I know I’ve said it before, but I really want to share some of my favorite things in my giveaways this year. And I’m so excited to tell you about another one of my favorite things — the Lightscoop.
I love my digital camera. And I am still learning all of the ins and outs of taking a great picture. One thing I have learned is natural light is a must for a good picture.
You either have to use a very low shutter speed and hope for the best, find some sort of expensive studio lighting or use the dreaded flash!!
The Lightscoop takes the light from your flash and redirects it up to a ceiling or wall, and redirects it back to the subject, creating a softer, more natural picture.
Here’s how YOU can win:
- required: Visit Lightscoop and tell me how owning a Lightscoop would improve your photography. one entry.
- Tweet about this giveaway: { Check out this #photography #giveaway with @Lightscoop & @jenjentrixie http://bit.ly/cl0Pgd }. one entry.
- “Like” Lightscoop on facebook and leave them a comment. one entry.
- Spread the word about this giveaway through Facebook, Twitter or on your blog. one entry each.

I just barely got my first slr, and I was so excited to finally get one. But now that I have it, I am so intimidated by how complex it is. The lightscoop would definitely be something I would use to take better pictures!
Geez, this would be the cherry on top of my ice cream sundae (photography). I take so many pictures of my 1 and 2 year old and I HAVE to use my flash because they move so fast and most natural light pictures come out blurry… 🙁 I would love to win a Lightscoop, it would make a HUGE difference for my pictures!!! 🙂
I love taking pictures of my son and this would definitely help me capture picture perfect memories!
I swear I have the world's worst home for indoor photography lighting! I have tried some "home remedies" to soften flash that I found online (tissue paper and the lid to my laundry detergent are two of the ingredients :)) Unfortunately I didn't get the results I wanted. This would be amazing for me!
I would use this for my indoor shots. I have a terrible time getting the colors correct!
Lightscoop® redirects the harsh light AWAY from those baby blues
[email protected]
A Lightscoop would improve the quality of the pictures I take dramatically. I never have time to sit and edit the image in software, so having a good image from the get-go would be really beneficial to me.
i tweeted. (@racheldrechsel)
lightscoop would change my life because i would give it to my daughter so she would quit asking to borrow my external flash.
lightscoop would help me improve my photos because i think i've used the flash on my camera once now (it's been about 6 months since i got it) and so some great moments turn out blurry.
I am a fan on Facebook! bethey12 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I could finally get rid of that sheer fabric that I sewed to cover and diffuse my flash!
It could make life easier because I work during the week and don't always have time to wait for the right light to take indoor pics for my blog.
I like Lightscoop on FB!
Just liked Lightbox on facebook.
(ashleeb [at] ufl [dot] edu)
What a great idea would be perfect for pet photos!
Just visited the Lightbox website. I love this thing! I emailed my husband the link so he knows what to get me for my birthday this year.
(ashleeb [at] ufl [dot] edu)
I tweeted about the giveaway!
What a great giveaway! I have seen the Lightscoop before and I think owning one myself would be amazing. I don't have a ton of time on my hands to really learn the manual mode of my camera and I think the lightscoop would be so easy to pop on and get great, quality pictures for my blog and of my baby girl!
I tweeted about the giveaway
I liked them on facebook and left a comment on their wall.
Looks like a great product. It would definitely help me get better indoor pictures when there isn't enough light.
My house as the worse natural light! This would be perfect to make those inside shots so much nicer.
I've just started using my camera on the manual setting…but I miss my flash when I can't quickly capture a moment because I'm trying to dial down the iso, or move up the shutter speed…the Lightscoop would save me on theose "inside" moments that a flash is needed to capture the moment!
I've just moved out of automatic on my camera and into manual. I'll admit, I miss my flash since I'm not that quick at setting everything up yet. The lightscoop would be great to catch me in those "inside" moments that need to be captured immediately!
I would love to own a LightScoop!! I am a kindergarten teacher, and I love to take photos of my students as we do things in the classroom, but the florescent lighting in the classroom does not lend itself to good photos — this would certainly help!
[email protected]
I'm taking my baby sisters engagement pictures and lightscoop would make my indoor pictures a million times better! Great giveaway! Hope I win 🙂
Most of my photography is done with the purpose of documenting the life of my family. Not all memories are made at those critical hours during the day where we get reasonable enough light in our house, and I hate looking back at blurry pictures. Lightscoop would change everything! I think I am going to have to buy one anyway if I don't win it!
I liked Lightscoop on Facebook.
The Lightscoop would make indoor pics of my family SOOOOO much better than resorting to the harsh flash. I'm thinking its either a Lightscoop or add windows & remove trees. Yep, Lightscoop's the answer!
I think a Lightscoop would help me to improve the lighting in my house, expecially when I work late at night after my kids have gone to bed!
I told my SIL about lightscoop on FB.
[email protected]
I liked on FB.
[email protected]
Visited LS online. It would help me photograph my kids at night when they are acting crazy.
[email protected]
Most of my pics are of my kids and I am almost always having to upload picture by picture into picnik to play with the lighting, this would be amazing to get it without all the touching up and playing with!
I like LightScoop on Facebook
I have such problems with ugly flash face as I call it in my house because our natural light comes in from the wrong direction leaving harsh shadows. I would LOVE to have a lightscoop to fix that!
I tweeted!
having a lightscoop would be so wonderful! It would improve my photography in so many countless ways, including my shoots at night time! Thank you!
That sounds like just what I need! Ooooh, I hope I win…
I just got a dslr camera this week—a lightscoop would rock!!!!!!!
We get a lot of summer storms out here in the midwest which takes away a lot of the afternoon natural light! I'd love a lightscoop so that I don't have to wait for sunny days to take my blog shots!!
Thanks for the opportunity!!
[email protected]
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I sell hand-made jewelry online, but haven't added products in a year because my pictures are so bad! I even spent hours trying to set up light tents, and just kept failing. Even after hours of Photoshop time, they didn't look good, and I was just frustrated. Help me out!
This is exactly what I need! All winter long I was frustrated with my daughters school dance photos. Her date would come pick her up and there was no light to take a decent picture.
A Lightscoop would enable me to quick photoshopping so much! I hate the super dark pictures that I get inside my house and the washed out flash pictures are terrible too. Plus I wouldn't make the kids go stand out on the porch anymore in the freezing weather to get "a good picture". LOL!
mommy saves at ya hoo dot com
JUST ordered my first DSLR on Tuesday so this would be so great! I could be taking great pictures right from the start!
Visited the website and I would LOVE one of these! I take tons of pictures of my kids and know this would help my photos look just awesome!
if i had one i could capture the "true to life" moments of my boys 🙂
I'm just getting the hang of using my cannon rebel t2i and this would certainly help me improve as I transition away from manual mode.
'Liked' Lightscoop on Facebook!
I LOVE this idea! I have had the hardest time balancing between too dark/blurry without the flash or the whiteout caused when using a flash! I LOVE natural light photography, but it is not always possible. I love the idea of this product!
I liked Lightscoop on FB and left a message.
mmcgowan at zoomtown dot com
This is a great giveaway! I would love this as my daughter especially is really very pale and that bright flash just washes her out if I'm taking a picture at night. Thanks for a chance! mmcgowan at zoomtown dot com
Oh my, I have been looking for something like this. I was even looking a getting one of those big (expensive) flashes to help with the indoor/night photos. This is fantastic!! What a great give away. Thank you for the opportunity.
