I found some Decorative Ball Forms on clearance after Christmas, so I thought it might be fun to make some ruffled fabric balls. **This is a fast and easy project**
I went through my fabric stash and found any fabric that was pink or red.
I ended up using materials I already had on hand, so the only thing I bought was the forms.
And if you don’t have any ball forms — try this trick. Take some plastic bags and wrap some tape around them to form a round shape!
Here’s how to make this fast and easy project:
Take your fabric, cut it into 1.5 inch strips. I didn’t specify the length, I just cut a bunch of fabric and ended up with some left over for another project.
Then I ruffled the fabric. Here’s a tip — set your sewing machine to the longest width and the longest length stitch. Then when you sew the fabric stitch, the fabric automatically ruffles. It saves so much time!!
Once all the fabric is ruffled, it’s time for the hot glue. And I just have to say — I recently got this Hot Glue Gun Helper set. How did I ever survive without something like this for so long?? I have burned myself so many times — in fact I almost always end up burning myself when I do a project that involves hot glue. Plus, the mat protects my work surface so much better.
And, I have this TERRIBLE hot glue gun. I hate it. It drips hot glue everywhere and I always end up having to peel the dried glue off of everything. Well, the hot glue drips just ROLL off this mat. It is the coolest set. Seriously.
Ok, start at the top of the ball. Add a dab of glue and start winding the ruffle around the ball until you get to the other end of the ball. Easy peasy. Now, your ball may look a little crazy. That is alright.
All you need to do is get a pair of scissors out and trim it up.
So there you go, now you have a festive little assortment of balls to add a little Valentine color to your cold, wintry day.
And, you can make ruffle balls for any occasion.
I plan to make some to match my Ruffle Pillows and leave them out all year round!

And guess what???
I have an extra Hot Glue Gun Helper set
to give away to one of YOU!!
I have an extra Hot Glue Gun Helper set
to give away to one of YOU!!
(update!! This giveaway is now closed!!)
I think this is the Must Have crafting tool. Everyone needs one of these. It comes with 7 pieces that are going to save your hands.
Each kit contains:
3 fingers
1 craft mat
1 Press Wand
1 Paddle
1 tweezer
1 craft mat
1 Press Wand
1 Paddle
1 tweezer
You will love it!! Plus – it’s so cute {squeal!!!} And it proteects your hands and work surface up to 600-degrees. Wow – that is hot!!
Here’s how you can win:
- Just leave me a comment telling me why you need this set.
and if you want an extra entry:
- Leave a comment on the Hot Glue Gun Helpers Blog.
That’s it!
Have a Super Delightful Day!!
which is really wonderful. It’s a place where people can share their secrets in a supportive environment. Go on over and take a look – I think you will love it!
I’m linking to these super fun parties — be sure to check them out!!

cute craft for Valentines day..
cute craft for Valentines day …
I confess…..I am crazy for crafts. I have always had a love for anything I could do to keep my hands and mind busy. I’ve recently retired and I have so many projects in the works. I surf around the web and find things that I say to myself, I could do that, and I do. I would love this set to protect the tips of fingers and my counters. Please …. Please….I need this so much!!! Pick me!!!!
Maureen » This is an old post Maureen. I’m sorry the giveaway is now over. Thank you for stopping by my blog though!! xoxo
I am too old and stiff but I enjoy crafts I two have problems with hot glue guns . Burning myself,getting too much on project ect. Sure think one of thehelpers would help my situation.
This kit would be great to have. I live out in the country & don’t get into the big cities to any kind of stores that would carry this item. I would love to have it, I do alot of crafts, and I am constantly burning myself with the glue gun. When my grandkids come to visit, the glue gun gets a big workout, cause they are always wanting to make crafts to take home to remind them of being at grandma & papa’s house.
Cheryl Sutton » Hi Cheryl! Thanks for stopping by the blog!! Unfortunately, this is an old post and this giveaway is now closed. I will update the post to reflect that. xoxo
Never knew they made such a thing what a fantabulous idea. Have a few scars from hot glue. Is there a site that it can be purchased from?
Thank you for your kindness.
Dala Johnson » Hi Dala. You can purchase the kit here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/hotgluegunhelpers
Hot pink glue gun set?
No more nasty burns to get
Are you kidding?
Just sets my heart to fluttering…
When I think of all the fun ahead
New ideas fill my head
With six grands I’m one proud G’ma too
And am always ready for new crafts to do
Thanks for the chance to win this great prize! Sue
Susan Hammill » Hi Sue! Unfortunately, this giveaway is closed. This is an old post. But, thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! xoxo
This glue gun set is sooo cool!!!! I need it BAD!!! I was always burning my fingers on mine, then I loaned it out, and Never got it back !! I so need this!!! 🙂
What a cool kit! Why didn’t I think of that? I would love to win Thank You, Beth N.
I would love to win this to save burning myself and to have a nice work space to use the hot glue gun with.
I do not use the glue gun very well as others have stated burned fingers and drips on furniture. I love the idea of making these cute little valentine balls. Thankl you. I do not sew so this project sounds very interesting .
[email protected]
I have several of the old glue guns awell. Didn’t know they made a kit with finger protections. This would be a great birthday gift for me (Feb 12th). Love this package. Love the ruffled balls and pillow projects (tater tots and jello). Will be giving them a try!!
Love this idea!
Would love to win this package. Did not know there were so many cool tools to help with hot glue gun projects. Love the mat! This will definitely save me from trying to find something to put on the table before using the hot glue. Thank you!
ik weet niet wat een Hot Glue Helper is.
maar het lijkt mij een handig ding mijn lijmpistool lekt ook altijd.
die ballen zijn super leuk.
Gr Liza Braat
Yes!!!I love this. My fingers are raw from the glue gun I have and it is hard because I do not feel everything due to nerve damage to my left arm and hand. Something like this is wonderful to have but living on a fixed income means not getting what you want only what you need. I love this idea!!
I definitely need this set. If I ever turn criminal (ha) the police won’t be able to use my fingerprints as I’m sure I’ve burned them off over the years. Would love to have this set.
Love the ruffled ball idea and will definitely try it.
Thanks. Rosalie
would love always burning myself with a regular hot gun
What a cute idea! I love my glue gun, my kiddos joke that even though I don’t like to sew, I can make anything with a glue gun! That helper set looks fabulous!
Very Cool Idea! Only i would probably just leave my fabric unruffled. Love it!
What a great give away! I use a glue gun nearly everyday. Love making wreaths for funerals and home decor. Hate it when I peel skin off along with hot glue,painful to say the least!!
I would be oooohhhhh so grateful for this. I don’t use my glue gun anymore because of the burns, I have arthritis in my hands and don’t always have a lot of feeling, I can’t tell you how many times I burned my fingers because I pulled the trigger too hard and glue went everywhere and the mess was well, a mess. Having a mat and finger protectors – what a joy that would be. I’ve been using bottled glue but you just can’t do eveything that you can do with a glue gun. And on disabilty, it’s more than likely not in my budget in like, forever lol. I want to win, really – everything I’ve written is true. I’m semi wheechair bound.
so, so cute. lovvvve these simple, customizable ideas that can be tailored to any holiday/decor.
I need that glue gun set! that kit is the perfect marriage of adorable and practical. I am a huge hot gluer, since I was first allowed to use my mother’s at seven years old. 🙂 but I can’t tell you how many of those big puffy blisters I’ve subjected my poor fingers to. andddddd… pink and black just happens to be the color scheme of my craft desk!!
Hi I have read your post. The ruffle balls are an excellent idea! I am an educational assistant working in a special education class. This kit would be a wonderful asset for my kids. I do a lot of arts & crafts and every time I would have to glue gun the crafts for them. The kit would allow them to do it on their own. thx
Wow what an ingenious idea this set is, didnt know they existed until now, I last used my glue gun several christmases ago and it was such a bad experience I havent used it since, ive seen many crafts that use glue guns, but have had to pass on them for fear of more burnt fingers, iam disabled but try to keep myself busy with crafts when iam able. I would love to tackle the crafts ive not been able to up till now and would love this set, do you know where I can buy one please? Thank you for showing us this tutorial and broadening my mind.
I would love to have this “Hot Glue Gun Helper” set. I’m trying to make roses out of plastic spoons. When the heat from a candle starts to melt the spoon, I have to work quickly with my fingers to form a petal on each spoon. Boy!! those spoons get hot. I have several burns on my fingers. Plus having a mat that will with stand that much heat,will diffently save my table and table cloths. If this great gift does not come my way, where can I purchase this set? Thanks
I just love this. I do alot of glueing with the grandkids, this would be a great help.
I need one so I don’t have to peel the hot glue off the counter!!:)
This glue gun kit would be great to have. I can’t use my glue gun without getting burns and blisters on my fingers and hands. I am a diabetic and have neuropathy in most of my fingers, so don’t always feel the hot glue right away until it is really burning. I would love to win this glue gun kit. Your ruffle balls tutorial was great.
my fingers are as nimble as they were. I’m pushing 70 and still loveto craft,but when you get all these glue gun burns, it turns you off. Sure could use this wonderful new aid
My favorite DIY’s require hot glue guns (I prick myself with needles all too often, resulting in blood spotted beauties). Last glue induced project (ruffled tree skirt), left me with burn marks on my sacred finger, the finger every busy, yet flustered craftster should need… the elusive left middle “bird”. I’d like to keep that one ready so when my husband decides to tease, I can give it right back (unmarked, pristine, and preferably pink!).
As I never win anything can you tell me where to purchase this wonderful finger saving set!!
The glue gun kit looks like such a lifesaver for somene who is a challenged hot glue gun grammy like me.
I too am constantly burning my fingers using the glue gun.I have a little stand my gun sits on but it usually ends up on the table with glue all over. I would love this set!
Please pick me! I’ve burned my fingers many times before, but the last time I used a glue gun, I was making an art doll and accidentally got a huge glob of super hot glue on my thumb. It hurt so badly I thought I would pass out. The intense pain lasted for several hours, and it took forever to heal because the burn went deep into my hand. It’s been two years and I haven’t had the nerve to use a glue gun since. This would open up new possibilities for me, and I would love to have this set. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
Fabulous! These balls are really cute, would love to win. Thanks!
I’m totally with you. I am constantly burning myself when I use my hot glue gun. I like using the glue gun because it is so easy and handy but the burns are horrible. I have even tried using popsicle sticks but the glue sticks to them also. Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful glue gun pack. Thank you and everyone have a blessed day.
