I have a fun Valentine’s Day giveaway from lilsteinstyles for you!!

lilsteinstyles is a super cute etsy shop!
{Hair Accessories}
{Big Brother/Little Brother shirts and Big Sister/Little Sister shirts}
Cristil from lilsteinstyles is giving away
TWO Valentine Shirts!!
{Valentine Tee}
Valentines Day GIRLS Tee*says*
long walks to the playground
ice cream and chocolate
lalaloopsy dolls
playing sports
dancing on the couch
picture books
if you:
own a skateboard, surfboard or have a bike
THAT’S A PLUS!NOTE: Girls tee’s (not onesies) will have matching shoulder bows, (not pictured)
Valentines Day GIRLS Tee*says*
long walks to the playground
ice cream and chocolate
lalaloopsy dolls
playing sports
dancing on the couch
picture books
if you:
own a skateboard, surfboard or have a bike
THAT’S A PLUS!NOTE: Girls tee’s (not onesies) will have matching shoulder bows, (not pictured)
These tees are available from newborn – Size 12!!
So fun!!!
Here’s how YOU can win:
*Go to lilsteinstyles — Let me know The Name of your favorite item*
for more entries:
*”Like” lilsteinstyles on Facebook*
*Heart lilsteinstyles etsy shop*
*Follow Cristil’s cute blog*
{this giveaway will run until Jan. 31st}
These tees would make adorable gifts too 🙂
And a couple winners:
#1014 — Christine @ My Slice of Life
Happy Monday!!
Keep the The Ribbon Retreat in mind for beautiful ribbon and fabric for your decorating and craft needs!!
**Special Deal — if you spend $40 you can get any item $40 and under — 50% OFF, through Jan. 31st.
And you can also get another item 50% off if you book an online/web party.
And you can also get another item 50% off if you book an online/web party.

The Valentines t's are my favorite! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm following Cristil's blog.
I just LOVE the I'm a Big Sister/Little Sister Diva Tees. 🙂
Oh my gosh, I just LOVE those V-Day shirts! So cute! I also love that orange "PUNK" shirt. Pretty sure my little guy would wear that proudly.
I like the little guy's shirt and tie. So cool! Want it for the new guy on his way!
A Photo A Day: http://www.cw365project.blogspot.com
I like the Boys aka lil dude funky orange polka dot tie tank.
I am a new follower of Cristi's blog.
TNRepublcn at aol.com
I "hearted" the lilsteinstyle's etsy shop.
TNRepublcn at aol.com
I "like" lilsteinstyles on FB.
TNRepublcn at aol.com
My favorite items are the Valentine's shirts she's giving away, but I think the boy beater ruffle tanks are super cute, too!
TNRepublcn at aol.com
I now follow her blog.
I hearted her Etsy shop!
My favorite item is the baseball dress!
I have hearted her Etsy shop!
My favorite is definitely this Valentine's Shirt!!! But my second fave is the Girl's Baseball Dress.
Definitely the Big Sister/Little Sister Tutu combo. My oldest (in ballet) and my youngest (due March 22nd) would look adorable with this matching set. =)
Very lovely kids. Great post. Thank you for sharing.
Seattle Real Estate
LOVE the valentine shirt! The description fits my baby girls to a T! So exciting… Just love give-a-ways!
I <3 on etsy!
I became a fan on facebook
I love the little brother big brother tees!
I became a follower of her blog
I "hearted" her etsy shop
I became a fan on facebook!
I love her Valentines Tee for little boys! So cute!
I would love to get the boys valentines shirt OMG too precious. If I dont win, Im buying it anyways!!!
I follow her blog now!!!
I liked Lilsteinstyles on Facebook
The SUPER lil dude yellow STAR dino cape tee is super-cute!
So love the Valentine's shirts. My boys would look so handsome. My fav thing at the site is the SUPER lil dude yellow STAR cape so my little one can fly with something other than an old blankie.
Thank you so much !!! I was so excited when I got email saying I won the ribbon certificate!!!
The V day shirts are my favorite! So funny and cute!
i {heart} the shop on etsy
[email protected]
i like the Boys aka lil dude funky brown damask tie tank!
[email protected]
Valentine's Day Boys Shirt without a doubt! That's genius AND adorable!
I <3 her page on Etsy.
I like the little boy dino cape.
Aww, the funky orange polka dot tie onsie is ADORABLE!!
The little boys punk tee is so cute!
I love the big bro/little bro shirts!
My favorite is the Valentines day tees. I want to get one for each of my kids. So cute!
[email protected]
I now follow hey blog 🙂
I hearted the shop as mommydoes
My favorite item is the SUPER lil dude yellow STAR dino cape. I would love it for my little boy.