I would love a lightscoop! My little one just turned two and he is ALWAYS moving so its so hard to take decent pictures of him indoors without using flash, if I use the built in flash I HATE how washed out he looks and I hate the horrible shadows. I know the lightscoop would help me out tremendously 🙂
Liked lightscoop on fb.
colleenhumphris at gmail dot com
That thing is awesome!! I am a giant flash-a-phobe. Never use it and my night time pictures realy suffer (i.e. they are very blurry) I would love to give this thing a shot – the pics on their website are amazing.
If I were to win this I actually wouldn't keep it for myself. I would give it to my aunt who does amatuer photography! She takes so many awesome pictures for my family and never charges me a penny. This would be an awesome thank you gift for all she does for us!
Liked on FB!
Heather Raymond
I tweeted!
Heather Raymond
I'm a major scrapbooker. Love taking photos and this would help them immensely.
Heather Raymond
This be great for us because our house has horrible lighting!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Using/not using flash has always been an issue for me. I think little gadget will solve all my problems with taking photos of the grandkids indoors. Great giveaway.
dawnnewsome at yahoo.com
I would LOVE this. i frequently blog at night, so this could be JUST what i need!
I've recently purchased my first DSLR and although it is fabulous, I definitely need to make it even more so with a LightScoop!
I visited the lightscoop website, and liked it on facebook! I have been wanting one of these for a long time now! Like the rest of the world I have fell in love with photography and this could really bump up my pictures
i posted about the light scoop on fb
i liked lightscoop on fb
oh my! this would change my picture taking life! i would be able to take great pics indoors without the horrible glare of the flash, and my products would look amazing, as well as my kids…. (btw, i dont live in the US, but my sister does, so if i should win, it could be shipped to her)
I tweeted! ID: Amanda Design
[email protected]
Easy Peasy, it would improve my photography because I wouldn't have direct flash on my subjects anymore!!! WOOT WOOT!
I fell in love with the lightscoop when I saw it featured on Living Locurto.
I work all day and have very few minutes to snap a photo. This will add more photo time to my day!
[email protected]
Oh, And I stumbled the giveaway and reviewed it. I know that it isn't listed as an entry, but it is technically "spreading the word". Hopefully, if this specific comment wins, you will take pity on me, and bend the rules a little to include Stumble. (It is my new fav addiction!)
I tweeted it again as well. That was a little confusing. I tweeted the first one with the specifics. Then I tweeted a second time for the "Spread the word" entry using the little toolbar at the bottom of the post! Hope they both count!!
I fb the giveaway!
I jumped over to Fb and said hello, liked them and raved a little about how great the lightscoop is!! 🙂
I tweeted. my twitter name is redredreeves. Sorry! I don't really know the lingo, as I am new to twitter!!
I live in Washington and I would love a light scoop. It is always overcast here! Cloudy days are great for shooting outdoors, but horrible for shooting indoors. I really hope I win this great giveaway!
I like you guys on Facebook!
I visited the Lightscoop website & loved seeing the photo examples as well as watching the short video on how to set up my camera to use the device…very cool!!!
I am a HUGE fan of natural light and am frustrated by the look of indoor flash photos. I REALLY like the idea of the Lightscoop & would LOOOVE to see it in action on my Nikon D-50!
This would be amazing! I have a new baby (#3) so sometimes at night when the other two are in bed is the only time I get alone time with the baby and can take pics. I would love this because my flash just makes very unattractive pics.
The Lightscoop can make an amazing difference for all the pictures I would love to take. For one I would then have a CAMERA after mine got stolen out of my car:( It would be a miracle for a camera like this after what happened to my other!!!:) I love to blog and scrapbook also so… I'm pretty devastated now for me and the hubs to save up for one in order to take pics of our little 19 month old. It is such a great giveaway whoever gets it is super lucky!
What a great tool to have for catching the real moments of life when asking the subjects of your photo to redo that photo moment won't work!
What a great idea! This would work so much better than my current method: holding my hand or a piece of paper over the flash 🙂
There are places in my house with awful natural light so lightscoop would just improve my everyday pics!!
[email protected]
I liked Lightscoop on FB, too! 🙂
Oh – I so NEED a lightscoop! I have a nice DSLR but my pictures still aren't up to scratch!
I think a Lightscoop would help me in the wintertime, indoors without much natural lighting. I tend to just not take pictures rather than use the flash. A lightscoop would help and is something I have been considering purchasing for quite some time. 🙂
I would use Lightscoop to make sure that all the pictures I take of my family are of the greatest quality so the memories can live on for ages!
i would love love love a lightscoop for taking photos of food for my blog recipes and also for pictures of my pup!
This looks awesome! With two small active boys, I need to take whatever light I can get!!
Hi There! Happy Tuesday! Owning a Lightscoop would really improve the pictures I take of my family. Being the mom of 4 kids, I am trying to capture all the special moments I can. At times though, I am less than satisfied with my current results. This would be a REALLY BIG HELP for me! Have a GREAT day!
I have never heard of this so I am really excited! I have a very difficult time finding the right balance after dark and this would be the perfect solution!
A LIGHTSCOOP would help me to be FREE from my cruddy job! I am an amateur photographer enrolling in more classes and this would help me capture more beautiful moments in life!!
I would love to be able to take pictures of my kids when natural light isn't available—great giveaway!
i tweeted as red_daisy
wow, great giveaway! never heard of this product, but i want one now!
[email protected]
This is one cool gadget! I love taking closeups, having the lightscoop would do just the trick to prevent the little glow spots.
I "liked" Lightscoop on Facebook! 🙂 Thanks again for such an awesome giveaway!!!
What an awesome product! If I don't win I think I will have to get one of these ASAP! This would be SO HELPFUL in photographing my busy, always on the go, toddler. I try to use the manual settings but at night it's hard to get good shot with a moving little girl!
This would help my photog skills so much! I have the hardes time with finding good, natural light in my home. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I need any help I can get in the photography realm so the Lightscope would be amazing to have. Great giveaway!
Thanks for sharing this Jen; I've never heard of nor imagined such an item! Lightscoop would be very beneficial when shooting pix of the kids playing at dusk and also, when I'm shooting candid indoor shots……….. and, I noticed it will fit my SLR! Thank you for the opportunity!
I would love to win! I have little kids and love to take pictures of them outside but the cuteness isn't restricted to daylight hours! I would be thrilled to have decent indoor/night-time pictures too!
I HATE using the flash. No one around me seems to understand, but it is wretched! So I desperately need a Lightscoop. It would allow me to use the flash when needed and still get the candid photos. 🙂 Smile.
I love taking pictures, especially of my kids, but I have come to terms with the fact that I'm not very good. I really think most of the problem is the light! So this would TOTALLY help me improve my pictures! YAY!
I would love this. I have been looking for something like this since our house has very minimal natual light. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I want one of these. I've been taking all my little guys "professional" pictures (money is tight these days), so I would love to up my "professional" way of taking pictures. Plus bad lighting where my son and I play.
This would be such a help in my personal photography as well as my business 9:30 Baking, I made sure to "like" Lightscoop on facebook. Thank you for the opportunity!
Because it defuses the light and you don't get the ugly flash and you can take picture pretty much anywhere then 😉
hypersky5 at hotmail dot com
I like Lightscoop on FB!
I spread the word on my facebook page!
I visited Lightscoops FB page and left them a comment!
This thing is incredible! I was wondering if something like this existed! I have tried to do this same thing with a piece of paper — but let me tell you, trying to take a photo while balancing a piece of paper in front of the camera? Yah, and it's not perfect by any means. My Etsy business would look great! My kids would have indoor photos that don't look disgusting! My church pictures would actually turn out!
I hate the flash on my camera and have been looking for something like this, so happy to see one thats not $$$! This will definitely improve my photos as the lighting in my house isn't wonderful.