This is soooo easy and my mind is rushing with the posibilities of different holidays and events.
I am a stay at home mom of three boys. I am always trying to find new crafts for them to do that are not “girly” and for this this would be perfect! They can do some manly ones and we can throw them all together! Since they are young, I do worry about them burning themselves on something so very hot. My youngest walks away from things easily and getting hurt would be a big deterrence! Anything to keep them using their creativity would be a big help!
My goodness, how nice of you to offer this cute set as a giveaway! I love the idea for the Ruffle Balls as something really unique for Valentine’s Day and the glue gun kit just adds to the charm of the project because no one likes to think of getting those little burned fingers when we are making something fun . I have a disease similar to M.S. In which at times, I may burn myself without realizing it until later. I used to do a lot of ceramics with my kiln but had to give that up because of the burns. I have to admit that I have avoided using my glue gun but would certainly welcome having a set that helps with “no more burns”!!! Thanks for the project and also the thoughtful giveaway offer you have!
I have burned my fingers more times than I can count… I’ve tried craft sticks and straightened paper clips… This set looks wonderful and would be awesome to have!
Hello, My name is Abigail. My Mammy just commentd to you (Patsy) and I want to also. I told her it would be really great if one of us would win the hot glue kit. She has 16 grandchildren and she teaches us how to make beautiful things. I think I love to craft with her the most. I am 11 years old and would love to start a craft business with Mammy and my Mom. I would really appreciate the hot glue kit if you choose me.
I love to do crafts of all kinds involving a hot glue gun & I do get burned , but I would love to have the nicer, safe, burn prevention supplies not only for me, but because my grandchildren could do so much more with me! Your beautiful ruffle balls were an inspiration to me and I have been dreaming of several types to make!
You are soooo right! It’s why I do everything I can berfore I resort to hot glue. I’d sure love to win it. I know I would hot glue a lot more if I did. Super glue has so many drawbacks and tacky glue just doesn’t do the same thing. I love the ruffle balls and plan to make some soon.
Thank you.
I still have scars from making 15 Sweetheart trees for Valentines Dance at church one year. Hot gluing paper leaves and blossoms to naked trees is dangerous work! LOL
It would be fabulous to win the 7 piece glue gun set ! Boy, do I know what you mean about burned finger tips and peeling glue off of everything. Just 2 days ago, I printed out a hilarious saying from the internet which said, ” I craft; therefore, I have no thumbprints.”…(..with a picture below the saying of a gluegun. ) Thank you for having the give-away. I really enjoy your DIY crafts and lovely photographs !
My mom would LOVE this!!! She always looks like a spider web after the glue gun…lol!
I'm a crafty grandma, and I just went from one granddaughter to five grandchildren in less than a year! Top that!!! In leaving my legacy behing for all my adorable babies, I want to teach them that the best gifts are those of love and time. Fortunately, that includes crafting…unfortunately, it occasionally means burned fingers. I could really use this 7-piece set, and it looks durable enough to last through my lifetime and be passed on to my next generation! Thanks for the chance of winning this awesome craft set! Linda Robertson
My poor fingers need this set!! I would love to win this!!
Hi Jen! Thanks for this cute and easy idea. I have some young men in my sewing class. It's sometimes hard to find easy, beginner projects that appeal to boys. This is great. Since I will handle the hot glue gun, I want to set a good and safe example of proper use for the children. I know they will appreciate not seeing me singe my fingers and making a mess on our sewing table. Thank you, Renee
I really need this for my HUSBAND'S SANITY! Bless his heart, HE is the one that has to listen to me fussing because I have burned my fingers yet again, or gotten hot glue on my dining room table for the umteenth time. He threatens to leave home every time I pull that old glue gun out, and I SO need him here to help me with the Band-Aids. Thanks for this opportunity to save my crafting marriage.
Wow lots of comments. I don't know how you will be able to chose which one. lol some are so cute! Mine is kind of sad. I am so fortunate to be able to create by crafting. For me it is a great stress reliever. And I need relieving. My husband was dx with ALS (Lou Gehrig disease) last March it has progessed rapidly. I care for him now which has replaced my job, caregiving is my job. I love him and want to be with him as much as I can but I need mental breaks so I have been able to set up a space for me. A space where I am near him when he needs me yet where I can escape to and create. I know right where I would put your cute little thing thanks for sharing.
My gg and I have a "love-hate" relationship. And now that I have a daughter that's old enough to use it, she too has experienced the reason for the "hate" – glue everywhere and OUCH! that really burns! So, I love the kit – and LOVE your blog. It makes me smile….everytime. Thanks!
I'm always too impatient to wait for the glue to dry and always end up with red marks on my little fingers. It would look much prettier if the tools were pink instead of my fingers. 🙂
What a fabulous tool for crafters everywhere. This is going to make millions of people happy. If I had a glue gun helper kit then my 9 year old daughter and I could make more crafts together because then I wouldn't have to worry about burnt little fingers.
What an amazing little invention. If you've ever had a hot glue gun you know how amazing the hot glue gun helper is. It's going to make the lives of crafters a much less painful hobby. I would love to have a hot glue gun helper because then my 9 year old daughter could help me with more crafts. Thanks for the chance to win!
I know there are a million comments here, because it's a freebie. But I really like this idea, I was looking for something to make for when my husband comes home from deployment, How cute would red white and blue be?? Not to mention I want to decorate our house by the time he gets back DIY style. So a hot glue gun helper set would help my "craft stress" go down. I won't have to worry about the table I made, the rug I made or even my fingers, I work at a salon on base to pay for my crafts! And hot glue is not great for awesome haircuts!
I LOVE pink! In a house full of men I have finally been allotted a corner of our home office for my crafting paradise! (I'm so excited I giggle every time I think about it) I have been enjoying every minute of creating an organized, beautiful space with the color scheme of pink and black…..my favorite. The only pink area in my home. This would replace the small antique I currently use while looking beautiful with it's sassy self sitting there. Thanks for another great give away opportunity.
LOL, I NEED this helper set because I don't know how many times I have burned myself with hot glue. I also neeeed it so I can make some of those gorgeous ruffle balls. They look like a lot of fun! Now I'm off to see your ruffle pillows…
I think the better question is why would I NOT need this set?? But in all seriousness, how awesome! And cute too!! What a table/finger/mess/time saver!!
Just dropping by to let you know that I linked to this post in a round up today from the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. 🙂 You can see the feature here
If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!
I would love to have the finge tips especially. The hot glue burns hurt and keeps me from crafting. ouch Thanks much for the chance to win.
That ball idea is awesome & I really need that set because my glue gun is still in the package. I'd convinced myself it would be too messy/easy to burn myself so it's sitting all lonely waiting for me to play with it. That kit would totally change everything.
Reasons to need the HGGH:
1. it's pink
2. it's been at least 6 years since i've used my GG due to a bad burn with it. :o(
3. it's pink…
4. there are TONS of little projects I'd love to do w/ my 5 year old (Mommy put glue here!) that you just can't do w/ regular glue…
5. it's pink :o)
many more…but this should give you an idea… :o)
i commented on HGGH blog as well
Thanks for letting us know about this great tool!
need this mat terribly. I craft almost everyday and I am beginning to have a hot-glue-leftover-mountain on my craft desk!
Wow, very lovely and festive project! 🙂
I need the protection set because I don't wanna further hurt my hands. I already got 2 cuts from cooking this week! Ouch! Anyway, thanks for the giveaway.
I'm having the very first giveaway on my blog. Please stop by to submit an entry. Good luck.
I just used my glue gun the other day and looked everywhere for something to put the glue gun on. This is awesome! Must have. And I LOVE the ruffles in the jar! My favorite.
First, the ruffled balls are so cute! And this hot glue helper kit is wonderful! I have spent more years than I can count buring my fingers, hands and arms!
I need it just because it is so cute! Seriously just want to look at it all day 🙂
I love this product and I want one soo bad. I have been burning myself for years. I have ran an arts and crafts group for Kids with Cerebral Palsy for the past 12 years, I'm forever glue gunning everything myself because my helpers and even my older kids are scared of burns. This would be awesome so some of my kids could help with the gluing and save me from doing it all myself.
I check the hot glue helpers blog all the time, and I left a comment that I was visiting from your blog.
I need the hot glue helpers because I want to use cool tools in pretty colors. Sure, I've been using the eraser end of a pencil instead of my index finger to hold down something, but what's the fun in that?
I want to win this because I can never find anything to set my hot glue gun on when I travel to friend's homes for craft night! I always hate asking for something because I forgot to put it in my bag.
mls624 at gmail.com
I have definitely burned myself before…usually when pressing things together. This would SAVE my poor little fingers! 🙂
Oh, I had no idea these little dillys existed. I can go back to using my glue gun and not worry about losing my fingerprints!
=O OMG, I´d be the happier girl of Mexico! I´d love to make some crafts of my favorite hobbie: swapping in swap-bot =)
oh I forgot to mention thank you for the tip if you don't have the styrofoam balls. I have been racking my brain for what else I could use for a project I want toto do. It doesn't have to be styrofoam since all I am doing is gluing things to it and since I am too cheap to buy them. The bigger sizes are just too pricey when you want multiples. Thanks again
Absolutely amazing. This is an answer to every crafters prayer. No more burnt fingers. I only wish I had thought of it, lol. Shoot I even hot glued the hem on my wedding dress, hehe
Of course I need it to help keep my counters glue free. Do you think it will help with the not burning myself problem?
Ok, 2 things!
One, I really need those little finger potector things. I've burned myself WAY too many times.
Two, I love your little ruffly balls! Super cute!
Oh wait, three things!
I'd love for you to link this up to my linky party, Tute {Yourself} Tuesday!
LittleEme.blogspot.com 🙂
These are darling, oh yeah and I NEED the hot glue gun helper. serious danger of burning off my fingerprints over here 🙂
Oh! I'm loving those ruffle balls ~ too cute!
But *swoon* over the glue gun set… I cannot use my glue gun without burning the crud out of myself & I also always get glue all over the place.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful tools!
I could use this so bad. Maybe I will quit having blisters on half of my fingers every other moment.
I posted on their blog also.
What a BRILLIANT invention!
my fingers hurt after crafting and this will take away the pain… that's why i need it!
I need this because i always seem to burn my fingers using a glue gun.
Hey! I am Erin, I made these cute little suckers! Here are mine: [email protected]
Thanks for the tutorial! I love your blog! you have the best ideas! and give me so much inspiration!
I need this because i just burned myself yesterday doing a project. My kitchen was covered in glue strings and it looked like I had spider webs all over.
