Hi, TT& J readers! I’m Nat, the other half of My Sister’s Suitcase and I’m excited to be here today! I am loving the watercolor trend right now, are you? These little summer watercolor notecards are bright and summery – ready to make someone’s day!
In a world of texting and emails, it’s so nice to get a handwritten note from a friend or loved one. Whether you’re thanking someone or just letting them know you’re thinking of them, these cards will be perfect!
They are also the perfect size to tuck in a little gift card if you need an easy gift.
Who wouldn’t appreciate the gift of a cold summer treat or shaved ice?
You can download and print all 4 cards by clicking HERE.
(There are 2 to a page, different than this preview below.)
Cut on the gray lines and fold. Enjoy!
Thanks Nat! What adorable cards! I can’t wait to use these for friends this summer.
Nat and Holly have tons of great ideas on their blog. Here are a few I know you’ll love:
This Reading Nook they created is just darling. I love the way they styled the bookshelves!
And, this DIY Dalmation Print Roller Shade is just darling! They share how you can create any custom shade print you want using vinyl. Such a clever idea!
And, this Kids 4th of July game is just perfect for your 4th of July Festivities!
Make sure to Follow My Sister’s Suitcase and

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È l’ultimo giocatore altruista. Sarete in grado di selezionare qualsiasi colore desiderato dal grigio al marrone a qualsiasi altro colore si consiglia di indossare. Essi hanno anche i più alti livelli del divorzio nel paese, i tassi di povertà più elevati, i più alti tassi di gravidanze adolescenziali, il più basso dei bambini rating di salute ed i livelli di istruzione più bassi. Keflezighi, l’argento olimpico 2004 nella maratona, verrà eseguito come squa
De hecho, un estudiante de otro estado y que fue el último año de 2010 11 podría haber transferido a este grupo ‘en la hora 11,’ por así decirlo, y su su graduanda se habrían acreditado a la cohorte. (Ver este artículo y Stan Smith Mujer sus enlaces relacionados).. Para los adolescentes, el Club Auto generalmente recomienda un auto mediano que es lo suficientemente grande como para proteger a los ocupantes en caso de un accidente, pero lo suficientemente peque
I sju matcher mot Vancouver i 2011 Stanley Cup-finalen, hade Peverley två mål och två assist. Peverley gjorde båda sina mål i Game 4. Och Wharrad, H., (2010) Med hjälp av teknik för att förbättra förhandsregistrering sjuksköterska utbildning i diabetes. Tidskriften Diabetes Nursing. Men när jag frågar honom efteråt han säger att han inte hade något på min mage. Han stänger sessionen med trummor, som jag kan
So pretty thank you so much. Pinning for now as I don’t know yet when I’m going to need them, I just know that I will!
These are so cute! They’ll be perfect printed on cardstock to send to friends this summer 🙂
These are pretty! We’ve shared them with our Twitter followers 🙂
This screams summer to me! I love the designs 🙂 Have a nice day, Sophia
I love the watercolor cards super cute and just in time for summer!