OMG you can't know enough of how I related to your first paragraph…with a low shutter speed and hoping for the best. Or I have to open up my curtains all the way (which is great) but what about those night time photos? I would love a lightscoop!
I think this would help my shots that are not in direct sunlight and learn how to frame up new ones.
I "Like" Lightscoop on facebook and left them a message that you sent me!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
tweeted about the giveaway
shared on facebook:
Liked Lightscoop on facebook and left them a comment.
I tweeted!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
Lightscoop would help my photography better by redirecting my light where it needs to be to finish off a great picture.
I usually take a few with the flash and a few without to choose which one works better. No more washed out photos … sounds great to me!
Thanks for the giveaway opp!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
Wow! I NEED one of these! My house tends to be dark so I'm always fighting with lighting when I photograph anything from my kids to my projects. Sure hope I win because if I dont I'm going to have to buy one of these!
Shared on FB http://www.facebook.com/joykanani
"Liked" Lightscoop on FB and left a comment!
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/joykanani
I take a lot of indoor photos of my kids and projects, this would help with the horrible lighting situation I constantly encounter!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I would LOVE having one of these. I've taken a lot of photo classes and they always suggest having one of these….sadly not everyone is able to afford every add on to a camera. I'm expecting a new baby soon and this would help a lot with capturing "those moments" even when there is no natural lighting!!!
I think Lightscoop will take the hardness out of my photos that the flash is currently irritating me with!
I liked lightscoop on facebook!
So this is my first time hearing about Lightscoop. This is something I have always wanted to fix about my pictures. Either they are too bright, or too blurry. I could definitly use one of these. And if I don't win, I will probably just have to get one anyway. Thanks for this great Giveaway!
Liked them and left a comment!!
[email protected]
Man, I would really love to win. I NEED to find a way to get better pictures of my nephews in my horribly lit house.
[email protected]
My husband has talked for years about the need for something like this-even considered fabricating something on his own! It would surely improve those evening shots….which seems to be the only free time due to work.
Thanks for offering this!
Sometimes, you just wanna take pictures of things inside!!
I would love a Lightscoop. My house is really lacking natural light and I have a hard time taking decent pictures of my kids. This would be so great!
I visited their website and I am so excited about this product. I have never entered a giveaway before but this looks so cool I would love to try it out. I can't get a good picture of my son because he always closes his eyes (he hates flash)- I'm hoping this would help.
I would love to win this, I think it would really help me take better pictures of my baby boy, he's always wanting to close his eyes when I use a flash.
This looks like an awesome product! It would really help in taking pictures of my 3 little ones!
Wow, what a fabulous product! This would change all those in between pictures that need more natural light but look terrible with a flash pictures. I try editing those, but am not good enough to edit away all the flash effects.
liked and left a comment on facebook!!!
i want this! i have a nice camera…but I think this would just put it over the top!!!! my husband would love if I won cause then I would quit harping about buying a new camera!
I am an amateur photographer for sure, but I love it! Owning a Lightscoop would really help bring my indoor photos to life!
[email protected]
Shared this on my FB wall (both of them!)
Liked them on FB and left a comment!
a lightscoop would enable me to leave behind the heavy duty equipment once in a while!!!
I tweeted the giveaway!
I don't know anything about photography… but I am eager to learn! I think having a Lightscoop will help me so much!
That sounds like a good price even if I don't win 🙂
This would be GREAT! My husband is forever taking red eye pictures of me with our son!
A lightscoop would be so fantastic to have! I am an amateur photographer, I use photos for my blog, crafts, etsy shop, work. I take photos of everything and use my camera in all aspects of my life. I often use the natural setting or suppress flash so I can get nice natural looking photos. Having such an amazing addition to my camera would make me forever grateful! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would not have any more excuses for lousy photos! This is a great products and thanks for the chance to win.
This is soooo cool, I visited website and read about how it works to redirect the light (off walls, ceilings), creating a natural light (even when natural light is not available). I would LOVE this;)!!
would love this since i craft at night and want to take pictures for tutorials.. i hate that bright flash! thanks for the giveaway!! 🙂
Oh My Gosh! I checked out some of the flickr group pictures and the difference in the colors with the Lightscoop are amazing! I must must must have one. Please pick me. My photographs would become pure art!
i'd love to win a lightscoop as it could only help my pictures!
ooh, i want one!
i need one simply because, life doesn't always happen in natural light, but i still want to capture it as if it did.
liked 'em on FB 🙂
no more red eye 🙂
a lightscoop would be great! i spend so much time with my friends at night, this would make our photos fabulous!
All you'd need to do is go to my blog and see how Light Scoop would help me out. I usually finish projects when the natural light is gone but want to post the next day. Grrrrrrr. It would be nice to have this so the pictures would actually reflect what my projects really look like.
A Lightscoop would be perfect! I take pictures of my baby girl every day and having one would make the pictures so much better!
[email protected]
I would love to win one of these since I am trying to learn my camera and start doing more manual shooting but I can't figure out my settings in gyms and so forth with bad lighting. This would solve my problem.
I like Lightscoop on FB.
I would love to give this to my hubby for Father's Day. We have a horrible lack of natural light in the main part of our house. This would really help us get better pictures of all those day-to-day moments with our family.
I definitely 'like' lightscoop on FB.
This would be SOOO useful when I can't take photos in my homemade lightbox!
I tweeted too!
I would absolutely love one of these – the flash has always been my enemy and this would greatly improve our relationship. 🙂
I would love to have one of these. The pictures I take for my blog never look right because I have to use the flash in my dark house!
I can't wait to see how this will look on my pretty little girl's faces!! wahoo!!
I Tweeted!
Boy do I need this in the PNW. It's been soooo dark!
I would love to win. Your blog is so fun and I love to see you on Studio 5
I tweeted @mskenyaf
Owning a Lightscoop would improve your photography because when I take a dark picture I won't have to lighten it up on photoshop!!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Standing on a chair eliminates double chins? I,ll be a hero at the next girls night out (me, the chair and the lightscoop that is!).
SUPER COOL! I love taking pics of my kids, crafts, & recipes. Seems so many of these take place when it's dark or the lighting is bed. This would take care of that problem & eliminate that way-too-brightness of the flash. Thanks for sharing!
We have horrible natural light. I wait until summer to take pictures in the sun. I liked it on facebook!
Would love a lightscoop…we have very little natural light inside to capture the little ones and this would seriously help!
What a fun contest! I've been wanting to buy one of the Lightscoops, so I'll see if I win one first! Thank you for hosting the contest! Liked it on facebook and posting about it now!
I liked them on fb
I tweeted!
I would lOVE to win one of these lightscoops! I have a pretty awesome camera {that I don't know how to use} and a lightscoop would totally help me take better pictures!
Wow! A lightscoop could make my pictures professional quality. I wouldn't need editing software! I have African American children I could take pictures of them and not have to touch them all up!
I "like"d on facebook!
shared on Facebook!
I Like Professor Kobré's Lightscoop on Facebook!
With six kids and always taking photos at school, at night, etc…this would be so helpful!
Thanks so much!
I tweeted!!
Now that would be amazing! Thanks for the info and the chance to win!!! :~)
If I had lightscope, it would help my photography business out a TON! Pick me!!
I guess my first attempt at this comment didn't go through–I've been really trying to not use auto, and I hate the unnatural look of flash photos–this could help me hone my skills!!
I liked lightscoop on facebook!
i like this
this lightscope is amazing. i didn't know i needed one until now! love this. need this. please pick me!
I like them on FB
I would love one because i suck at using my new camera and I live in auto mode!
Don't have a blog yet,but have just emailed my entire neighborhood about this awesome info!!!