I Heart lilsteinstyles etsy shop:)
i Like lilsteinstyles on Facebook:)
I am in love with those Valentine tees!!
I LOVE the Valentines Gril tee. It is soooo precious and so absolutely perfect for valentines day! The dresses are adorable as well.
Super cute upcycled funky vintage blue swirly girl top-
SO stinkin cute i need one!!
Love the Little brother big brother shirts. I have three boys and they would look so adorable in those.
[email protected]
I love the matching tutu for the "Big Sister Diva" t-shirt.
I am following Cristils blog
hypersky5 at hotmail dot com
I like the Super cute upcycled funky vintage pink swirly girl top 3-4T
hypersky5 at hotmail dot com
I like the retro tube dress.
I follow "Then There Were Five…"
i {heart} lilsteinstyles on Etsy
I like lilsteinstyles on FB
I love the Valentines shirts, but the germie stoppers are great too!!
I follow Cristil's cute blog.
I heart lilsteinstyles etsy shop.
I like lilsteinstyles on facebook.
I love the Brandons Boys Survivor tee.
I follow her blog
i like her on FB
My favorite is the vintage halter dress
I love the valentines tee for girls and the hair accessories, lots of super cute items, even the tutus!
following Cristil's blog! 🙂
My grandson is still so little, and I would love the valentine shirt for him. That is my favorite in her shop. Jackie
like lilsteinstyles on facebook.
I heart her shop on etsy!
I LOVE the valentine shirts for boys and girls-so sweet for my little kiddos!
[email protected]
I "heart" her shop!
I LOVE the boy beater ruffle tank! Too cute!!
a new follower of lilsteinstyles.
I "like" lilsteinstyles on FB.
Newborn Spunky Yellow Flower Hat is my favorite item on her site!
I hearted her on Etsy!
And I'm a new follower of her blog!
Im the BIG Brother lil dude tee
saw99a AT yahoo DOT com
And now I'm following her blog 🙂
I heart her esty's shop and I think I might be in trouble… there is so much cute stuff on there!
I "heart" her etsy shop – and may buy the valentine's day t-shirt anyways!
[email protected]
Like Lilsteinstyles on FB!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Valenties Days BOYS tee! My little boy needs one 🙂
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Valenties Days BOYS tee! My little boy needs one 🙂
I love the Etsy shop! The Funky Vintage Swirly Girl Top and the Spunky Flower Hats are my favorites!
I love the Vintage Baby Ruffle Skirt and Ruffle Button Flower Shirt
mi3ragamuffins at aol dot com
i <3 the retro Flower Ruffle Tube Halter Dress. so cute!
I love the super cute upcycled funky vintage pink swirly girl top. And of course the valentine's shirt!
[email protected]
My favorite item is the Retro Flower Ruffle Tube Halter Dress size 2-3T. So cute!!
I follow Cristil's blog.
I heart their etsy shop!
I loike them on FB
I love the baseball tie tee and the super hero dino tee! The Valentine's Day ones are so cute too!
i heart the etsy shop! 🙂
i'm going with a win for the girls valentine shirt because i am BUYING the boy one right now! super cute! thanks for the giveaway!! 🙂
I think the boys and girls v-day shirts are really cute and i like the hair stuff love it.
I think my favorite actaully is the V-Day tee. So original and adorable!!
Already her blog follower!!
Already Heart lilsteinstyles etsy shop.
Already like lilsteinstyles on Facebook.
Love the little boy's Punk tee!
I now follow the blog!
I like on facebook
I hearted her on etsy
I loved the dino cape and the ruffle tank top girls.
im following cristils blog!
[email protected]
already heart their etsy shop!
[email protected]
already like on fb!
[email protected]
i love the lil dude PUNK tshirt!
[email protected]
And now I follow her cute blog!
🙂 Thanks for sharing her with us!
I <3 her etsy store!
I love the Vintage Ruffle Tube Halter Dress… Totally gonna order one!
I love the Super cute upcycled funky vintage pink swirly girl top! Cute stuff! ang fairey c at hotmail dot com.
I <3 the Etsy shop.
I love the Boys Valentine shirt
I like on FB
I follow her blog!
[email protected]
I liked on Facebook!
[email protected]
I LOVEEEE the Valentines shirts for little boys!! my little man would look super cute in one
[email protected]
I love the "I'm the little brother little dude" tee–we could use that one! (Favorited the shop too!)
I heart her Etsy shop 🙂
SInce I have 3 boys I am drawn to the super hero t-shirt with cape…too cute!!
What cute t-shirts! With baby number 5 on it's way I'd love a I'm a little brother or sister t-shirt. We don't know yet! Super cute…I want one for each child now!
fav would be the boy tshirt/ cape (since I have boys)
I love the boys valentines shirt! So adorable!
