Be Brave free coloring page printable. Happy Summer! My name is Kristen Duke from Capturing Joy, and I’m so delighted to share a guest post today with coloring pages! I love coloring pages, my kids love coloring pages, and I love to SHARE inspirational and fun coloring pages on my site, and that’s what I’ve got for you today! Make sure you read through this entire post, and watch the fun video I put together…it’s my birthday today, and it’s ALL about birthday fun.
But first, I’ve got this adorable “Be Brave” headdress coloring page to share with you.
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE the coloring pages craze that’s boomed lately. For years, I’ve spent time looking around the computer for cute coloring pages for my girls, and I finally decided I wanted to create some. I love my kids to color pages that have a subliminal message of happy or hope or just something I want them to think about.
Be Brave free coloring page printable.
This coloring page made me think of Jen, my dear friend who runs this amazingly creative site. I’ve known her a while, but only truly knew her heart when we spent a few days together in March, and I truly admire her BRAVE-ness and look up to her triumphing through challenges. I love thinking of my kids coloring this page, and hanging it up somewhere to remind THEM to be brave through the difficulties in life.
Download the “Be Brave” coloring page here: be brave coloring page
But wait…there’s more!!
Today, on my site, I’m sharing a free birthday coloring page printable to celebrate my birthday and usher in my new 25 Birthday Coloring Page e-book! I had noticed that were not a lot of BIRTHDAY coloring pages out there, so I decided to do something about that.
Here is a fun little video I put together for the birthday book:
Isn’t that so fun? My daughter and her friend did a great job as my actresses! So head to my site to grab the below print for FREE, and see more info about the book to purchase if you’d like.
I’m sharing all the details and different ways to use the birthday coloring page book, as well as giveaways on my Instagram page CapturingJoyBlog !! Don’t miss out!
Thanks for having me!
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Thank you Kristen — Happy Birthday!!
Seriously – Kristen is someone that I love and admire so much. She is so thoughtful and caring. I love her dearly!!
Thanks Kristen for sharing these cute and lovely printable, and cute video. And like your post title also.
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Thanks Kristen for the fun printable. And happy birthday!