I always burn myself when I use my hot glue gun! It is so frustrating! This set would be great to have! Thanks for a chance!
I left a comment on Hot Glue Gun Helpers blog!
bbgal04 (at) hotmail com
I need this because, well I need it!!! I love my glue gun, but hate burning my fingers and long strings of glue. I have been needing some hot glue helpers desperately!!
bbgal04 (at) hotmail com
I love the ruffle balls! And what a good idea the glue gun kit is! I just burned my finger last night!
I visited the Hot Glue Gun Helpers blog and left them a comment 🙂 I would love to win one!!!
This little kit is too cute! It would save my fingers and I could throw away the paper "happy birthday" plate I currently use as a drip catcher! 🙂
How cool!!! I need this because I use my glue guns (yes I have more than one) all the time! Such a great giveaway!
Love the valentine balls too!!! They are so TT&J style! 🙂
I soo need this set! I have gotten blisters so many times from my glue gun! I have a terrible habit of touching the glue to arrange or re-arrange everything I make!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I must win this, I don't know how I can go on without this one. It would be a great tool to use while crafting with my glue gun. BTW I am addicted to this blog, I love all the great ideas!
thanks, [email protected]
What a great idea! Every time I use my glue gun I burn my fingers!
Oh I need this sooo bad! I constantly have burns over all of my fingers and my poor little craft table is in shambles because of my glue all over it!
My fingers are begging for this kit since I burn them every single time I use my glue gun.
Love the VDAY balls! Off to make some now!
What crafter wouldn't want this set? I can't tell you how many times I've burned myself with my glue gun. This would be awesome to win!!!
I need it cause I'm so clumsy and get burns from my glue gun all the time!
How in the world have I never heard of this? I hot glue all the time and I think my fingers are calloused because they have been burned all the time… I need this! Thanks for the giveaway!
I had this on my Santa list and he missed that entry. Would love to win one.
OMG. Speaking of….I was just making some felt flowers, and what do you know…I burnt myself twice! I need this!
I commented on her blog!
I need this set because I just replaced my glue gun and this would go perfectly!
I love how amazing hot glue is, but why so painful!!?!?! I would love a set like this, I didn't even know there was another option, other than icewater…
I totally need this set my fingers really need the protection. They are still recovering from the last hot glue project.
Love the ruffed balls too.
Im pretty sure I dont have fingerprints anymore I have burned them so many times. Plus I have a craptastic glue gun too that leaves little piles of hot glue! so so annoying.. I need this! This is the coolest thing ever!
I still have a scar on my wrist from hot glue being dripped there when I made a diorama back in like 7th grade….I need some tools to protect me from the glue since I'm apparently clumsy when I use it. 🙂 I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this set to DIY hair clips and such for my little girl!
I need this because I plan to do a lot more craft projects in the near future and I need the right supplies to go forth and conquer the crafting world! Love you idea for the valentine's day decos. Will definitely be trying that out!
I need this to save my children from walking around the house saying swear words they learned from me when I burn my fingers!
K. LOVE the ruffly balls. For real. LOVE THEM!!!
And I NEED that Hot Glue Gun Helper set! That is genius! I use my hot glue gun so much and my wood table is not loving me for it – to have the glue just come right off would seriously be amazing!
This is perfect because tonight I was making some decorative balls out of felt and was using my moms hot glue gun…(I am new to all this crafting) and I burned my fingers way too many times. It would be awesome to be given the set rather than going out to buy my own in the next couple weeks! What a fun giveaway!
Love the ruffles so cute!! I NEED the set because I burn myself almost every time I use my glue gun!! 🙁
I need this so much! I burn my fingers all the time when I use my hot glue gun. When we first married and lived in an apartment we couldn't put nail holes in the wall so I hot glued stuff to the wall for decorating! My husband thought I ruined the walls until I showed him how easily the glue popped off with no damage!!
Thanks so much, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
Definitely a need, not just a want! Burned fingers and glue globs. So glad I checked in today…this is fabulous. Thanks!
I am so bad with a glue gun I keep a bowl of cold water on the counter because I will burn myself at least once or twice when using that glue gun. Please pick me!
I love this idea! Where do you go to get one of these babies? I would LOVE to get one, and my hubby would appreciate it I didn't keep burning my table. I use my gg pretty much every day. Oh, and I am DYING to make these valentine balls. My jars are all sad and empty after Christmas. Thanks for the great idea!
Oh I hope this giveaway isn't closed!! I need this set because of the crafts I don't attempt for fear of being burned…just think of all the new projects I can complete!!
[email protected]
I need it because I just got some fabric to make myself some ruffle balls for Valentine's Day!!! Thanks for the cute idea.
Wow! This would be great for the times that I pull out my gg! I'm always afraid of burning my self…and that mat sound amazing – no more glue stuck on your work surface – AMAZING!!!
I have the worst luck with making major messes with my hot glue gun. But I still love the thing and what it does for me!
My hot glue gun and I are frenemies…I love it, but hate the burns and mess. This would make us friends again.
I have never heard of this kit! I would have to give it to my daughter who just got her first glue gun for christmas, so that she can do crafts with me. It would be great to save her little fingers from burns.
Love the ruffle balls ~ especially displaying them in an apothecary jar like that! 🙂
I use a glue gun all the time and have a fairly nasty scar on my hand from a particularly unpleasant burn. This little set looks awesome!
Love love love it! I need this sooo bad! I am so *crossing my fingers to win!* Thank you for the chance!!
~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~
[email protected]
i need this not only b/c it is cute but b/c my girls and I are always burning our fingers with our gun. We use hot glue for so much around our house
i need this not only b/c it is cute but b/c my girls and I are always burning our fingers with our gun. We use hot glue for so much around our house
I love the idea of this kit!!! I have only recently appreciated the functionality of the Hot Glue Gun – and a burn from one nearly threw me off a six foot ladder this summer. Ouch!
[email protected]
Very cute ruffle balls! The Hot Glue Gun helper – what a fantabulous invention. I need this set because I (like you, and apparently everyone else) burn themselves when using their gun and glue drips in inconvenient places. I love the press wand – it will save more poor fingers from blisters and is a lot better than a pen. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
I commented on their blog!
It's not so much that I need the mat (currently my glue gun travels with a paper plate, this would be a much more eco-friendly version.) I need the finger protection. When making my mad hatter hat, my middle fingered burned so bad it blistered! I am a crafting mess, basically anything that can go wrong will go wrong, but that doesn't scare me away! Although I think my boyfriend worries about me!
I need this for my own protection! I've burned myself so bad with hot glue that it has blistered up and oozed puss (gross, I know). But that's why I need it!
I need this because I love doing crafts with my kids and they burn themselves as much as I do! I actually saw this product on another blog and mentioned it to a friend. We both agree this is a perfect problem solver! So excited you are doing a giveaway with this product!
Adorable and pretty easy! Just my kind of project. Great idea, thanks for sharing.
My first aid kit is out of burn cream…can't count how many times I've glued my fingers!! Love the ruffled balls. We're stuck in 18" of snow today so it's a good day to give it a try.
Hey Jen! We've been snowed/iced in Atlanta going on day 4 here and I am going nuts, but so excited to be catching up on my blogs! And I love this valentine project, especially cause my bday is 2 days before valentine's. So I totally NEED this glue gun set. my sewing skills are minimal but I have learned how to ruffle. ruffles and a glue gun are bff! lol.
I wish I would have known about this earlier. I did a gingerbread party this year and made about 15 houses. My fingers would have loved this.
I need this so that my counters (all counters in my house) and table will be forever glue free! The tools would make my projects so much easier and of course would save me from burned fingers 🙂
I don't know how many blisters I have given myself with my glue gun. It's a given that it will happen! This set would help me not have any new scars on my hands. Thanks for the chance to win.
This is an awesome give away! Any one who uses a glue gun needs these, me included!
These are fabulous. Love them!
I need this kit because I am just getting started as a novice crafter. I recently purchased a hot glue gun and it would be awesome to have this kit too!
These ruffle balls are adorable! We ALL need this kit!!!….but please be me that gets picked! lol 🙂
Am following the hotgluegunhelpers!
Hmmm… I think the biggest reason why I need this is because I tend to smudge my finger in the glue before it cools and then accidentally get it somewhere else on the project. Oh, and the burns too.
Ooooh, i NEED this, because just today I was working on a project and a big drop of hot glue fell off of my project, onto my finger and UNDERNEATH my finger nail!!! Ooooouch! I now have a huge blister under my nail and on the tip of my finger!
I need this cause have looked for one all over Bombay and cant find one…I'd love to own one and make lovely projects with it 🙂
I need this because my kids always want to help when they see the hot glue gun, but I'm too afraid they'll get burned!
Oh this is great! I love crafting but hate getting glue on everything it isn't supposed to be on…like ME! This would be so nice! I hope I win!!
I need this because the last time I used my glue gun, I not only burned myself but I also had nowhere to rest my gun so…. I rested it on top of a coffee cup and I couldn't get the glue out and I had to throw the cup out!
Oooh!!! I WANT this!!!! My husband says I got hot glue all over our couch and now I have to lay a towel down before I can use it! This kit looks fabulous!!!
Who doesn't need one of these! I almost always burn myself when I whip out my glue gun! It will also cut down on my trail of dried glue I leave behind! This is super cute and pink!
I need this because I can't seem to use a hot glue gun without burning my poor fingers!
Stefibeth @ aol.com
I left a comment on their blog!
What a great idea! I totally need this. I burn my fingers all the time! Plus it's pink and it matches my craft room!!! 🙂
I would absolutely love this! I am just starting out crafting and am desperately in need of tools for crafting. Thanks so much!
I will just keep this simple. I need it because im tired of getting burned.. Strings everywhere. Thanks for giving us this chance to win this awesome pink thing that brings joy..
I do all my crafting at my KITCHEN TABLE!!! so I really NEED this kit. Plus I can't tell you how many layers of skin I have lost to my beast of a hot glue gun! No, seriously, I have two hot glue guns and they both sound like the siblings of your little trouble maker. Lol. This is an awesome giveaway. Thanks for sharing!
I love your little ruffle decor balls!! So cute!!
I would love to win the set because I just got a new glue gun and I already have a new burn to match! Ack! 🙂
Oh my, what an great invention! I need this because I have burnt myself more times than I can remember (most recently this past weekend making a bow holder for my daughter!). Currently, I use the lid to my rubbermaid container that I store my glue gun is as a "dock" for my glue gun. It is lovely – build up from the past ten years! I am sure you can imagine how beautiful it is. I will run over to their blog now!