I "hearted" her etsy store!
Lots of cute stuff but I'd have to vote for the big/little brother/sister tshirts. Adorable!
I think the valentine shirts are so cute. Probably my fav.
I am following Cristil's blog
[email protected]
I heart lilsteinstyles etsy
[email protected]
I follow the blog!!
I liked lilsteinstyles on facebook
[email protected]
I "liked" Lilsteinstyles on facebook!!
I love the superhero shirts!! But I think my favorite is the Valentine's Day Tees..boys and girls!! Such a cute idea!!
Im the little SISTER diva tee is so cute, but I also love the v-day boy and girl shirts.
[email protected]
The Valentine shirts are so unique and cute, those are my favorites!! love em! le(dot)tigerlily(at)gmail(dot)com
I like the vintage ruffle baby skirt
i am a follower of cristil's blog!
i heart lileinsteins etsy shop
i like lileinsteins on fb!
i love the spunky newborn hats and the valentines shirts are so cute for vday!
following on FB too!! 🙂
LOVE the little dude tee's with ties on them, but by far the V'day shirts are my FAVE!!
I liked on facebook.
I hearted her etsy shop.
I adore the ruffled baby skirt–could I get it in my size? 😉
I hearted her etsy shop!
[email protected]
I am a new follower of her blog
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I liked her page on facebook
[email protected]
Definitely loving these Valentines Day shirts. I'm particularly fond of the girls shirt!
[email protected]
I love the Dude's Valentine's shirt or the orange dot onesie!
I love the Newborn Spunky Pink Flower Hat!
The vintage ruffle girl skirt is so darling.
[email protected]
I am following christil's blog
[email protected]
I like lilsteinstyles on facebook
[email protected]
I love the little tie t-shirts and the spunky flower hats!!!
[email protected]
I follow their blog. 🙂
I like them on FB.
I heart their Etsy shop.
That vintage ruffle baby dress (http://www.etsy.com/listing/43500511/vintage-ruffle-tube-halter-dress-size-12) and the skirt/shirt set are fantastic!
the big/little sister diva shirts and tutus are super cute but I like the Valentine's shirt best!
I'm following lilsteinstyles blog!
I love the Cute little funky scrappy green and taupe fabric rosette clips!
[email protected]
I follow blog
Lisa P
I heart on etsy
Lisa P
I hearted her shop
I heart lilsteinstyles Etsy shop!
I like lilsteinstyles on FB!
I followed Cristil's blog
I LOVE the Valentines Day shirt for boys!
The valentine's boys tshirt is adorable.
Lisa P
I love the adorable hair clips! They look so perfect. Also love the valentine's shirts, too
The t's are fabulous!
Added to etsy circle!
Following ;0)
liked the FB page! Cute Stuff!
Now following her blog…Yay! more fun stuff to follow along with!!
I <3 lilsteinstyles etsy shop- such cute stuff…kinda makes me want a girl 😉
I like lilsteinstyles on Facebook
My fav is the boys v-day shirt- its so hard to find cute stuff thats not "cheesy" Love love love it!!
I follow her blog
Following on FB
Love the upcycled funky tees!
How Adorable…I love that little guy Valentine Shirt….
Great Giveaway!!!!
i follow her blog via GFC!!
[email protected]
i "liked" on facebook!
[email protected]
i LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE the valentines shirt for boys!! i have been on the hunt for one for my son to wear for valentins even if i dont win i am going to hopefully convince DH to let me buy one for my monster!!!!
[email protected]
I love the vintage halter! It's perfect and so summery!
liked them on FB
I love the vday shirts and the big/little brother shirts!! Too cute!!
love all the tutus!! So cute
following her blog via google friend connect 🙂
like her on facebook!
already added her to my fave in etsy 🙂
are you kidding?1 i dont even have to look! she sold me at the valentine's boys shirt! so cute!!
I hearted her shop! 🙂
I like her on facebook!
I love those VDay shirts! I also love the spunky flower newborn hat! 🙂 Pick me! 🙂
I have added lilsteinstyles to my favorites!!!
My favorite item is the Valentine t-shirt but my daughter's favorite (because she is spying over my shoulder) is the purple tutu!! Lover her shop 🙂
Love the girls upcycled shirts. They are so adorable!
Those Valentines shirts are TOO CUTE! Pick ME!! 🙂 I'd love one for each of my boys.
If I had a little baby girl to gussy up I'd totally want to outfit her in the Vintage Ruffle Tube Halter Dress!
The upcycled swirly girl tops are adorable! I'm thinking two – one as a dress for my little and one as a top for my big. So cute!
I ♥ that gorgeous etsy shop!