I "liked" lightscoop on FB
What a neat product! My hubby is the one with the SLR camera, so I would get this for him. In fact, he's going to get one for Father's Day one way or another! Thanks for the great idea!
WOW! I have never heard of this and am SO excited about the possibilities!!! Easier to use and carry that flashgun – yippee! THANKS!
Wow! What a cool photo tool! I would love to surprise my photo crazy hubby with this. I was just looking through our old photos and it is sad how cruddy out photos are now that the motor is broken on our nicest camera lens. Maybe this would put a fire under his buns to sell all the lenses and get ONE that works! 😀
Ooh, indoor pictures of my kids.
So funny. I am working on the wrap up post for my Mother's Day Brunch and every. single. picture. just sucks. It's either washed out with the flash or looks dark and grainy. gah.
Anyhow, I hope you had a beautiful day yesterday! 🙂
I have also liked it on Facebook. I also went on their website, love the animal pictures. The little white dog is cute!
I currently use a bounce flash for indoors photos, but I hate how big it is. Lightscoop looks perfect!! I wouldn't feel embarrassed to use it at a party for sure! ( like I do when using the bounce flash)
I have had my eye on the Lightscoop for a while now and would love to add it to my camera bag! My house does not have great natural light so this would be perfect to capture better photos inside.
I tweeted!!
I liked lightscoop on FB!
I would LOVE to win one of these… but if I don't win I will be purchasing one of these for myself! What a great idea!! I love taking pictures of my girls in the moment and not just when there is great natural light, this seems like it could solve my problem! Thanks for sharing!!
I liked them on facebook and left a message
I love taking pictures of my 2 little boys and sometimes it drives me crazy with the lighting! This look amazing and it'd help me out a ton!
This would definitely help me take better pictures.We don't have much natural light coming into our house since we have smaller windows and our kitchen is too dark thanks to a covered carport and covered patio taking light from the only windows in the kitchen,so I would love to be able to take some great kitchen photos,especially when I bake some goodies.This would be a dream come true!
please visit our homeschool letter project:
I liked them on facebook
This would be great for me!! We live in Seattle area and it seems like we need the flash for all pics between October till May if you are inside!
I have wanted a Lightscoop for months now and this would be perfect!!! Plus I never seem to win anything so this would end my losing streak.
I have been trying to figure out the whole flash/no flash thing and I think this is just what I need! Thanks for the chance!
I could really use this as I am having a horrible time with my indoor photos. Thanks for letting me in on this gadget!
This would be so amazing to have – especially because I do a lot of crafting at night (when the kids are asleep!) Thanks for the giveaway!
This would be so amazing to have – especially because I do a lot of crafting at night (when the kids are asleep!) Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow the difference is amazing in Lightscoop and plain ole flash. I would love to win this.
Thanks Jen Hope you are enjoying Spring.
I am always having to use a low shutter speed/high ISO to get a decent photo inside my house–it sounds like this will do just the trick!
[email protected]
Oh man. I take so many pictures at night (when the kids are asleep, you know!?). I would LOVE to have one of these! The outcome is amazing when you look at comparison pictures!
Thanks for the giveaway!
This is awesome! My husband is a photog (in training). His night pictures are just where he needs a little help!
Having a lightscope like this would improve the quality of my pictures. I have 4 children and are stuck inside most of our Midwestern winter and this would really add some depth to our indoor lighting photos!
Tweeted the giveaway. @smallgoodbigbad
I used to be really into photography, but now, I'm more reliant on a point and shoot and doing editing in the computer. I'd love to return to more thoughtful composition. And because who only has fun in daylight?
This would be an AMAZING win! My husband is a photographer and this would be a great father's day gift for him! I'm pretty sure he would think I'm the best wife ever!! 🙂
I tweeted @brideonbudget
I'm rarely home during the day, so most of my pictures are taken at night. I hate using the flash!
If I had a lightscoop I could take indoor portraits without having to buy an expensive bounce flash! Fantastic!
I liked Lightscoop on Facebook! =D
Having a Lightscoop would improve my pictures so I wouldn't have to try and fix my pictures after I take them. Thanks for sharing the info about this product. Would love to win one!
No way there is something out there I can buy (on a budget) or possibly win (hee hee) that will help those dark or nighttime pictures!!!! WaHOOOOOO!!! Dang is it too late to order for Mother's Day. I didn't get a gift (more like I got a promise to get what I wanted kinda a gift when Daddy didn't want to struggle taking our son (disabled) or fight crowds to shop for mommy). I need to improve my photos! THanks
i would love one of these. I had a dome and an external flash. I broke them. It would be wonderful to have something less cumbersome and still diffuse the light.
Liked on FB!
My apartment has the WORST lighting in the entire world. Taking pictures here is awful, and Photoshop can only do so much for me. And since this is where the party's at, all the pictures of the parties end up gross. Lightscoop would save the day for me, my crafts, and all my friends who congregate here.
I love this idea! I am a non-flash user. I just can't do it. So I'm a slave to super slow shutter speeds. I would love a light scoop! 🙂
I HAVE TO HAVE THIS! I cannot STAND flash so I just don't take pics in the dark… which means I miss out on a LOT of photo ops!
I liked them on FB.
I could use a Lightscoop because I take horrible pictures and could use a little extra help. 🙂
I visited the site, the LightScoop would definately help out with pictures in my dark house!
[email protected]
I live in Oregon. Natural light is unnatural here. To make matters worse the builder of my home didn't see the need to install light fixtures except in the kitchen & bathrooms. Needless to say our house is always a bit dim. The Lightscoop would really help brighten up my photos without me making everyone "hold still."
eeek i just got a new camera and i could REALLY USE THIS!!!!!!
Lightscoop is AMAZING! I can never get good pictures of my daughter inside because I have horrible lighting. This would help out so much!
I would love to try this product. I am constantly taking product photos inside with terrible lighting. This would make all the difference in the world!
I also "liked" Lightscoop on FB!
everythingtoat (at) yahoo dot com
Majority of my pics are washed out because of the autoflash. Lightscoop would be perfect!
Love the idea of what Lightscoop does. I'm planning to get one for my dad for fathers's day and hopefully I can win one for myself here!!!
I just got a new camera and would LOVE to win this Lightscoop! I have a baby boy due in July, and this would help me so much so I'm not killing his eyes with my flash.
everythingtoat (at) yahoo dot com
Lightscoop would improve my photos cause im always loving natural light and sometimes i cant get my pictures to look nice without the flash, but with flash my pictures dont look that pretty or natural. 🙂 thanks I would love to win!!!!
I love the look of natural light but also struggle with how to get a decent picture at night or inside. Love this idea! It would completely solve that problem.
I would love a lightscoop since I just purchased a 40D and a L series lens. I would love have a flash to go along!
Blogged it! http://www.urbanpotatoes.blogspot.com
Visited the site. As a digital scrap booker, the light scoop will help me really capture those beautiful moments, beautifully! Thanks
Visited the site. As a digital scrap booker, the light scoop will help me really capture those beautiful moments, beautifully! Thanks
I would love the lightscoop because I'm getting married this August and my fiance and I are moving to South Carolina. I really want to be able to capture this transition in our lives!
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I would love the lightscoop because I'm getting married this August and my fiance and I are moving to South Carolina. I really want to be able to capture this transition in our lives!
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
i have a 5 month old baby boy and i hate our camera's flash. i feel like i am missing out on documenting his life. this would be perfect.
Wow-I didn't know something like this existed! My life didn't truly start until this moment!! I LIKED them on facebook!!!
The savings on batteries is worth the price of this alone. Awesome!
