Ingenious — who would have ever thought you could make a Chic Bracelet out of a TENNIS BALL?? @ Mich L. in L.A.
I’m so jealous of this AMAZINGLY CUTE Organized Pantry @ The Stories of A to Z
Turn a Vintage Dresser into a beautiful Kitchen Island. Find out how @ {Beautiful Nest}
Love, love, love this idea – Turn a Ho Hum Table into Focal Point with sheet metal and paint @ Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss
Plan a Cupcake Party @ Paisley Passions
Serve S’mores all year with these S’mores in a Cup @ Madigan Made

Great J Crew-inspired Shirt @ Momma Go Round

Glam up your Jeans @ Finding My Aloha
Gorgeous Bathroom {I love that her ceilings are BLUE} @ Le Chateau des fleurs
Does this Lemon Lush dessert not scream Deliciousness?? Me and My Pink Mixer

Learn how to make these Unique Rings and Bracelets @ Fireflies and Jellybeans

Make a Personalized Back to School Lap Desk @ less cake {more frosting}
Check out the Beachy Design Inspiration @ Searching for Seashells
Make a bathroom Bench and great room redo @ The Hand Me Down House
Amazing Thrift Store Desk Transformation @ HOUSE OF THRIFTY DECOR
Turn a Plastic Bucket into a Whimsical Treat Container @ I *Heart* Naptime
Come over and show us YOUR ideas!!
And enter to win a $20 credit to the adorable Lil Luna etsy shop!
Another Great Ideas post is coming up soon!
Come LINK UP — so I can feature YOU!
Have a Super Saturday!!
Where do these amazing people get these ideas!? Wow.
Thanks so much for putting up my 'lil lapdesk Jen!! You are so stinkin' nice to me. I love anything made with lemon. That dessert looks divine!
Ooh, I love your parties and thank you so much for featuring my tennis bracelet! Too cool to be included with so many great ideas.
thanks so much for spotlighting my humble table!
That is just the desk I'm looking for. Why can't I find one around here??
I have got to make that lemon dessert.
Hi Jen, just wanted to say thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting on my bathroom makeover. Thanks for all the inspiration you provide – I cant decide whether to make the lemon lush or the smores dessert first!
Thanks so much for the feature, Jen! It completely made my day!! 🙂
Great features, especially the kitchen island. I'm off to explore!
Hi Jen~
There are some wonderful ideas here! And that lemon dessert looks amazing~ I must try that one! 🙂
Thank you so much also for including my kitchen island on your features~ that was so kind of you!
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
More great ideas! Wish I could paint my bathroom….
Hi Jen! Thanks for featuring my Lemon Lush dessert. I just love your blog! You have such fabulous ideas and let us share ours too ~ thanks!
Oh my, I love the tshirt idea! I am heading to my sewing room to give it a shot! Thanks Jen!
Jen -you are the best to feature my ring and bracelet! 🙂 Thanks so much!
I also love that tennis bracelet!
Super Featurea as always JEN! hope your Sat. night is fab. HuGS, jEN
YAY! Thank you for featuring my denim embroidering! Made me smile and do a little jig in my desk chair 🙂
Thanks Jen!!! I really appreciate all the support you show me 🙂
I can't wait to make the Lemon Lush dessert…now I'm hungry!
Wow, thanks for featuring my bag! And all of the other ideas up there are going to keep me busy for a while… LOVE the sign in the pantry! Thank you!
Ooooooo! I love all the inspiration! Now I'm itching to start a few of the projects!
These are all such great ideas!
Loving all the fun ideas you posted this weekend! You know I carry that turquoise chandelier in my catalogs, however I have MADE one too! Perhaps I'll share one of these weeks. Hope you are having an amazing weekend Ms. Jen! xoxo Molly
I love this blog. There are so many great ideas. That desk is fab!