I like the facebook page!
My daughter is loving the Retro Flower Ruffle Tube Halter Dress! That is by far our fave!
I am now a follower of Cristil's cute blog!
I heart-ed the etsy page…I love this shop!!!!
I hearted their etsy shop 🙂
Congrats to the winners!!!!!
I liked the Super cute upcycled funky vintage pink swirly girl top 3-4T
Oh and my fave thing from Cristil's etsy shop is the "Brandons Run GIRLS EA/TEF Survivor tee!" Just adorable! :]
I liked the FB page!
I have "liked" lilsteinstyles on FB.
I am now a follower of Cristil's blog.
I love the Baseball print tie T-shirt!!!! too cute.
My favorites are definitely the big/little brother/sister shirts! (I'm pregnant, so I love that stuff right now!! ;))
I follow her blog!
I hearted her shop!
I am following the blog 🙂 [email protected]
I hearted etsy shop 🙂 [email protected]
Love the Vintage Baby Ruffle Skirt and Ruffle Button Flower Shirt.
I love the sushi shirt in the little dudes section AND the valentine's shirts — do I have to choose just one!?
LOVE the valentine's day boy shirts!!!
I like the funky swirly top in blue!
[email protected]
I hearted lilsteinstyles etsy shop (a secret admirer).
[email protected]
My fav is the Retro Flower Ruffle Tube Halter Dress. Thanks for the giveaway.
[email protected]
I "liked" her on FB!
I follow her blog.
"liked" the Facebook page
I {hearted} her shop!
Added the shop to my favorites
Love all items but especially the cape t-shirt combos.
It's hard to choose, everything is so cute! But I love the upcycled funky vintage blue swirl top!
*Hearted* their shop!
[email protected]
I *like* them on Facebook!
[email protected]
Following her blog.
Added her store to my Etsy favorites.
I'm a fan on FB.
I'm in love with the Valentine's Day Girls Tee!
I am now a follower of Cristil's blog
I like lilsteinstyles on FB
I heart her Etsy shop
Super cute! I really heart the Valentine's Tee for girls 🙂
I love the big brother lil sister tees!!
Followed Cristil's blog!
How adorable! I can't just choose one… but I love the upcycled funky shirt, looks cute and comfy 🙂
Love the little boys punk tee!!
I am a new Follower Cristil's cute blog … and then there were five!! What a cute blog!! 🙂
"Like" lilsteinstyles on Facebook*
Love the retro flower dress! Darling:)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that little boy Valentine's shirt!! I may just have to go buy it before the giveaway even ends!! LOL
[email protected]
love the tutus and the upcycled funky vintage girl tops
I now follow Cristil's blog.
I heart lilsteinstyles etsy shop.
I like lilsteinstyles on Facebook.
I like the Super lil dude yellow star dino cape shirt.
BIG congrats to the lucky winners!
way cute shop…love all the dresses!
[email protected]
I now follow her blog- can you see I want to win? lol!
I am a follower of her's on FB!
I hearted her etsy shop!
I'm also a follower of Cristils blog.
[email protected]
I love the V- day shirts for boys and girls ( I have both!) I love the whole shop though! 😉
I heart me the germie stopper sign! From one mom of twins to another–that's genius!!
I like them on facebook now!
My favorite is the lil dude yellow STAR dino cape shirt.
[email protected]
I love the boys valentines shirt! It is to cute!
I also Heart lilsteinstyles etsy shop.
[email protected]
I love the little boy vday shirt. Too Cute.
I like lilsteinstyles on Facebook!
[email protected]
How cute! I LOVE the lil dude PUNK tshirt! And those superhero shirt capes are awesome!
I am now a follower of her blog!
[email protected]
I like her FB page!
[email protected]
I heart her shop: Gosfam
I like lilsteinstyles on FB: Gosfam
Love the V-day shirt for girls and also the pink star cape for girls. My little one would love that!
[email protected]
Retro Flower Ruffle Tube Halter Dress is my favorite. Such cute V-day tees.
mattles22 at yahoo dot com
I love their lil dude funky swirl flower print tie. Those tie shirts are so cute.
I like the v-day shirts for my boys!!! I wish I had a girl I love the dresses
What a cute shop!
Cute little funky scrappy fabric red polka dot rosette clip are my fav's!
I added the etsy store to my favorties!!! brooke
[email protected]
Girl Boy Girl Inspired
I liked the fb page! brooke
[email protected]
Girl Boy Girl Inspired
My favorite item is the upcycled funky vintage pink swirly girl top!!! Brooke
[email protected]
Girl Boy Girl Inspired
i love the girly upcycled blue funky shirt! she has such great stuff- the v-day shirts are precious!!!