Lightscoop would made my little ones faces light up… no matter if it's dark or light out. Looks soooo cool!
BLOGGED about this great little device on my blog
Checked the website…I could definitely use one (or both of these). Great product!
What an amazing giveaway! Winning would change my baking blog from night to day! I have a terrible camera and I would love to show off my desserts with better pictures!
I Liked Lightscope on FB!
LOVE this! There are many times that I needed to capture a pic in bad light. Slumber Parties for one.
I 'liked' lightscoop on FB!
nd (dot) farrell (at) yahoo (dot) com
This would be such a great addition to my camera! I have a busy 2-year-old that I love to photograph, but it's just to hard to get him to sit still enough for flash-less pictures. An external flash was just too expensive for me to consider, but this product looks great!
nd (dot) farrell (at) yahoo (dot) com
Just blogged about the giveaway! I really want one of these now!
I have this phobia of attempting portraits or really any photographs when the lighting is bad. This would definitely help me! The example images you posted were amazing – I can't believe this one little thing can do that!
Liked them on FB! and left a comment 🙂
Without a doubt, Lightscoop would be a GOD send. With a 5 month old, I take the worst pictures right now. The lighting stinks on my camera, so I basically just have to hope for the best each time. I can't ever get these picture opportunities back, so it is HUGE that I have a camera with great lighting!
I live in the Pacific Northwest – the land of clouds and hiding sun. I really struggle between dim photos (no flash) or washedout photos (flash). The lightscoop could really improve my photography! Thanks for a chance to win.
I would love to win a lightscoop, because many of our parties are in the evening and there is no natural light coming in for good pictures. Thanks for doing the giveaway!
I 'like' lightscoop on fb!
I have wanted one of these for so long! Thanks for the giveaway!
My husband and I are amatuer photographers who do photos for families as a ministry. We are missionaries in Ecuador and there aren't photography businesses here to hire. We could use this because we don't have a "studio" so we depend on the outdoors. This is difficult because we get 22 FEET of rain a year! So, yesterday we took photos that we had been trying to take for 2 weeks – without great weather and a place indoors with great lighting. So, please pick us!!
it would seriously help me work. I am a serious crafter and blogger. I love to make things and it is literally heart breaking when it looks so pretty and the picture is so ugly.. The Lightscoop will be a life saver..
have a great day!
I left a comment on their Facebook page. 🙂 Pick me!
Oh, this is what I have been waiting for all my life!
I visited the site and I NEED one of these because I take TONS of pictures (using natural light) that end up on my blog. I don't want to spend a couple-hundred dollars for a new flash, so the $30 sounds like a steal. I would, however, love to get one for free!
I'd love a lightscoop; it has been on my wishlist for over a year. I like that it gives a more natural look than the harsh flash.
I am constantly taking pictures in my unforutnately-dimly-lit apartment. I lightscoop would make them much more vibrant and less washed out.
I would love this as I would not have to bump up my ISO so high making grainy photos!
Seriously, that is so rad! I would be able to take better pictures of my boys, quilts and other crafty things…definately going on my "want" list…thanks for sharing the "favorite thing"!
read the fine print.
I shared the word on my blog.
I "liked" them on FB! Go Lightscoop!
I really could use a Lightscoop. It would help accentuate the beautiful skin tones of my kids matched with the colors I tried to clothe them in.
I also shared this on my blog.
I specialize in natural light photography, & I hate that i have to use my flash sometimes. This would Be PERFECT for me! I would tell all my Photography loving friends. LOVE the giveaway! It would be perfect when you dont have time to capture that perfect image and change your speed. LOVE THIS…
I'm expecting a new baby ANY day now and love the idea that the flash wont be blinding the baby. Plus your example is fantastic–I might actually have to buy one of these!
I can never seem to get the right lighting indoors and this lightscoop would definitely be the answer!
I'm always looking to improve on my photography skills.
well i JUST received my own canon rebel yesterday for my birthday and i am ecstatic! however, the first thing i realized i would need is an external flash so i can offer more natural light in darker situations and this would be PERFECT! i am trying to kick start my blog into high gear and this little device would be just the thing to help get better looking pictures! o i hope im picked!!!
this would be totally awesome for our totally dark house!
Would love to win a Lightscoop. I would love to get rid of those ugly shadows when I take photos in low light. Thanks for the chance to win!
I tweeted about the giveaway Tweets16
14 seconds ago: Check out this #photography #giveaway with @Lightscoop & @jenjentrixie http://bit.ly/cl0Pgd }
I think this is an awesome idea! Even if I don't win… I think it's definitely going on my wish list!!!
I visited the Lightscoop site. This sounds wonderful. My grandchildren are very fair skinned, it is very hard to take a good photo with indoor flash. I think this would really help. I would love to win one.
I visited the Lightscoop Website! This item would greatly help me with my small photography business. I started by business due to a family crisis that has caused me to need to be at home a lot more and not get a regular job.
I posted this giveaway and about Lightscoop on my blog!
Finally a way to take pictures in the winter or in the evening with out a washout from the flash. Party's or late night baking creations will look amazing with the Lightscoop.
Thanks for the contest!!
I posted about Lightscoop on my photography business page on Facebook!
The lightscoop just might save my marriage! Several times a week my husband and I argue about the flash. He complains that most of my pictures are not sharp because they needed flash. I refuse to use because I think it's the quickest way to GUARANTEE that the picture will be ruined.
I posted about this giveaway and Lightscoop on facebook!
I liked Lightscoop on Facebook!
I'm a newbie to my DSLR, but I've already developed a hatred of the flash 🙂 I would use the Lightscoop to light up my new baby girl at night!
I posted the links on Google Buzz!
This would be amazing!! I can't tell you how many pictures I have missed because I just couldn't get good light! I would love, love this.
I would love to have one of these! would make indoor portraits so much better!
I just "liked" lightscoop on Facebook…
I just tweeted about this giveaway–amazing!
WOW! I would love to win a Lightscoop! I think this would help improve pictures at night for sure–I hate using ugly flash!
I added a link to the giveaway on my blog's sidebar. http://www.kluckingbear.blogspot.com THANKS!
Wow Lightscoop! What a difference it makes with photos! I learn something new everyday!!!
I tweeted about the giveaway as kluckingbear.
I FBed about the giveaway on my wall.
I "liked" on FB
I like Lightscoop on FB and I left a comment as Tabitha Swain Klucking.
I have heard about your blog and decided to check it out today, Lucky me! I am constantly trying to improve the pictures I take of my kids, crafts and recipes I put on my family blog. Natural looking light is so important to that!
Liked them on FB
Love, Shellsea Blog
I tweeted… http://twitter.com/#!/kluckingbear/status/67653753414754304
A million times better indoor photos.
Love, Shellsea Blog
My puppy won't have red-eye at night! That would be so awesome!
Having the Lightscoop would help me so much since I am so busy during the day that I tend to take my pictures in the evening. The Lightscoop would really improve my picture quality.
I follow Lightscoop on Facebook now!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I 'liked' Lightscoop on facebook & left a comment!
As a photographer of babies and small children, this would be absolutely invaluable to my business!
I love the Lightscoop to use for baby pictures. Sometimes the lighting makes it hard to catch a non blurry shot without the flash on a moving target (my baby and toddler). It sounds like the Lightscoop would be the perfect solution!
Most of my pictures are taken indoors and it seems my boy gets really cute right before bed quite often. I hate having to use my flash! this would help so much!
I think i would bring my camera out more at night events and parties!
[email protected]
I blogged about it.
Please, oh please, oh please!
[email protected]
my family room has the WORST lighting so lightscoop would REALLY help!
