Hello TTAJ readers! I’m Chris from Just a Girl, and I’m so happy to be here! Jen is such a sweet blog friend, so I’m thrilled to share a festive idea with her readers! Christmas/winter in Michigan means taking advantage of all the evergreens in my backyard! So…I made a Christmas star with them.
DIY Live Evergreen Christmas Star Tutorial
My favorite part is that it cost me $2.94! The supplies you’ll need are as follows:
- 5 yardsticks (I bought mine for .98 cents at Lowes)
- Staples
- Floral wire
- Ribbon
- Evergreen branches
- Dark stain or paint (optional)
The directions are quite simple. Form your yardsticks into a star shape. It took some small tweaking/adjusting to get it just right, and I glued the points in place. Once the glue dried a bit, I used my staple gun to secure the ends just a bit more. I stained my yardsticks with black stain (what I had on hand), but you don’t necessarily need to. I just preferred it.
After cutting a bunch of branches from a tree in our forrest, I laid out the largest ones first so I could get a clear shape of the star. I then tweaked/added as needed in order to fill in all the holes. I used floral wire to secure the branches at the tips. I also tied a couple of bottom branches in the middle as well to keep it from shifting too much.
I just kept layering and trimming until it took the shape I liked. I used some ribbon I had on hand to make a bow and wired it onto the star. Voila!
DIY Live Evergreen Christmas Star Tutorial
Side note: The day before I took these pictures it was 72 degrees. #cuethesnow!
Thank you for letting me share with you today! And thank for Jen for inviting me! Have a wonderful holiday!
Thanks Chris!
That star is amazing. I love it!!
Here are a few other ideas of love from Just A Girl:
Be sure to follow along with Chris at Just A Girl!
DIY Washer and Dryer Pedestals
How to Convert Pierced Earrings to Clip-On Earrings

Beautiful ! @Courtney : as far as I’m concerned, I used wet paper toilet and
aluminum foil at the bottom of branches last year. It worked for my Christmas wreath.
LOVE this! My only question is how do you keep it from turning brown?
Hi Courtney!
It gets so cold here in the winter that our greenery (even cut) will stay green for months! I imagine this would be quite different in the warmer regions. Thank you!