Hey there Tatertots and Jello readers! It’s me, Melissa from the Polka Dot Chair back with you today to share another fun sewing tutorial! This is my first post for Jen in 2015 and I’m so excited to be here, even if I have a hard time believing it’s actually 2015 already!
This winter we’ve been rearranging our house, which ended up being a much larger undertaking than we were expecting. We’ve moved around 2 kids bedrooms, a craft room and an office and painted countless walls.
In this process my 13 year old daughter ended up with a new room and gave us very specific instructions that she only wanted black and white and pink in her room. Her wish being our command, we complied *wink*.
In her room she has a great black and white gingham chair that she “inherited” from her older sister. I thought that it would be fun to make a cute pom pom throw pillow for it.
This pillow is really easy to make and uses some simple supplies to jazz it up a bit. If you are a beginning sewist you could totally tackle this project.
If you’d like to make one you’re going to need:
- 1 piece of white home decor weight fabric cut to 14″ x 14″
- 2 pieces of white home decor weight fabric cut to 14″ x 8″
- Jumbo Ric Rack (about 2 yards)
- Skein of Black textured yarn
- Skien of Pink plain yarn
- a Pom Pom Maker
- Some Ribbon
- Matching Thread
- 14″ pillow form
- Pen that disappears on fabric (either with water or time, get it at the craft store).
Begin by drawing with your fabric pen a grid on the 14″ x 14″ piece of fabric. I drew diagonal lines to help me, but what you want basically is a line 2″ in from the edge on all sides and a line 2″ in from that line.
Pin the ric rack to the pillow top along the lines, folding the ric rack as you go around the corners.
Next using matching thread, stitch the ric rack in place. Go slowly and use lots of pins.
Next take 2″ pieces of yarn and sew them to the outer edge of the pillow. One at each corner, and three additional on each side. Space them evenly. You want to make a loop with the yarn and have the loop facing in. I tried to pin these first but it didn’t work very well. It’s best to mark where they go then place them as you sew. You want the top of the loop to extend about 3/4″ in from the edge of the pillow.
Next using your pom pom maker make 16 pom poms. 8 black and 8 pink. If you’re not really sure how to use the pom pom maker, drop by my blog for a tutorial on how to make a pom pom. Make sure you leave a long piece of yarn on each pom pom.
On both of the 8″ x 14″ pieces of fabric (the pillow back pieces) fold under one of the 14″ sides 3/4″ and press. Stitch to hem. Then sew a piece of ribbon to the center of each pillow back piece.
Pin the pillow back pieces to the pillow front pieces, right sides facing. Sew around the entire pillow with a 1/2″ seam allowance, pivoting at each corner.
Turn pillow right side out and insert into the form. Next tie the pom poms onto the loops on the pillow front. Trim excess yarn after you tie them on.
That’s it!!
I hope that you’ll stop by and say hello.. you can find me over at the Polka Dot Chair.
Thanks Melissa! That pillow is just darling, and it looks so fun and easy to make, too! Melissa has so many fabulous projects on her blog. And her sewing skills never cease to amaze me.
Here are a few projects I think you’ll love:
I love a yummy cake recipe, and her Hot Milk Cake Recipe looks delicious!
And, I love her idea for dressing up a plain t-shirt with a DIY Embellished Pocket! So cute!
And, how cute is this Dressed Like a Daydream Tote Bag? Perfect for your teenager!
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Joel Greenblatt, grundare och Managing Partner på Gotham Capital sätta upp årlig genomsnittlig avkastning på 40% över 20 år. Konsult Lyndon da Cruz och hans team vid Moorfields Artificial Retina Unit var de första läkarna i Storbritannien för att genomföra förfarandet, vilket är för patienter med ärftliga ögonsjukdomar. Vårt erbjudande inkluderar program för gravida kvinnor, kontant ersättning för fris
Pom poms and ric rac. What?!
How cute is that!!!
What an adorable idea! I love the colors and those big pom poms. Perfect for that chair! Thanks for sharing.
A really lovely and sweet idea!! x