Just "liked" it on facebook and commented that it was amazing! 🙂
I'm trying to pursue photography and this would help with indoor shots! especially so I can keep my shutterspeed up with fast moving kids!
The Lightscoop is awesome! It would definitely help me as my subjects are mostly my kids and, as everyone knows, crazy things can happen anytime of day when you have kids. Of course, those crazy things MUST be caught on camera, right?!
A Lightscoop would be so handy for family pictures when you want to get fun backgrounds either later at night or inside.
Wow!This would help so much since I tend to only have time to craft at night after the kids are asleep. I hate having to use flash or the scanner to get pics of the layouts or cards.
Liked them on fb and posted on their wall!
Love this product. It would help a great deal in my indoor picture taking. I'd love to win it!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
The natural light in my house is horrible! I'd love to have a Lightscoop to help with not only my family pics, but also w/pics for my Etsy shop!
Wow! I would love this. There are SO many times I am indoors and the lighting is horrible. This would help so much!
Oh I would LOVE one of these! I live in Idaho and it is SUPER COLD most of the year so my little guy and I are inside all of the time, and pictures aren't as pretty inside as out, I would love this! And I may actually give it to my sister instead 🙂
I knew they had to have something out there that would do this. Very rare do I take pictures with a flash, i.e. pictures only taken in daylight, :(. This would be superb, I am going to their site to check it out! I want one, pick me, pick me!
I liked them on Facebook!
I would love this my house is so dark I can not get a good pic here!!!
The lightscoop would help make my photos come out so much better! Love taking pictures, but indoor pictures are so aweful looking as the house inside is so dark even with the curtains and blinds fully open.
Liked them on Facebook. Thanks for the chance on the give away.
Just liked and left a comment on FB.
I would love to have a lightscoop!! I barrel race and this would help capture those moments inside when there is bad lighting!
I facebooked the giveaway
I liked lightscoop on facebook and left them a comment
This would be great for my family. I have six girls, need I say more. ; )
I've never heard of LightScoop! This is awesome. I'm a mom of 3 (a very active 6 year old and 20-month-old twins.) I own my own business, and I have 3 blogs. I will say that I *know* my pictures on my blogs could be better, and this seems like a great solution to my biggest problem! Not only that, but the images of my children that they'll look back on for years to come will look more natural!
Lightscoop would make a huge differnece in my photography because I am constantly taking group family photos inside the house which has horrible lighting or taking picture of the kiddos in my daycare center which is all flourescent lighting!
I posted on facebook about the giveaway!
[email protected]
I liked them on facebook! I hope I win!
[email protected]
Son of a gun! I JUST got two Light Scoops for my bday. BUT, I asked for them b/c I've read such fabulous reviews on blogs and I just knew I had to have my own. 🙂
This is amazing…I didn't even know lightscoop existed! I refuse to use my flash…and have way too many blurry pictures to prove it : ( Lightscoop would definitely solve that problem!!!
I like lightscope on facebook! 🙂
I have an etsy business, and getting good pictures can be so hard–A lot of times I only have time to take pictures in the morning or evening, and the sun is no good! This would be so wonderful!
This would change my life! I would have much better pictures. I'm always cranking up my ISO when it's dark so I don't have to use the awful flash!
[email protected]
i would love one! my husband is a wonderful photog and has made one of these out of paper and a rubberband. i would love to be able to reward all of his amazing pictures and talent with a "real" lightscope! thank you for the opportunity to learn about it as i never understood what the funny thing was! im in georgia! [email protected]
I tweeted about the give away!
Awesome! I went and checked out the comparison photos on their website… There are a lot of places in my home with out good natural light. This would be so nice to have!
It would be nice to not have to photoshop so many pictures by using the Lightscoop!
I like Lightscoop on FB!
Oh gosh … this would change any photo-taking momma's life when you want to take a pic of your goofy kiddos doing something that you'll just need to remind them of when they're full-grown… and it just happens to be later in the day.
I liked them on facebook!
I am not a very good picture taker anyways but this would help so much!! My house has horrible lighting and I need this;)
Because kids never do the cutest things in the perfect light situations, and while I still capture the moment, it just isn't as good as it could be.
I WANT one of these, both the standard and the warming! I just took some photos where the flash was just too bright and washed out, but I still needed some flash for brightness. This would work perfectly.
I think having a lightscoop would be amazing. I would love to take indoor pictures and actually have them turn out good. With out the horrible yellow tint!
Kara B
[email protected]
Wow! This looks like an amazing tool and would make my life so much easier!! Thank you for the opportunity to win, but more so for the information on it! I would love to win it!!
I love taking pictures but I am no pro. but with this lightscoop it would sure make my pictures look a professional
my family has a camera with a pop-up flash, and this would be great because our house doesn't have great light, but the flash really washes the pictures out.
I REALLY need one of these. I am SOO tired of having to lighten every photo in my editing software. This would save me a TON of time!
Because who doesn't need the improvement of flattering light?
Checked out their website and their FB. This looks awesome. I hate the over-whitening glare that you get using a flash indoors. I bet it would improve my photographs of the jewelry I make, too. TFS! 🙂
I just tweeted about this! 🙂
I liked them on facebook.
This would help me tremendously! I live in an interior town home and have very little natural light. I have to use my flash more often than not. I hope I win!
I would love to win this! I usually have to sew at night after the kids go to bed. That means that most of my photos are taken at night too. Having one of these would really improve the quality of my photos!
This is a great idea! I really need one of these to do kids pics with. You know you have to chase them down and natural light just isn't enough sometimes.
I liked them on Facebook.
I liked and commented on Lightscoop's facebook page.
I tweeted!
I take a ton of pictures of my kids, a lot of which are indoors, so this would be perfect for me! I could take way better pictures!!
It would be so awesome to have a Lightscoop because then I wouldn't be limited to taking good pictures during the daytime hours.
I just visited the lightscoop site and having this will help me take pictures of my baby boy. I try to take pictures in natural light whenever possible, but when I do need a flash, I never get a good picture of him because it blinds him. Like it says on the website, "the lightscoop redirects the harsh light AWAY from those baby blues and transforms your hard, cold pop-up flash into light that will truly baby that face." SOO EXCITED! 🙂
I am always cursing my flash, so this would be awesome to have.
I tweeted!
I so need one of these! I am so bad about finishing up projects late at night and then not being about to photography them because the pics are always bad at night!
I just liked this on facebook—I am sooo excited! 🙂
Our house has great light during the day, but at night not so much. Over the winter I tried taking pictures of my high school daughter going to a dance and every picture turned out yellowish and with shadows. It was very disappointing. I bet this would be the answer. Maybe I could restage;)
Thanks for the chance to win.
I am just learning how to use my SLR out of auto mode, and I am still trying to get good outside pictures, I have not even made it to the inside ones, this could really help me with that (especially when I sew, at night, and want to do a tutorial for my blog)
This would help my photography so much! No more blinding the kids with a flash, and I have a new grand-baby coming in a month. Would be nice to be able to take pictures of him without the nasty flash in his eyes.
Our house doesn't always have great lighting and with little kids sometimes the flash is necessary to keep my pictures from being blurry. Also I craft at night and again need the flash for many of my pictures.
love them on fb and lefta comment
i love photography and its something i do a lot. as a hobby. but can never get decent pics inside. this would be perfect!
I lightscoop would be great for photographing my nine month old redhead. flashes really wash us redheads out.
I'm trying to improve my photography skills and this would definitely help me with my indoors shots. Some moments you don't want to miss no matter what. Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
Hi! I just tweeted about your awesome giveaway!