Wow! Not sure how something like this got by me…very cool. I need this as am still picking glue off of my dining room table, my computer & my son's highchair after he "helped" me with a xmas wreath project!
I just became a follower of Hot Glue Helpers and left a comment on the scarf post. Really, it is too, too cute!
This is a great giveaway! WE need this! I always have at least one blister and my son (without me knowing) burnt his NOSE of all things while making me a Christmas present! How sweet is that? What sacrifice.
This looks awesome, I need the set so I can quit worring about burning my fingers!!
Phenis2031 at yahoo dot com
Anyone who says they don't need this is crazy! I'm currently using a saucer from my Fiestaware dishes to catch glue drips and would love to put it back in my kitchen cabinet!
I DEFINITELY need this set! When I was making a fall wreath with raffia, I burned my thumb SO BADLY! I had to ice my thumb for hours and had a huge blister! I always seem to burn myself trying to use hot glue!
i need this because i always joke when i give a gift that involves my glue gun, that a little piece of me is in it, aka a piece of skin from my fingers that got hot glued to it! that and that to protect my area i use the lid to a old shoe box.
I had no idea they had a kit like this for glue guns! I definitely need one – I burn myself nearly every time I use mine!
The hot glue gun helper set is the answer to my craft prayer ☺. I need it because I think that it is better to wear the "3 fingers" than a band-aid over my burned fingers… LOL. I'd love to have the press wand among my craft tools.
Love this little Hot Glue Gun Helper kit! Especially the little finger covers. I can not tell you how many times I have singed my digits because I needed to hold something in place after putting hot glue on it. Matter of fact, I'm just now taking a break from gluing some jute to some cubscout invites…. Yes, I'm doing my best to keep from getting an owie on one of my fingers 🙁
Thank you so, so much for this opportunity!
I totally need this! I always have hot glue all over my counter and it's ridiculous to clean up.
Hot glue drips make great tears but my softies are tired of being sad. They NEED the hot glue gun helper.
[email protected]
second degree burns…seriously. Haha, that is why I need this! Maybe then I can brave the HGG again!
[email protected]
Ooooooooh,cute ruffle balls! I have paper like the orange and pink one,I love it 🙂
I need it. Just 'cause. Hahaha. No,seriosuly, I use my glue gun multiple times a week for various random tasks and really,the fingers look sweet!
Left a comment on HOT GLUE HELPERS blog too =) Don't forget to PICK ME !=)
I need this set because everyone at my school where I teach teases my team about how often we burn our fingers on hot glue guns! It's a running joke! 🙂
Okay, those ruffly fabric balls are a SWELL idea! Just might do some of those!
TOTALLY need the hot glue helpers thing….did I ever show you the twine balls I made? I had some serious burns on all SIDES of my hands. It was pathetic. So if you could just go ahead and pick me, you'll save me a lot of trouble =)
I also commented on the HGGH blog. I must have this… hope I can get it on Amazon if I don't win one!
I SO need this….my fingers would thank you 🙂
my poor blistered fingers need this… they get burned almost every time! What an awesome kit!
That is the coolest thing ever! This would have helped when I made my feather tree before Christmas! I would love this because I soemtimes avoid crafts that involve hot glue because I hate making such a big stringy mess and oh what to put the hot glue gun on. Usually it ends up on a scrap of cardboard which seems to make a bigger mess.
Ooo! I just discovered the joy of felt flowers, which are assembled via lots of rolling and hot glue. My fingertips are a battlefield!!!
I always burn my fingers – doesn't matter how careful I am!
I need this because we just refinished our Kitchen table and I've been too afraid to pull out my glue gun since then!
Posted on the other blog!
Wow I love those ruffle balls! I need this amazingly kewl st because if I was to rob a bank using only my thumbs and index fingers, I would never be caught! tee hee
My glue gun is constantly flopping over and refusing to stay upright so it won't melt glue all over everything! I need this!
The HGGH are brilliant, I once covered a basket with over a hundred felt rossettes and came away with such bad burns I have shied away from most glu gun projects. This would be so wonderful between the finger protectors and the wands I would be a glue gun machine lol. Thanks for the contest and heads up, the HGGH blog is a treasure trove of nifty ideas.
What a great giveaway! I need this because I have a hair bow and tutu business and 95% of the items that I make involve hot glue! Just imagine how many times I burn myself in one crafting session….LOL! Thanks for this great giveaway and hope you have a wonderful week!
I need this bc after a hot glue project I am left with no fingerprints. Although that may not be a bad thing. Guess it depends what line of "work" you are in. 😉 Thanks for a nice giveaway!
left a comment on hgjgc! great find! kristinmik at gmail
oh goodness, i would never admit to needing any help with my glue-gunning skills! (however, my poor fingers would certainly tell another tale…) is there a tool in that kit that gets rid of the spider weby things too???
kristinmik at gmail
I Love you colorful ruffle balls, soooo adorable. Why I would like to win…Because no fail everytime I get the hot gule gun going I burn myself…No Kidd-en!
Many Blessings, Deborah
Your Vday balls are so cute! Must gather supplies and whip some up myself!
I NEED this set as I'm tired of burning my poor little fingers all the freaking time.
Oh, I make the biggest mess with my glue gun! This would save me (& my 8yr old indentured servant) so much time scraping glue balls off the table, counter, and everywhere else they land. My finger tips would be eternally grateful, too!
Wow! They should have thought about something like this years ago!! As a crafter… I know the glue gun is hot, I know the glue is hot… but… do I pay heed? I'd rather not confess to silly mistakes; these tools are a necessity for me! lol
Like you, I'm constantly burning myself. I would love to get this set it is so cute and I would use it a lot!
[email protected]
I've been burned by hot glue a number of times, literally! So has my tables, clothing, and a few other things! I usually spaz out and grab the nearest object to scrape the burning glue off my finger, needless to say there is remnants of glue left on blankets, clothing, etc! Ick!
Super cute ruffle balls!
I burned the hooey out of my middle left finger trying to repair our wreath during the holidays. Had to ice it for over an hour.
Jen-these are super cute! I guess I have a special glue gun/or maybe it's el crapo. It's a low heat one and I never burn myself. I love it!! Although, I did request the new cordless glue gun for my birthday, so maybe this would come in handy!! You are fabulous as always!!
I really really need this as the last time I used my glue gun I burned my finger pretty bad and had a nasty blister.
[email protected]
if you where to see my blistered finger tips you would know why i needdddd this kit 🙂 hope i get lucky and win this one . thanks for sharing..btw luv the tutorial
The ruffle balls are so pretty!
I really need this glue gun, because it's pink (my favorite color!!) and I am always burning myself. It's it not the glue gun, it's the iron or oven – ouch!
I just left a comment at their website…and became a follower.. I hope they make tons..this is a great product!
posted on the Hot Glue Gun Helpers Blog 🙂
The Valentines balls are such a creative and pretty idea! I love when I can reuse or repurpose leftover pieces! The hot glue gun set would be great for my 12 yr old daughter to use she has recently found her crafty and creative side but fears the glue gun since she got a nice couple of burns from her latest repair project! anyways brilliant idea! Keep up the good work
Oh my goodness!! I could use this hot glue helper sooo much! Because as it implies, I need it’s help. I hot glue EVERYTHING, that little gun (why such a harsh word?!) is literally my best friend:) haha
pick me!
Oh and for a more practical reason why i need it, I use hot glue with a lot of the fabric flowers I make, and this doesn’t go well because all the glue strings that the hot glue gun causes, it’s a major PAIN to clean up!
I need this because I use hot glue quite a bit and I need something easy like that to get hot glue off of – that sounds way better than having to pick it off whatever other surface you're using!!!!!
I NEED this set so I can stop using my kitchen counter as my glue gun mat… and those tools, dont even get me started 😉
wow, I love new ideas and wonderful time saving and digit-fingerprint savers!!! Love your blog…keep up the good work!
I would love to win this kit. What a finger saver…and counter top savor this kit would be. I also got lots of ideas on the glue gun helpers blog. Thanks
I commented on the Hot glue gun helpers blog.
I love this set! I will have to get one so I can stop burning myself when i make flowers and ribbon bows
I need this… and so does my coffee table!!
I need this or I may never be able to give fingerprints again :LOL: I cannot for the life of me keep an area of my house glue free, and apparently I cannot keep the skin on my fingers either =)
How AWESOME! I have never heard of these before!! I need it to save the feeling in my fingers!
I need this because I literally GASPED when I saw it…where has this been all my life?! My poor fingers that are afraid of glue guns did a little dance of joy…and being the only girl in a house full of boys…I LOVE me some pink!!!
Definitely need this to cut down on the burns and blisters!
Love your blog and all your ideas! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
I use my hot glue gun so much and have gotten glue in the carpet, in my hair, burned my fingers, etc. I didn't even know something like this existed! Thanks for sharing! I hope I win!
Oh, let me count the reasons….from burning my fingers to gluing my project that I'm working on to the paper I have it sitting on. It takes me a lot to want to use my glue gun. I've been eyeing this set since it came out. I think it could make my glue gun my friend again!
I need this so that I may be able to get through just one project without yelling in pain from burning my fingers…again!!
I left a comment on the hot glue gun helpers blog.
I need this because I always burn my fingers!
I use my glue gun almost ever day bof my life, and evreytime I use it I get burned. I constantly have blisters and burns on my hands. Even my elbows from time-to-time – don't ask.:)I WOULD LOVE TO BE BURN FREE!!!!
I desperately need this because I've just resumed crafting after a decade+ break and I'm definitely a little dangerous with the glue gun!
This is brilliant. I want it! I need it to save my fingers and my clean mouth.
Scenario: Rebecca burns herself badly using hot glue gun. Rebecca proceeds to curse like a sailer. This is very uncharacteristic of Rebecca who does not like cursing. Thus, Rebecca needs the hot glue gun helper to save her fingers and potty mouth 🙂
I have traces of glue everywhere! I do not like to get burned! If I had this I bet I would use my hot glue gun a whole lot more too!
That hot glue helper is great, I wish I would have thought of that. Right now I use a paper plate and my fingers! I love your blog.
My fingers would LOVE this!
just looked around their blog and posted there 🙂
just looked around their blog and posted there 🙂
I wish I would have thought of this super cute glue gun helper kit! I am in desperate need of this kit because I am constantly burning my fingers. The last time I burned my fingers my hubby actually said "I think you need to lay off of the glue gun for a while" and I almost went had a fit. This would be perfect for me. On another note I do my crafting at my dining room table and the mat would be perfect for protecting that surface.
