tradition and Halloween!
Nimbus Broom Company Printables

As you may know, Nimbus is the fictional broom company that makes the Nimbus 2000, which is prominent in many of the Harry Potter movies. According to Harry Potter fandom website:
“The Nimbus Racing Broom Company is a broomstick company formed in 1967by Devlin Whitehorn. Its arrival galvanised the racing broom market, and its first product, the Nimbus 1000, was a revolutionary design. The Nimbus immediately became the broom of choice for professional Quidditch teams across Europe, and subsequent models have kept Nimbus at the top of the field until the Firebolt came along.”
Harry Potter Broom Halloween Printable

I thought it would be fun to make a printable featuring the Nimbus broom makers and I thought it would be great for Halloween since brooms are typically symbols of Halloween. Plus there are so many creepy elements in Harry Potter that it is the perfect film series to watch as Halloween approaches!
Two Versions of Harry Potter Broom Printables

There are two versions of this Harry Potter Broom Printable. One is black with white lettering and the other is white with black lettering. I am over at the cute eighteen25 website sharing the black version for their Spooktacular series!! So you can grab the black version of the printable on that site.
Harry Potter Nimbus Broom Printable – White with Black

The white version of the printable is available on tatertots and jello. Simply click on the link below and download the file. Then print it out!
Download the Harry Potter Broom Printables and Print Them Off
You can print the image directly to your home printer OR send it off to be printed in ANY size!! Companies like FedEx Printing and Costco offer same-day printing in all sorts of sizes. I had the printables printed in 8×10 and 11×14 sizes, but you can have poster-sized versions made too!
Create a Custom Background for Your Harry Potter Printable

And if you like the printed background on the larger frame, all you need to do is cut out scrapbook paper and add it under the print for a more colorful or graphic background!
Printables are an Easy Way to Decorate for Halloween

Print off your Harry Potter printable and pop it into the frame. Then add a couple spooky elements like a skeleton and pumpkin and in minutes you have the perfect Halloween centerpiece of vignette.
More Halloween Printables

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Halloween Pumpkin Carving Party Invitations

Halloween Water Bottle Tags
Have a Spooky Day!

I’ve been hoping someone will do Harry Potter Halloween decoration for quite some time now and I’m glad you did them. The printables are so fun and look gorgeous along with the rest of your decorations for this holiday. I’m sure your Halloween will be both festive and spooky this year.