This is so neat!! Never heard of it before. This would help me so much! My kiddos are very pale and a flash washes them out even more…with this they wouldn't look so ghostly! Thanks for the chance.
It's definitely more affordable to have a lightscoop than a high-end flash. I'm a food blogger that loves natural light pictures, and it would help it greatly. I'm still undertstanding my SLR, and this is definitely something I can afford right now. Love it!
the Lightscoop would help me so much! I work full time and there is a lot less sunlight when I take pictures of my little kiddos and being able to use it to the maximum would be amazing!
I would love this product! I tend to forget to take out my camera until the end of the day… little light in the house!! 🙂
This little contraption is just what I've been hoping for but didn't know it. After a certain point in the day, I don't usually even get my camera out because I'm never happy with how the shots turn out. And usually just before bedtime is when my kids are at their silliest. It would be so awesome to be able to capture that silliness and have a picture I'd be proud to show off. Awesome product!!
A Lightscoop would be amazing! I am a serious crafter who has actually put off starting a blog because I don't think my pictures can stand up to all the lovely ones I see out there–but this could change it all! Yay!
Just visited on Facebook and said how wonderful the product looks!
I love this contraption! I've never heard of it. It would do wonders for my photography. I've always been the one who takes the pictures in the family, and this would really improve my pictures in those tough times in the dark.
My house has awful natural light (lack of windows). I could definitely use the Lightscoop!
A lightscoop would help me so much! I could photograph my late night projects, and actually share those dinner recipes without them looking less than appetizing.
I visited Lightscoop's site. This is a great little tool for a simple quick fix on lighting! This would help my photos so much…I hate that dark background in my flash photos…and sometimes you just have to use the flash!
This would definitely help with my food photography!
I often take pictures in low light and really hate using the flash. This sounds like such a great solution!
My readers would love it if I won this, haha. Most of my photos are taken at night or on the weekend (if I'm lucky enough for good weather). If this works with a point and shoot I'd be a happy girl.
What a cool idea! I have 6 kiddos that need better pictures taken of them! I think this would definitely help.
Living in Oregon, this would be a picture saver for sure!
A Lightscoop would help my photography immensely! Utah weather isn't overly conducive for outside photo shoots and it would be nice to have a solution to that dreaded flash shadow that always seems to be in my photos.
This would be PERFECT to help me stop either the continual blurred photos in dimmer light or end the vicious beady red eyes from the flash!
[email protected]
I tweeted.
Have you seen any of my indoor photos? This house is gloomy, gloomy, gloomy…even in the middle of the day! The Lightscoop would make it possible for me to take some decent photos anytime…so I don't have to miss out on sharing that delicious dinner I made last night with my readers! 🙂
OMG…clearly, this is the answer to my photog needs! I constantly struggle with lighting and shadows. I neeeeed this! 🙂
oh my goodness i would love to win this! my photographer sister just gave me her old camera and she has taught me not to shoot with the flash.. which makes the pictures look so much better… IF—- there is natural light. but when there is not? i feel like i have to use the flash and i do not love how the pictures turn out! this would seriously help soo much! i would love to win this!
posted on my blog!
This is my first exposure to the light scoop! I am a learning photographer who is trying to balance/find natural light indoors for those classic shots of my daughter. I would love to add this element to improve my pictures!
"liked" them on FB.
with all the rain around here, being able to take good photos indoor would be awesome!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I like Lightscoop on Facebook
Boy do I need a lightscoop!
Oh, I just hate flash photography! And in our dark house, it's sometimes unfortunately necessary. I'd love to win this for taking photos of craft tutorials and other indoor happenings.
This would help to catch those extra special moments when my daughter is taking her first step, but I don't have time to run and turn the lights on or open the blinds.
I left a comment on facebook and liked the lightscoop. This product looks great!
Lightscoop would help my photos so much because I only get morning sun at my house so I really can't take any good pictures after 10:00am.
Liked Light Scoop on fb.
I have to use a high ISO in the house so this would be fab!
I tweeted!
Awesome giveaway! My house has horrible natural light so this would help me get much better candid photos of my kids playing inside!
I have a 15 month old and it seems like whenever he is playing really cute with his dad it's dark out. I love to be able to capture those moments as if it were daylight.
I liked Lightscoop on FB 🙂
Wow, this looks so great to use for indoor stuff!!! I NEED one of these badly. Thanks for the chance! 🙂
[email protected]
I constantly have flash spots in my pix. This would save my life!!!!
I do tons of casual spontaneous portraits. This would help so much to make these natural looking.
I hate having to use my flash. I have to sometimes since I do a lot of projects after my kids have gone to bed. This would be awesome!
I just liked them on FB!
Wow! I've never seen these. I usually avoid flash at all costs – I hate the washed out look. This would change everything! What a great idea!! stinson(dot)emilt(at!)gmail(dot)com
I would love a lightscoop! I absolutely despise indoor photography….this would be a dream!
Wow, what a difference this would make for my food photography! I usually finish baking in the evening and the lighting my house is so bad anyway that it's tough to get good shots sometimes.
Shared on Facebook!
Liked and commented on Facebook!
I Tweeted! (StephanieW—–)
That would be great for product photos on Etsy!
Wow what a great tool! I would love to use this when I take photos of my kiddos inside (which is probably 90% of the time. Hate the flash and they always seem to be on the wrong side of the natural light!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I would love the lightscoop. I do a lot of photography indoors and the lighting situation can sometimes be tricky. This would be great! I have not heard of it before. Thanks
I liked Lightscoop on FB, and left a comment telling them I came from TT&J!
What a great product! I usually do most of my crafting at night, after everyone goes to bed. I have tried to photograph my creations at night, but they usually suck major. I have made my own light box, but the photos still turn out with shadows and poor image quality.I usually have to wait until morning to photograph my schtuff. This would help tremendously.
What a great giveaway! This would be so helpful to me i my photography, because the natural lighting in my house is lousy! Thanks for the chance.
i liked them on the effbooks.
Lightscoop would help me by making me a way happier mama and it would make my halo shine and it might even cast enough light on my children to give the appearance of saintliness and eliminate the devilish horns. That would be awesome.
I've been working for a photographer for the last nine months, and while my editing skills have vastly improved, I haven't learned anything about lighting and taking pictures to begin with. So when I'm editing my own pictures I don't have a great start with which to work. This would put me one step ahead of the game come time to edit!
This would help me so much! I've pretty much stopped taking pictures inside all together these days because I hate the flash!
I like them on fb!
I would love to try the Lightscoop. I hate using a flash at night but I am left with little choice. Until the LIGHTSCOOP. What a genious invention!
Okay this may just be one of the coolest giveaways! WOW! Okay..owning a Lightscoop (great name) would help improve my photography tremendously because I cant seem to get away from the horrid flash..and while I am still trying to figure out the manual setting during low light situations this would be so perfect!!
Delighted Momma
I tweeted!
I feel like this is an amazing breakthrough. Sometimes I don't have time to take pictures of projects till the evening – the light scoop would help so much. Maybe I would get my posts up sooner.
Thanks for the giveaway!
um, this is awesome! this would totally help my photography so much. i'm a natural light photog, so it is hard when i can't use the natural light and have to use the flash. this would solve all that!
I take pictures EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I love the lighting in those pictures! I can't wait to get lighting like that in my own!
I tweeted!
Light Scoop would help me so much inside my home. I have no natural light!
I tweeted
Id use it to take better photos in my house!
liked and commented on fb!
I tweeted!
No more blurry and dark pictures in my dim basement where my kids play!
I visited lightscoop's page and I think it would help me to definately take better pictures as I'm not the greatest with it anyway! Thanks for a chance to win.