I have just started "crafting" in the past month and a half or so. I'm a stay at home mom of two wonderful boys and never thought I was crafty or creative at all! I stumbled upon your blog and a couple others that I like (love yours!) and now have this sense of inspiration to make my house a home and try my hand at creating/copying cute things I find. I would love this handy dandy tool set to help when when hot gluing. I have a cheap-o glue gun that gets the job done and over Christmas used it a lot doing projects, but burned myself quite often. I am building up my stash of materials and would love to grab this handy set!
Oooo I could use those badly! I just got a new Singer for Christmas and I"m dying to put some new projects on my table!!
oh my goodness. just last night I burnt myself 3 times until my husband finally told me I had to call it quits with the crafting for the night! The set would be wonderful to have!
I totally need this! I just my glue gun just about every single day. And I still have a scar on my finger from my last got glue burn. This would be so dang helpful! 🙂
Well since my fingertips are gone from working fast food as a teenager and then as a crafty mom, I would say that qualifies as a WINNER!!!
Oh, yes! I do need this because I ALWAYS burn myself when I use my glue gun. If I don't win I will be buying one.
Thanks for your spiffy ideas.
Left a comment at HGGH Blog
I need this because I AM going to be THE NEXT American Crafter. WORD.
Haha I need this because I burn myself every time I use a hot glue gun! Then I get really frustrated and give up before I kill myself!
I posted on their blog 🙂
I really need this because I make my headbands with hot glue and am always burning myself…it is getting ridiculous! Crossing my fingers that we get chosen!
I need this because it would work a lot better then my fingers! I constantly have burn marks all over my fingers from trying to use inanimate objects to fix my hot glue!
[email protected]
Oh man. This would be so helpful when i make my little etsy shop projects. What a great giveaways. Thanks.
nicolemilkie @ yahoo.com
I absolutely love love love the ruffle ball project!!
I am actually in need of a new hot glue gun. My friends took mine and never returned it, hence my freeze in crafting :/ I have to save my money a little bit longer for school supplies.
I actually would love this set because I don't even have a glue gun yet! I've recently married and haven't ventured to the store to get one, but this craft has motivated me to get a move-on! Thanks so much!!! 🙂
[email protected]
I need this because I burned my fingers too many times to count this weekend while making flower brooches!
I also left a comment on the blog entry about the adorable scarf ("Hot Glue a Winter Scarf!"). Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
[email protected]
Ok..first off….these ruffle balls are just tooo cute!!! So happy and fun!! Love em!! 🙂
And ohhhh my!! The Hot Glue Gun Helper Set!! Yowzerr!!! Where has that been all my life! Since the age of 11, I think I've had a glue gun holstered to my side!!… and a bowl with an ice cube very close by for burnt finger tips! :/
This is perfect!! Yep! NEED it!!
No more burnt fingers!! Or glue on my tablecloth!!!
Pick me! 😉
Happy Happy New Year!!
xoxo Jenny Holiday
What a sweet giveaway. I would definitely be able to use this set because my poor fingers need some protection. I was just making some lace flowers today and I accidentally squirted myself with hot glue at least twice. 🙁
Thanks for letting me enter!
[email protected]
Didn't even know they made this and I so need it. I burn my finger with each new project!
i use my glue gun constantly because i can't sew yet! i need this!
chelslawrence at gmail.com
I am a glue gun junkie! I always try to glue everything so I don't have to whip out my sewing machine if I don't have to. Unfortunately I have a terribe gun aswell am I've ruined my kitchen table, fabric, carpet and walls due to me peeling the glue off everything! I'm awful, this would be a life (and marriage..hehe) saver!
i can not sew so i am constantly using my glue gun for all projects! this would make it so much easier!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com
I'd love to have this set. I currently use newspapers to try and keep the glue off of everything. doesn't always work.
What a great giveaway! I really need this set because I'm about to start making a slew of winter wreaths and I really don't want to lose half or all of my finger pads in the process (I burned myself so many times making Christmas gifts!). Thanks again. 🙂
I need this because my craft table has several melted holes from my glue gun!
I left a comment on the blog! Thanks for the chance to win this!
i need this for two reasons, i am getting divorced and will be decorating a new house very soon. just the way i want to decorate and i have a 5 year old girl who is a craft fanatic! thanks!
This kit would be such a big help! I'm always looking around for something to use to press down on things I've glued together… it's usually my finger and I usually get burned!
Oh wow! Why DON'T I need this?! I always end up getting glue everywhere and burning myself. Plus, it's pink and super cute!
Oh wow love those Valentine balls…they would look so cute on my buffet. Thanks Jen for sharing and all the wonderful things you share.
Love to win the glue gun helper…would help this ole ladies fingers out a lot.
I need this set because I continually burn my fingers with the glue gun!
I need this because between all the cooking and crafting, I'm starting to lose feeling in my left index finger.
I also just left a comment on the Hot Glue Gun Helpers BLOG…. i think I may contact them too…. XO
Also made a comment on the Hot Glue Helpers site. Would love to have this!
CRAFT-O-MANIAC- always crafting and the one craft product I TRULY use the most is A GLUE GUN. That is why I should win this. PLUS ITS PINK that is my signature JenGlamGirl color. WINKS- luv ya!
Love the idea of not causing bodily harm every time I pull out the hot glue gun. The kids look at me funny when I yelp like that!
OH' my Jen- THESE ARE TO stinken cute. I love decorative balls for apothecary jars, baskets, etc. SO CUTE. I get sad though when I read a craft involving a sewing machine.. I don't own one. SOON THOUGH! LOVE THEM! xo jen
What an amazing giveaway! I SOO need this formakng my handpuppets! I am constantly getting glue everywhere and burning myself in the process! You can check out my hand made toys here…
So you can see why I really need this set! 🙂
I could use this with my 9 year old daughter. She wants to start crafting with me and this would allow her to be safe with the hot glue gun.
Oh, I need this because I just got a fancy hi/low setting glue gun that can go cordless-got it for Christmas-all I had before was a mini one from walmart. I need this set, and a safe place to put my new glue gun. Gotta keep it safe & out of my 18 month old's reach!!
I left a comment on hot glue gun helpers' blog!
I need this for the same reason you and everyone else needs it-I'm constantly burning myself every time I do a project with hot glue! I hope I win!
This would be so great as I'm a glue gun kind of girl! I've got my glue gun on the most disgusting half broken plate with painted southwestern chili peppers on it!?!? What? atrocious. Thanks for this!
I need this cause just the other day I was crafting on my couch and my gun dripped glue on a couch arm!!
[email protected]
I need this cause just the other day I was crafting on my couch and my gun dripped glue on a couch arm!!
[email protected]
These are super cute – I have an inordinate weakness for random spots of colour!
Blue Skies,
Charlotte xo
I cannot wait to make these ruffle balls, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this hot glue set to make them with:) I do not have a craft table nor do I have any good place to use my hot glue gun. I always end up scraping it off of our countertops! The mat would be oh so helpful! I ALWAYS burn my fingers too! Thanks for the chance to win!
I NEED this set because just last night I was making a cupcake liner wreath and burnt myself at least 100 times. My fingers sure would appreciate something like this!
I so need this set to save my poor fingers! I am always burning them with hot glue. No fun! 🙁
And not to mention the fact that my entire house gets covered in a stringy, spiderweb-like mess. Yuck.
I really need to win this set because my glue gun (aka, the smallest, cheapest glue gun out there), doesn't work anymore! It doesn't melt the glue, let alone work! I have so many crafts to tackle and nothing to tackle them with!
posted a comment on their blog!
Your ruffle balls are so stinking cute! And I love the DIY version with tape. I hate making a trip to the craft store (and my hubby has put me on a temporary ban), so this is a sneaky way to get around it.he he he
I need the hot glue helpers because I'm a wuss and can't handle those burns! My little wimpy fingers have to play with the low-heat guns because they can't handle the thought of being burned! 😉
My gosh! I would love this set! i always give up when im woring on crafts cause i get so many burns and glue everywhere!
[email protected]
I visited the Hot Glue Gun helpers and left a comment. It's a great blog to boot! 🙂
ooh, i would love to win this! I have ruined too many thing laying my glue gown down on things…and not to mention the hands! ouchie! 🙂
Hot glue kit, this falls into the category "why didn't I think of that". I need it because it is pink first of all and second because this should eliminate the painful hot glue burns that require me to sleep with my hand on an icepack. Thanks for the chance to win!
I need this too!! This would be sooo handy to have, I would be able to craft without burning myself 🙂
Not only would this save my fingers it would be perfect for my 3 girls who are always digging out the glue gun. At least the older two! 🙂
I need this so I don't add any new scars to my hands! I can seriously remember projects by looking at my hands to see the scars! LOL HELP 😉
Those are so stinkin' cute Jen! I think even I could manage the sewing machine for this one!
And you KNOW I need that set – I burn myself every time I make bows! I need it!
I'd love the hot glue gun helper! I need something to help me!
Of course, I could use a new hot glue gun since mine is so old they don't make glue sticks for it anymore…they are low temp mini ovals and I can't even find them online. (sad face)
i am in definate need of this. i use glue all the time and i make a mess 🙂 go figure! haha…
i commented on their blog!! i love those balls you made 🙂 i will have to try that
I need this set because I cheap and use glue for everything. I seem to always do projects at the last minute and hot glue is way faster than sewing. I usually leave the glue there until I get back to the project to finish it the right way. Which is usually until the glue falls off or my kids tear it apart so I am forced to fix it the right way.
Hooray, now I don't have to worry about burning my fingerprints off anymore!
Wow! I'd love this set–I currently use an old cookie sheet to set my glue gun on when I'm using it. And it has little bits of dried glue all. over. it. The extra accessories in the glue gun helper set look really useful too! Thanks for spotlighting this product!
What a great set! I NEED this because currently, I use a little plastic plate to catch my hot glue drips…and the plate is covered with glue. It doesn't drip off like it would on that pink mat! Thanks for the opportunity to win this! 🙂
[email protected]
I would really like this kit. However, if I would happen to win, I think I would have to give it to my Mom. She glues a lot and frequently gets burned. She would be so happy with this. If I don't win, I think I would have to buy her one for her upcoming birthday!
I NEED this set because first of all it might be the coolest thing I've seen in a very long time AND because my fingers would thank me if I had it!
I love this helper set! I need it because I have the same problem as you – too many burns, lots of dripping, strings, etc.
