Hi everyone! It’s Kiki from Kiki and Company and I am so excited to be here this month to share a new printable I made for you. I know Valentine’s Day is just a few days away, but I also know as a mom, a wife and a friend, that I often am needing a new idea at the last minute. Today, I am so excited to share with you a super fun valentine that you can use for so many people.
I’m kind of a geek for cool packaging. There are times I buy things just because of how thoughtful the packaging is, so I was elated with how these turned out. Have you ever seen a sour cream container at a fast food restaurant? (I also remember some popsicles that used to be packaged like this.) Today I will show you how quick it is to put together these Valentines that give quite a punch in the packaging!
To make the Valentine treat holder you will need:
+ free printable at the end of the post
+hot glue or super tacky tape
+A treat to fill them with. You can use candy or non candy with these, which is one reason I love them!
To put the Valentine treat holder together:
+ Cut out free printables. There are both rectangles and circles to cut out.
+Write in the “To/From” fields.
+ Fold sides to overlap where “To/From” space is. See pic below. Overlap about 1/4″ and hot glue together.
+ See pic below. Glue bottom sides together flat.
+Glue on Valentine sentiment (circle)
+Fill Valentine with treat.
+Glue top sides together the opposite way of your bottom.
These are super cute to hand out or give as gifts. I’m filling a few for my hubby!
I love that you can match the color of the sentiment or mix them around. They are all made with coordinating colors so any combination would be super cute.
I hope you find someone to give this extra special Valentine to!
You can check out the sentiments that are included:
Each color comes with 2 wrappers with a different pattern on each one.
To download this free Valentine’s Printable, click on the link below:
I so hope your Valentine’s Day is the best ever!
I hope you will hope over and check out these other really fun Valentine’s printables at Kiki and Company today:
Easy Valentine’s Robots {There is even a freebie valentine with this project}
Thanks Kiki! You are so creative and talented, I just love all of your ideas. Kiki has SO many amazing printables and great ideas on her blog, so
make sure to visit Kiki and Company and