If you follow me on twitter you may know that I have been having major issues with my laptop. My 10-month old HP was having a hard time. I’ve had two keyboards fall apart on me … and recently the hard drive crashed and it has been refusing to boot. (I think it’s a fan problem.) I need to send it in for service but I can’t bear to be without it.
So when Glam contacted me about receiving a new Windows 7 Notebook PC from Staples — I was so excited!!
{ I may have done a happy dance – just sayin’}
I actually love Staples because of all of their office supplies – but I hadn’t really checked out their computers before. They have quite a collection of laptops, with even more available online. I spent about an hour trying to decide which one would be perfect. They had HP, Toshiba, Acer and Dell models to choose from. Many of the laptops were on sale too. I finally decided on a Toshiba — sleek and fast!
The salesman, Coby, was a great help. He explained all of the features of the computer and when I was ready to checkout, he took care of all of the details.
Now this is my favorite part of the entire experience — the FREE data transfer. Staples is having a special right now — it’s usually $79 but right now is free. All had to do was drop off my old laptop and Coby moved everything over to the new one.
I dropped the computer off with him at 4 pm and it was done by 9pm.
That was wonderful!!
I opted to go with the 2-year warranty to be safe. Since my husband travels so much and he’s the one that usually fixes my computer, I thought it was a good idea. If something goes wrong all I have to do is take it back to Staples and they will fix it for me for no charge. Totally worth it, in my opinion.
And another cool thing is Staples throws in free Windows 7 classes right now if you purchase a laptop through them. I really should do that so I can find out about all of the new features.
The Toshiba runs Windows 7 (Home Premium 64-bit) very fast – it is very snappy even compared to my last laptop, and it’s light years ahead of the one I was using even two years ago. Windows 7 is a lot easier to use than Windows XP – the wireless setup is easier, it’s easier to manage files, and it even has cool media features to play DVDs and music. The snipping tool is my favorite. Toshiba’s put some other stuff on the laptop I’m dying to try like the automatic face recognition when I log in.
I am LOVING my new computer.
Keep your eyes open for super-fast blog posts from me from now on with this new system – LOL!!!

*disclosure — I received this computer from Glam, Staples and Microsoft — but all opinions are my own.
Ijust got the same laptop from the same place! great minds think alike 😉
I just bought a new computer in January but stayed with the desk top one. Hubby bought a new lap top in December and he loves his. These were our retirment gifts to ourselves. LOL We are both finding it challenging to get around in Windows 7. I downloaded some pictures last week and still have not found them and it will not let me redownload them. Keeps saying they have already be transfered. Going to take a lot of getting used to . Got mine at Staples and have actually bought every one of my past ones at Staples. Not had a problem with them or their service. They have been very good at questions we have had.
Have fun with your new one. ( Have to say that Granddaughter has a Tosheba and was told they are the best ones to buy, this coming form her professors at school. She is a Senior in college so it gets a lot of hard use. ) She loves hers.
How awesome!
That is awesome! When we moved, I gave our second laptop to my mom so she would be able to skype my daughter, Hallie with it! Now it's a constant battle for the laptop with my husband. I would kill for a new one!
Awesome Jen! You're going to be unstoppable now. That data transfer is great. Losing my old data is my biggest fear every time we upgrade.
Congrats on your new setup!
I also have an HP laptop with issues. In fact, I'm waiting (impatiently!) for it to come back from servicing right now. Please hurry! LOL Fortunately it's on its way back as I speak but it's pretty frustrating that so many HP laptops seem to be having these problems with overheating. I upgraded from Vista which came installed on my laptop to Windows 7 a few months ago-a big improvement! I think I will appreciate it even more when I get my computer back after using XP on this older desktop while it was gone! Oh, and thanks for a wonderful blog full of awesomeness! 🙂
New/faster laptops are the BEST!!! And a free one is even BETTER! 🙂
I LOVE Windows 7. It is such an improvement. I got my new laptop for my birthday and added MS Office 10 which is also a big improvement over the last version.
ENJOY your new toy.
WOO HOO! I just got a new laptop in January after lots of computer Drama. SUCH a relief and such a reason to do a happy dance!!! CONGRATS!! Hope it fits nicely in your bag too 😉
You are a rock star!!! A new laptop! That's awesome.
I've got an HP and have had 2 overheat problems that required replacement parts. I checked it out and while they're good computers they have fan issues. Always fun to know after the fact, eh?
Looks like you like your new computer. The Toshiba was a great choice.
How awesome!! You're going to be blogging at warp speed now! 🙂
thanks for the info-i'll have to check that one out-we're thinking of getting a laptop or 2 since it's about time we get the computer out of my son's bedroom-used to be the computer room
I love that you had your information transferred. I had to have a friend do that when my old laptop died. What I really need is an external hard drive for back-up. :s
Yay for a new laptop! And how cool that they transfer all your information for you!!
Lucky you-good for you I hope you will enjoy it. I have a Dell notebook with Windows 7 Starter and it stinks.
Congrat's, Jen!! I upgraded to a new laptop right after Christmas. Hate to tell you… but, we didn't have good luck with Toshiba. But… it could be that all brands are made pretty much the same. I now have a Dell. So far, I love it. Windows 7 is awesome!! I wish I could have taken a class on how to use it, tho. I feel like it can do so much that I don't even know about! Can you tell me what "snipping" is??? ~ Have fun and enjoy!! 🙂