I left a comment on the other blog!
WOW, this is so cool! I need this as I'm always hot gluing something (usually my fingers, OUCH!) for crafts or general repairs.
ah I'd love to win this! I'm the person who crafts a project and ends up with burns all other their fingers!
I need this because my hot glue gun counter protector is a rusty old piece of metal.
Those ruffle balls are stinking adorable! I so need the Hot Glue Helper…not only did I burn my fingerprints at Christmas, but I dripped the darn thing on my leg! :/
Oh, this is wonderful!!! I also get the tips of my fingers and knuckles and end up using makeshift tools, like wooden dowels! Thanks for posting!
I need this because i'm tired of a stringy glue infested mess!
I have a scar on my left hand that proves I need this kit… LOL
I need this set because I am super new at using hot glue guns! When I made my Christmas wreath, my fingers were not happy 🙁
I was just saying last night that I needed this! It would help keep my fingers from getting burned which I can never seen to help 🙂 It would be wonderful!
I need a glue gun help set because I have to push my glue stick into mine with a pen….it has almost completely quit working! And how will I ever be able to do all your cool projects without one! : )
The sight of my fingertips is reason enough…this is a brilliant idea!
Oh man, this set is so cool! I am just new to using the glue gun – precisely because of this reason! That I don't want to get burned or make a mess.
I would LOVE to have this set to assuage my fears:)
I need this because I always burn myself. Worst was last month with some nasty 2nd degree burns on my finger. Took sleeping pill, icing and numbing cream to fall asleep that night. OUCH!!
Because my little girl keeps saying…Mommy, are your burning your fingers again…
1. I ruined my very nice new kitchen table with hot glue "Hubby was not happy"
2. I'm always burning my self "not fun"
I totally need this for when I craft! I'm always burning myself!
I need this set because I am craft handicapped. Crafts and me … we really don't go together. I do my best, and some things turn out pretty good, but I feel like I just don't have the right tools to really enjoy crafts. Yes, I burn my fingers EVERY SINGLE TIME. Stop the madness … Pick me!
I need this because I am SLOPPY and drip hot glue everywhere!! I burn myself every time I get the hot glue gun out and have no patience to wait for it to cool down before I stick my little finger on that glue to hurry things up. This would be a great addition to my craft room!
I just left a comment on her post about how to make t-shirt rosettes and fashion up a old scarf! Loved it!
This mat will save thousands of fingers from the agony of glue burns! Thanks for the giveaway!
A picture is worth a thousands words they say…read my post explaining exactly why I need to win this giveaway! lol
What a genius idea! This kit will save thousands of fingers from the agony of burns! thanks for the giveaway!
Also I left a comment over there.
You have 200 comments here and there are only 21 over there?!
I have the same problem as you! Always dripping glue everywhere and then burning my fingers trying to get it off! Cuz I can't let it dry which would be easiest, I automatically go for it and burn my FINNERS! Yes, I meant to say FINNERS. 🙂
I have never seen one of these before but I'm totally in love with it! What a wonderful idea and "must have"! My fingers are doing a little cheer just thinking about the added protection. They could surely use it 🙂
Wow! I would LOVE to have this! I don't craft as much as I'd like bc I HATE the glue gun! I mean, I love it, but I don't love being burned or having to pick hot glue from everything :-/ I'd craft a whole lot more if I had this set!
Ooooh!!! I NEED one of these!!! I'm doing all kinds of glue gun crafting right now for my wedding this summer and needless to say this would save me lots of heartache!!! And finger ache… 🙂
AND I commented over on the Hot Glue Gun Helper blog!
I really really NEED this! EVERY surface in my home (desk, kitchen counter, dining table, buffet) has bits of drippiy stuck-on hot glue. I am a glue-gun-aholic (no seriously, is there a support group for this?) and I use it every day, multiple times, no joke. This kit is awesome awesome awesome and I NEED it! Ok, I said my piece 🙂
My fingers and toes are corssed over here so if you could hurry up and pick me, that would be great. I fear I won't get too much done today just sitting here with all things crossed (ha ha).
what a fab idea! definitely have to make some…& that hot glue helper set would help me keep my manicure looking better! i hate pulling glue off my nails forEVER! lol! hugs & thanks for the chance!
What cute ruffle balls. I like them! 🙂
I so need to win the hot glue kit because I always make such a mess. I had to scrape hot glue of the kitchen counter last time I did a project with hot glue.
Man oh man! I would LOVE this hot glue gun helper set! Oh would I ever! I LOVE crafting, and I LOVE using my trusty hot glue gun, I am very hands on and ALWAYS burning myself, always leaving glue everywhere, and I could greatly benefit from helper tools….so could my family as they are always complaining about my glue messes 🙂
I have a burn blister on my pinky finger right now to prove I need this! I am notorious for burning my fingers when using a glue gun.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I left a comment over at the helpers blog. Thanks!
I only have three fingertips left that still have useable fingerprints on them due to hot glue gun incidents! I could most definitely use the helpers!!!
I love this I can relate I have burned myself so many times making projects…this is great!!
WANT WANT WANT! NEED NEED NEED! I may not have fingerprints left if I burn myself much more! [email protected]
I have to admit I just want it, but here are my 3 reasons. I already have a pink glue gun that matches the set. Second my paper plate and toothpick is ghetto. And third I need the fingers for my 3 year old who likes to "help" me.
I also commented on their blog!
i'm in love with these balls!! can't wait to try them! And i am soooo in need of the hot glue gun helper:) I'm a big time wuss, and I get BLISTERS EVERY TImE!! I NEED one:)
[email protected]
love the ruffled balls! Glue gun set? Yes please! I need it because I am clumsy and haphazard when at work.
lets just say "OUCH"
but crafters are a tough bunch…
thanks for the giveaway
I need this because I am one of the MOST accident prone people you could ever meet.
bfcourage at yahoo dot com
One of my NY resolutions is to get out (find) my sewing machine and get reacquainted with it. Every time I come over here you remind me of what I COULD be doing if I would just start sewing again.
(Or what I could be doing if I had a clone, minions or was an alien… but I digress.)
The glue gun thing… does it really work? It looks very cool. I could show you any number of scars to prove I want to try one.
I left a comment.
[email protected]
i need this set because i am tires of using chop sticks,paint brush ends,pencils and what every else i can lay my hands on when i am hot gluing!
I have never seen these before. I would love to win so that I don't burn my poor fingers anymore!
[email protected]
I use my glue gun for all sorts of things and I always burn myself. I would love this set!! What a smart idea!
I am sooooooooo tired of getting burned. I'd love to make some of your ruffle ball, too. Thanks for the giveaway.
Adorable Valentine balls!!! I love them! (And am SO happy for the tip on ruffling! Thanks!) YES, I've seen this Hot Glue Gun Helpers set around…and every time I see it, I think, "I NEED that!!!!" But I still don't HAVE it! LOL! YES, I need that! I burn myself ALL the time – b/c my hot glue gun is one of my most-used crafting items. And that mat looks much better than my current craft mat which is starting to show holes in it – from my GLUE GUN, of course!!
I really could use one of those hot glue gun helper sets. Last time I used my hot glue gun, I got a major blister on one of my fingers from hot glue. Major ouch!
First I LOVE your ruffled balls Jen!! {hehe, that sounded kind of funny}
and the hot glue gun tools….OMG how AWESOME!!! what a fabulous idea!!
I LOVE this! I have been burning my fingers on every project for years!!!
added your button to my favorites page today, HUGS!
Those ruffled balls are soo cute! I love ruffles! 🙂
I would LOVE to with the hot glue gun helper cause I use a baking mat so the glue doesnt ruin my table.. and I need a new one.. its covered in glue and fabric and felt and all that stuff. This would be perfect!
As well as not having to burn myself multiple times while working on my projects would be great! 🙂
I LOve the pretty pink color too! 🙂
(Agape Love Designs)
How cute are those?! I need to convince hubby that, in the right colors, they're not too girly for our living room…
I could really use a helper set because my craft surface is a folding table with a plastic top. I hate removing drips and strings from it!
I need this because I am so scared of my glue gun because I always get burned!
OMG! I NEED this so I stop burning my fingers and ruining my table!!! Great set
I'm too lazy to pull out a surface to glue on, so I usually end up picking hot glue off the counter or whatever. Maybe I shouldn't be so lazy! Anyway- I sure could use this!
Extreme Cuteness!
Just bought my first glue gun so I would love to have some cool accessories to go along with it.
lee_donna6802 at yahoo dot com
Posted on the HGH blog!
I hardly ever enter things. But 'cept I REALLY want this one. So….what the heck!
And the balls?
First off, I'm jealous that you found some on clearance. I've decided those little beauties are one of my favorite new crafting tool. I'm about to bust open a bag right now. Full price ones though. Now I'm bitter.:)
I love the ruffles. Because ruffles are great in any form.
But I gotta complimenting you on your "ruffle balls" kind of makes me giggle. Okay. Laugh out loud. Sometimes my sense of humor is that of a 13 year old boy. (I blame my husband!)
Love you!
I need this to save my fingers too. Darn glue guns.
I commented on their blog.
Oh my goodness! I had no idea this product even existed. I need this due to the simple fact that I ALWAYS burn my fingers when using my hot glue gun.
I shy away from projects involving my glue gun because I'm so scared of burning myself or my work space. I would love to win this set!
I just went over and posted a comment on hotgluegunhelpers and I am now a follower! It looks like such a fun blog!
[email protected]
I need this set because quite frequently I bring projects from my craft room into the living room so I can be with my family…I was doing a project just yesterday and there are tons of specs of dried hot glue in my carpet…plus all the dried hot glue is really hard to vaccuum up
Oh girl! I am always burning myself!
I love this!!! I have never seen it before…which is why it is definitely a must have! Of course like the others I am always burning my poor little fingers, but on top of that my glue gun doesn't really have a "safe" place for me to use it, I would love to have a "safe" place to create!!!
[email protected]
i never knew they made such a kit! wow!
sign me up. i need this. boy, do i! usually i have a glue gun in my hands at least once a day. seriously.
hate to say it, but bad burns happen! ouch!
you vday balls are so sweet! they are the cutest!!!!
look adorable in your jar!
😉 kellie
Commented on Hot Glue Gun Helpers blog.
I need this because just like everyone else, I've burned my fingers SO bad before. The worst is when you have a glob of hot glue on your finger and use your other hand to rip it off and end up burning fingers on BOTH hands! UGH! 🙂
What a cute idea to add color to the house! I totally need this awesome set so I don't burn anything again! My poor fingers..
spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com
I need this because I use hot glue in most of my crafts and I am constantly burning my fingers and I have nearly ruined my coffee table from scraping off dried glue..
Wow! I have been dreaming of something like this. Especially every time I burn myself. Genius!
[email protected]
I just love all your ideas! I need this hot glue gun set because I'm just getting started in my craftiness, and I have a ton of ideas that would come to life with this set. I'm getting married in July and this set could help with wedding DIY projects, and will help spruce up my new home I'll share my new hubby 🙂
Oh my goodness this is an awesome idea! This is for sure going on my birthday wish list (assuming I don't win:) ).
Oh my goodness I 100% need this kit!! I have just gotten into making lots and lots of fabric flowers and the only part that drives me crazy is the hot glue mess. This kit would solve all my problems! Thanks for posting this fun giveaway 😀
I so need this! Why didnt anyone think of this sooner. I burn myself way too often.
I need this because I am always burning myself! I use my glue gun all the time and it drips all over and makes a mess!
This is such a good idea! I made a recycled book page wreath for my sister for Christmas and had at least 3 burns on my fingers from my hot glue gun. I'd love to try this set out!
I would love this not only for myself but for the little one who is always helping me glue button rings and necklaces for herself. What a great idea! And I love the ruffles, now I want everything to have ruffles 🙂
I need the hot glue gun set because I am always using the glue gun and rarely to I come out unscathed…LOL! Love these ruffle balls. They are 2 cute! =) You always have the cutest fabric on hand!
I need the hot glue helper set because my fingers will stay thoroughly sad at me if I don't do something about my hot gluing techniques soon!
i need this because i hate hot glue guns! all those burns!
I need the set to help my fingers, they are so hurty from all the burns!! I got one on my arm the other day and that really hurt, leaving a scar for sure. I guess the set wouldn't help with that, but at least I wouldn't have multiple burns!
I need the set to help my fingers, they are so hurty from all the burns!! I got one on my arm the other day and that really hurt, leaving a scar for sure. I guess the set wouldn't help with that, but at least I wouldn't have multiple burns!
I love reading the comments and discovering i am not the only awkward, clumsy hot-gluer out there! 🙂
I've been hot-gluing since i was a kid, and still have not figured out how to NOT burn off all my finger prints. ha!
Those little ruffle balls are adorable!
Why do I need the helper set??? Because, right now, my glue gun is resting on a bumpy silicone hot pad! Plus, the set is plain cute!
I so could of used this set yesterday when I was madly glue gunning making a Valentine's Day wreath.
My fingers are begging for this. I am the queen of burning myself.
I need that because I too hate my glue gun. Have a helper kit would definitely open up my crafting possibilities. 😉 brookebbushman at gmail dot com.
I would love to win to save my children's fingers. They use my glue gun for crafts and for science fair boards.
Thanks for the chance.
I need this because the last time I was using my hot glue gun I burned my finger really badly!!
OOH! I need this. I burn myself all the time, which is a lot now, since I stopped baking to relieve my stress(trying to eat healthier). All us crafters tend to burn ourselves though, so if I don't win, I may just have to invest some moola into buying myself this lovely kit.
I totally need this set b/c making all those ribbon wreaths is slowing removing my finger prints from all the burns!!
Get out! I had no idea something like this even existed! I would love, Love, LOVE it! I showed my husband and he even agreed that I "really need it" because I'm pretty sure I no longer have fingerprints on my index finger and thumb from burning myself numerous amounts of times!
OMG I definitely need this set because if I get any more hot glue gun burns, I won't have any more fingerprints! Also the ruffle balls are adorable. I will definitely be giving those a try!
your blog is beautiful and your so talented! i love these little balls!! i need this hot glue helper because i have a hairbow business and burn myself every stinkin day! lol! plus, come and look at my counters,if it werent for a metal spatula and my hubbys forearm strentgh we would have alot more hot glue than what we do have!lol!
I have all the supplies to make a coffee filter wreath, but I was trying to figure out how not to burn my fingers. This set would really help. Wonderful idea!
LOVE them…i posted bout this on my blog!!!
thanks Jen
XoXo Andrea
Everytime I get the glue gun out I resign myself to the fact that my fingers are going to be red and in pain the next day. 🙂 I need that kit! I didn't even know they existed!
[email protected]
These are too cute! I bought some styrofoam balls to make something similar:) I NEED that hot glue gun kit so bad! You should see the scars on my hand from hot glue…not pretty:) I actually burned myself back in December and it took almost two weeks to heal because it was so bad!
I posted on the HGH blog, too!
I need this! I am always burning myself and leaving glue all over my table!!
I so so so need a new hot glue gun, and this set is too cute!!!
I need this because if I burn my fingerprints off, people might think I did it to keep myself from being caught for some nefarious crime! haha!
What a fabulous invention!! I almost always burn myself when making my fabric flowers…I would love to win one;-)
What a fantastic idea! I burn my fingers just about every time I use my glue gun. I don't get it. I know it's hot. I know I've burnt them before. But for some reason I feel the need to press down whatever I'm gluing as soon as I squeeze the glue on and I inevitably burn the pad of my finger. When will I ever learn?
I left a comment on their blog.
I can think of a million reasons why I need this: save my clothes, my fingers, my carpet!
I left a comment, and became a follower of her blog!
Eek! I need this! My poor fingers will breathe a sigh of relief!
I absolutely LOVE this set, first because its pink, second because I am constantly getting my fingers burnt, and then getting the stringies (kind of like spiderwebs) all over me. One time I even had that stuff in my hair…not sure how, but it happened. I could really use this to protect my fingers, and furniture. Thanks for the opportunity!
Those are so cute! I need this set because I honestly think I burn my finger EVERY time I pull out my glue gun. Not even joking. I know the tweezers and the fingers would be SO helpful!!!! I love this handy set!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
I need this because I am tired of having my kidddos laugh at me when I burn my fingers. Granted it is entertaining for them but makes for ouchies for me! no fun!
I need this because if I get hot glue on the kitchen table one more time, my husband is going to divorce me! Not to mention that my fingertips can't take it anymore!! :0 Thanks for the chance!
I totally need this. Didn't even know they made such a thing. I literally burn myself everysingletime i hot glue.
I NEED this!! My poor computer mouse pad that I use is caked with glue. My kids love trying to pull it off, but I NEED this! My blistered fingers will appreciate it too!
I've been using my red liner tape instead of hot glue so I don't burn my fingers so I sure could use this hot glue helper set. Give me more options to craft please…. 😉
Wow! These Valentine ornament balls are so fab! I love the ruffled look!
I don't currently have a glue gun, lol, long story 😉 It would be a wonderful gift right now!
Thanks for the chance!
hugs, margie
I am loving these ruffled balls…so cute and easy for even the greenest of sewers — meaning me! LOL! I will have to give these a try. I would LOVE to get one of those hot glue gun helers to save the tips of my fingers from constant burning. The last time I used mine to try and fix my daughter's favorite boots I burned myself so bad that I have been a little afraid to bring it out again! LOL! Did not even know these existed.
Oh, and I NEED that glue gun set because…before Christmas I burned my finger so badly it blistered and I had to apply ice for upwards of 2 hours. So…pick me!
Fingers crossed!
These are amazeballs!!
Seriously, how do you think of this stuff??!
And I totally need one of those kits! Why? Because I'd love to know what it feels like to complete a hot glue project w/o sore on my hand!! I'm in the same boat as you, always burning myself!!
XOXOXO- Happy Tuesday!!
Hi Jen,
I didn't get to make the ruffled trees you posted about before Christmas…but I'm going to make sure I try these. So adorable!
Thanks for sharing!
Okay these Valentines balls are so super cute! What a good cheap and easy idea!!! Big props girl!!! Looks like I'll be trying to add some of those into my mantle this week!!! And I love the hot glue gun helper! I def need one, the ends of my fingers stay hard from being burnt all the time!
why WOULDN'T I need this!?!?
What a genius idea! I have been wanting to make a coffee filter ball… you know the one all over blogland… but I have been scared because of warnings of burned fingers!
I need this set because I, like everyone else burns their fingers, gets glue all over the place–work space, fabric, walls, other unwanted things. But ALSO…I had to get glue out of my dogs hair….AWFUL.
Somehow I got glue in my husky mix's coat…the poor dear, we got it out and she wasn't burned!
But this starter kit will help me keep glue where it is supposed to be and not on my pets! 🙂
Love those ruffle balls! This chick needs that product because I am tired of the blister known as my thumb! My poor thumb looks awful!
Love this set!! I am forever burning myself anytime I even look at a hot glue gun! Where did you find it??
Can't tell you how much I love your blog!! So many great ideas!
No more hot glue gun burns? really? That sounds amazing. What a wonderful product.
I need this mat because my glue goes everywhere and my poor hands are getting worse and worse everytime i use my gun ..Great giveaway!
I neeeeeeed this prize to eliminate the glue gun PAIN!
[email protected]
I have nearly burnt all the prints from my fingers with hot glue! I NEED this set to save what little proof I have left of my identity!
wow! this looks so handy. i use my hot glue gun a lot…so it would be great for me!
Not only would my fingers love to have this but so would my kitchen table. I am forever burning my fingers with the hot glue and always end up with glue on the table.
I'm now a follower of their blog too and I left a comment, what an amazing product, I sure hope I can win one. 🙂
[email protected]
I had no idea this type of kit existed!! Can't tell you how many burns I've incurred while handling my hot glue gun- this would be fantastic for my poor little burnt fingers! 🙂
Holy crap this would be awesome!! I make hair bows and I am constanlty burning my fingers! I SO need this!
[email protected]
I love this idea…I have a set of gorgeous glass display bowls I received as a gift adn they have been sitting empty for months because I haven't found the perfect thing to put in them..Now I have my project for this coming weekend! And I'd love the hot glue gun helper, my gun drips everywhere.
ok i NEED this more that any other lady that leaves a comment:) I do use mine almost everyday while making my handmade bows for my salon. I have 3 girls and constantly the mind is looking for my next cute craft! If I don't win can you at least tell us where to get it? i loooove it!xoxo
What a cute idea! And of course I could definitely use that Hot Glue Helper kit… I just used my glue gun this past weekend making a Valentine's craft and- you guessed it- burnt my finger! Ouch! Thanks for the ideas and chance to win!
I need this glue gun set soooo bad! My glue gun is always leaking glue out everywhere and I can't tell you how many times I have burnt my hands!
Thanks for the giveaway!
[email protected]
Oh I need need need this! I think my fingertips are permanently calloused from all the hot glue I've gotten on them!
[email protected]
I left a comment (and follow!) the Hot Glue Helpers blog. That scarf is too cute!
Oh my! This just got added to my wish list! Not only for me, but also for my ever inspiring, creative teenage daughter!
The ruffle balls are adorable! They are on my "to make" list.
I need the glue gun kit because I'm constantly burning my poor fingers! And I always make a mess trying to figure out where to set it down.
Wow, that's genius! I used to have pretty hands…before I discovered crafting and hot glue guns…please pick me, my hands will thank you!
i kind of need this, it would mean that my hubby will worry less when i pull out the hot glue gun. he worries that between this gadget and the hair dryer that i will burn the house one day. at least with this kit i won't burn my fingers.
wow…I made frayed rosette pins around Thanksgiving time last year and I seriously don't think my fingerprints are the same anymore…I burned myself so many times! I really need this and you're right, it's adorable too.
[email protected]
nice balls!!!
That helper is brilliant- no more peeling skin..whooot!
I posted on their blog too!
Oh my WORD, I NEEEEEEED THIS!! I didn't even know that one of these existed, which is why I avoid using my glue gun as much as possible, LOL. I really love my glue gun, but I hate burnt fingers, gluey strings all over the project and me, and burns and drips where they just aren't supposed to be, know what I mean?
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome yummy! And I LOVE the V-Day decorations.
I am already sorta accident prone, which is not a great quality to have as a novice crafter. I have several glue gun injuries from my bow/wreath/headband/bulletin board making ideas. I would LOVE this!
My FINGERS need this!!
Just what I need! I need this because while making my Christmas decor this past year (which requires a lot of gluing), I cnnot tell you how many times I burned myself! Several times on my hands, my thumbs were scalded and once on my calf which still bears a scar! Plus it's pink which is my favorite color! 🙂
Scissors & Spatulas
Thanks for this giveaway! It seems like it would be a great tool to keep myself and my workspace safe. I always end up with glue all over the place, even on me. So I have to use the low heat glue gun, which is frustrating because I am rushing to get things put on and I know it isn't as good as it could be.
I left her a comment (and became a follower too!)
I could soooo use this set! That way, I can stop melting glue into our carpet in the craft room! I'd rather sit on the floor than at a perfectly good table. 🙂
I had no idea they even made such a set! I need it so I can quit burning myself and my table!
What a fun, simple project, Jen! I would love to win that set – my poor fingers would thank me!!
I need it because I am so mesy with hot glue. Also, when you ruffle, if you hold your finger behind the foot and let the fabrc bunch up a bit. Once you have a few inches bunched up, release your fnger and then do it again. This will help ruffle your fabric.
i commented on their blog!
Very cute idea!
These are so cute, Jen! Such a fun, bright punch of color to start my day… 🙂
this glue gun set & myself….we were meant to be! i make such a mess everytime i use my glue gun!! thanks for the chance to win!
left a comment over on their blog and became a new follower!!!
oh, my hands would forever thank you if i won! i am a hot gluing machine! and how cute is the color?! love it!
HOLLA!!!! What a great idea! Yup, this would definitely come in handy. I'm pretty tired of burnt/sticky fingers. Great product!
Oh, I need this in my life! I'm always burning my fingers with my glue gun!
Oh yes, I definitely need this. I use a hot glue gun in my classroom a lot, in addition to home projects. Hot glue on the fingertips causing cursing from me. Cursing= not good to do in school! 🙂
I commented on their blog! On that cute Christmas wreath, wish I would have seen that post before Christmas!
Oh my …. I really, really need this. I can't tell you how many times I have cursed out loud while crafting with my glue gun and my husband calls from the other room "burn yourself with the hot glue gun again??" LOL
I had no idea such a thing existed!!! I am always burning myself when I make hairbows!
I would love to have these handy tools! I always burn my fingerprints off when I absentmindedly use my fingers to position the stuff I'm gluing!
I love this hot glue gun set, never seen anything like it. I need it cuz I am constantly burning myself and yelling obscene words when this happens in front of my 4 year old who is at the stage of repeating everything. If I had this set, I wouldn't need to be swearing when I burnt myself! Haha!
I love this hot glue gun set, never seen anything like it. I need it cuz I am constantly burning myself and yelling obscene words when this happens in front of my 4 year old who is at the stage of repeating everything. If I had this set, I wouldn't need to be swearing when I burnt myself! Haha!
Oh wow, #1 I love this craft! I will definitely have to try making these adorable balls! #2 I completely need this because I have given up on using a hot glue gun! I always, always burn myself 🙁 Maybe this would help protect me!
This is fantastic! I need one of these for all the crafts I help my 5 year old with….and he might get a tool or finger to be able to help too…
What cute Valentine's decorations and a brilliant product! I would love to have that set.
THis sure would beat my cardboard paper I use now 🙂
oh my gosh, that is the best invention ever!! I need one b/c my daughters want to craft with me but I won't let them near the glue gun for fear that they will burn themselves!
kathy k.
I need this because I burn my fingers every time I use my hot glue gun : (
uh…one word…BLISTERS! THANKS!
Oh my goodness, what crafty girl doesn't want a glue gun helper set…and a pink one to boot! Seriously, I don't get out my glue gun much because it leaves such a mess and I am always getting burned. I could definitely use the help. [email protected]
I love to bring fun, creative and inexpensive craft ideas to the after-school program I work with. This would be an amazing thing to have. The kids could use the glue gun without me worrying so much!!! Love your ideas!
I left a comment on their blog about the cute little slippers ornament.
squeal! love this giveaway. I think I need it for all the obvious reasons….hot glue gun scars! lol
No hot glue on the carpet 🙂
I also made a comment on their "Hot Glue a Winter Scarf" post
What a nice decorative touch without screaming "Valentine's Day!!!" Simple and subtle. I love them!
I'd love to win the hot glue gun helper. My hot glue gun is pretty crummy, and I also end up with long strands of glue everywhere (and burned fingers). 😉 Great Giveaway!
what? i have never seen anything like that before. oh how i always burn my little fingers, ingenius! love the ruffle balls too:)
Ok don't laugh…but I NEED this set because I am going to buy my FIRST glue gun this weekend to tackle some projects I have been wanting to try…How sad it is I don't own a glue gun…
anyway I need it because I am BOUND to burn myself…and my counter top! LOL
I need this because just the other day I burned the fire out of my finger and got a blister! Love this product!
When I did the birdcage challenge with Jenny of Elafantz, I had burns on my fingers for weeks!!!!…photo evidence on Jen's blog!!!! LOL
Where on earth do you find these??? I'd love to buy one!
sugary hugs
Wendy :O)
OH MY… I just bought a new glue gun so I have to have some cool supplies to go with it.
I really need one of these. I am a mess with the hot glue gun and burn myself everytime I use it. I even posted a picture of a really bad blister in this post. Check it out and maybe you I will get a sympathy vote 🙂
I'm not sure there's a glue gun made that DOESN'T drip, so we all need this 🙂
Just saw your cupcake liner wreath on the side which got me thinking, I need to get mine out from last year and finish it lol!
I need one of these so I don't leave little glue droppings all over the tables and countertops! What a great idea!
I commented on their blog!
I am in the process of refinishing my craft space and this would be a lovely addition! Besides, I've got glue gun burns on my fingertips and mine oozes out too!
I just left a comment at
Oh do I ever need this…just like others I end up burning my fingers too…
Oh Jen I need this..I am tired of trying to find newspaper to glue on!
How precious and OH so SMART! I am newbie into crafting…now that I have a little free time and this kit would save my hands and skin!!
I was JUST glue gunning last night and burned some fingers! I've been using old gift cards to press the glue down, but the heat even goes through those! I need this! 🙂
With all the little bows I make for my twins, I believe this would definitely save me from a lot hoot'n and holler'n. Plus, who doens't love pink tools
I so need this glue gun – right now I am nursing a burn from my old drippy glue gun!!
I think I need this set!! My fingers would love you forever!! Plus it looks like it'll come in handy when I make these ruffle balls! 🙂
~Just Jen
I NEED that Glue Gun Helper Set! I use my husband's really hot glue gun a ton and am always burning myself badly! I tried buying a cheaper (cooler) gun but it doesn't work as well.
First, I love this idea. A great way to add a little Valentine's Day without being too cheesy! 🙂
And I need these Hot Glue Gun Helpers because I burn myself EVERY time I use my gun…which is quite often. (Check [email protected]) I'm not patient enough to wait 😉 so I just burn myself. Plus, I saw these somewhere a long time ago and wanted to buy some but couldn't find them…so glad they are out there now. Yay!
I need this set because I am constantly burning myself with my hot glue gun making hair accessories for my daughter, and it hurts to take car of an 8 month old with burnt hands!
well, for one, i can tell you the perils of hot glue. like why NOT to do it when sitting cross legged on the floor with shorts on and no little table top to work on.
you will never know how tender your inner thigh is UNTIL you drip hot glue on it.
and, second, it's a kick butt little set of "i won't burn myself like an idiot" again set!
LOVE the ruffle balls, and I NEED the hot glue helper set! If I burn my fingertips one more time I'm going to have to start robbing banks to make the loss of my fingerprints worthwhile!
Oh this is super brilliant!!!! I want this SOOO badly!!!! I am tired of getting my fingers burnt every freakin time! This will be SO helpful!
My fingers and my furniture both agree this is much needed in my house. I already have bad hands from disease, all of the little tips in this package would help! Andddddd maybe it would inspire me to buy a new glue gun, maybe even PINK… my GG is from the 1990's 🙂
Those are so cute Jen and so easy to do. I love that you always post easy crafts that are quick to do and so cute too! Got your Christmas card. Thanks so much. It was lovely!! xxoo
oh and your valentine balls are adorable!!
BRILLIANT!! and it is PINK! i hope they make millions it is pure genius!
OMG I love LOVE this set! I neeeed it becase it's pink and cute. And that's usually reason enough for me to buy things. But I also neeeeed it because I always always burn my little fingers when I hot glue. Which I do quite often. But seriously, mostly because it's pink. I pink puffy heart pink!
[email protected]
I commented on their blog – and became the 100th follower! Such a great idea!
I love this!!! I need a mat…I have a spot on my kitchen counter that will agree.
Oh no! 1st comment! LOL I need this because my hubs is always telling me I leave glue behind on our table, and my fingers cringe whenever I pull out the GG bc they know they will get burned! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!