Johanna xo
I put this giveaway on my facebook page!!
I "liked" Lightscoop on FB –
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My house has terrible natural light! I think I would use this all day, every day!
I "like" them on facebook and left them a comment!!
Seeing as how I only take pictures at 9 pm after the hubs and the baby are asleep, the Lightscope would SAVE MY LIFE…going from room to room with my projects trying to see where I can get the best picture with horrible lighting!
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This is really awesome! Would love to be able to take pictures at night or indoors without the uneven lighting of a flash!!
It's hard enough to capture the fleeting action/facial expression of a child in a perfect setting…the lighscoop would be IDEAL to help capture the moment in a not-so-perfect (real world) setting. Pick me please!
I have two little kids that I LOVE taking pictures of! As much as I try to get great pictures outside and when the lighting is decent inside, there are still adorable things that happen when I can't get natural light! I would love to give the lightscoop a shot! It might be the solution to those icky pictures! Chelsea
I've only had my DSLR camera for about 6 months and I'm still learning so much. I hadn't heard of this before – this would really help with my indoor shots in the evenings. Thanks for the chance to win!!
I have seen this product before and was just showing my husband last week. It is amazing to me the difference in the pictures without/with/and with Lightscope! I would love for my indoor pictures to be more natural looking. No glare! Thanks for sharing!
Liked Lightscoop on FB! What a great product would love this!
I liked Lightscope on FB!!
That is awesome, as a budding photographer, I never have enough natural light in my house to properly photograph my kids..Lightscoop would be amazing!!
Wow! What a great thing. I had never heard of the lightscoop. Now, I need one!!!!
Lynn G.
like on facebook:)
Lightscoop is such a neat idea, I know it would help me out with capturing the fast life of my twin boys.
Great giveaway! I would love to have Lightscoop, my husband hates when I fuss over the flash indoors, but I just can't stand the look of flash!
The Lightscoop is such a great idea! It would improve my photography so much, especially in my house since the lighting is horrible. Thanks so much! 🙂
I love the lightscoop! I have wanted one for a while now for those indoor evening/nighttime pics of my baby boy and family dinners etc!
I would love to win! It would improve my photography by a million because I can't afford photoshop/etc. but have a DSLR camera. Keeping fingers crossed 🙂 meg.wilkerson(at)yahoo(dot)com
Love the natural look it would give to photos taken indoors or at night. Very neat!
I liked Lightscoop on FB
I would love to win the Lightscoop . . . it would totally improve my inside shots that I take for DonorsChoose.org as well as my pictures that I shoot at family get togethers! It looks so awesome!!
Lightscoop would help me elliminate washed out faces
I could sure use the Lightscoop. Would eliminate washed out faces at family gatherings.
I checked out Lightscoop's site. I am an artist and i photograph photos of my art and distressed picture frames so that I can list them for sale on my website and Etsy store. I am always trying to take better photos so that buyers can see the colors in my work exactly. This product looks like a great fit for my needs. Thanks for posting! Jennifer
lightscoop would definitely make my life better. right now, i am forced to shoot outdoors & when the weather is crappy, well, thank God for Photoshop because without it i wouldn't be able to post my crafty photos. this would be a lifesaver! hugs!
Just liked and posted on their fb page!
[email protected]
The LightScope would help me with my indoors action shots. I have 4 boys that compete in every athletic activity they can! I can't afford to purchase a better lense to help with the quicker shutter speed, but with a light scope, that would help! Thanks for the chance to own one!
I liked them on facebook too! Can ya tell that I really want this? 🙂
I liked them on facebook.
I have actually tried to make something similar to this from a tutorial and it didn't work so well. This would definitely help with the flash issues!
[email protected]
You mean I could quit taking two pictures everytime! I am always snapping one with and then one without my flash, just in case! I would love this!
I also tweeted!
I have a big ole flash that I can't really use well! Plus, it's not easy to lug around. I do poor pictures in low light and am assisting in a wedding with a friend in a chapel with little light this June. SCARY!!!! THis product looks great!
I like how it creates natural light so easily. I visited website.
A lightscoop would change everything! Sometimes my pictures look like they came from a dungeon and I don't want to post them! I wouldn't have to worry anymore!
Happy Day,
i liked it on fb and i blogged it at: marypabbott.blogspot.com! cannot wait to get my hands on it!
Oh Jen, I am so excited for this giveaway! I have wanted a Lightscoop for so long. This is especially timely because my daughter's birthday is coming and every year, as she sits in the dining room in front of her cake, the pictures turn out terribly. Either they are too dark (no flash) or washed out (with flash). Please pick me and save my birthday photos! Thanks lady!
I tweeted @creativegoddess
This would help so much with more natural looking photos! Thanks
Oh wow!!!! Wow!!! Amazing give-away! This camera would help soooo much! First of all, my camera is really old and doesn't work very well. Second of all, my house has really bad lighting issues and this camera is PERFECT for that!
Wow, what a difference. I can't stand the flash on my camera. I can't stand the relective light that is in all of my pictures. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
Oh, what a great accessory! I have a super hard time taking evening photos of my boys, their the most precious towards bedtime when they've been worn down by the day and I love taking their photos, but with a flash they're not pretty. This would be fantastic!
What a great product! I live in a house built in 1948 that has very deep eaves so it tends to be dark. I can't take a decent photo anywhere in this place. I have to have one of these!!
I tweeted! @htowndaners
I can think of a whole bunch of reasons I'd love to have one of these… first of all, as a working mom, a lot of my time with my family happens after dark, so this would certainly improve the photos I get! Second, my hand is forever in the way of my built-in flash. It's annoying. Third, I take a lot of still photos for my blog. The Light Scoop would fill the photos with better light and less reflections!
I'd love to win the lightscoop to help me take better, natural pictures of our two boys and third on the way for my husband who is currently deployed!
I like Light Scoop on Facebook.
I would LOVE one of these! Portraits are my most difficult shots and this would help me SOOO much in getting proper skin tones – particularly indoors! What a wonderful tool!
Ooohhh! This would actually only indirectly improve my photography, because I'd give it to my sister who just got a fancy new camera. However, I'm sure she would use it to take pictures of my kiddos, so I would benefit too!!
Oh how awesome is this! I've tried some plastic sleeve thing that always fell off and even trying to tape a coffee filter on my pop up flash. What a great idea Lightscoop!!
Liked LightScoop on FB 🙂
Absolutely BRILLIANT. I need one. I sold my external flash about a year ago because it was so bulky and I never used it. But this looks like a perfect (and well-priced) solution! Would be great for indoor shots of my kids.
Thanks for this giveaway. I hope I win 😉 hehe. It would help me improve all my action shots that i get for a local gym, now my pictures won't look so grainy because of the high ISO I usually have to use.
I've been looking at one of those fancy shmancy flashes for my camera, as this summer one of my goals is to improve my photography skillz…
I visited their site and especially love the indoor photos. My house doesn't get as much light as I'd like and I'm constantly fighting it!
Tweeted! @JessicaSmith616
I love how simple the lightscoop seems! When I take pictures in our house they are either dark, shadowed or washed out by the flash…this would make my photos perfect!
It will help when photographing my toddler (he's very fair and it's tough to get him in good light). Thanks
Just left a comment for them on facebook.
It will help my kids portraits look more natural…NO flash 🙂
The lightscoop would be an awesome tool, especially since I'm still learning to use my camera. It will definitely improve the pictures I take of my boys when we're indoors.
I also posted a comment on my FB page. Thanks for another great giveaway!
I've been meaning to get one of these…why don't I follow through? Please help me. 🙂
What a wonderful giveaway. I've been trying to improve my photography skills but really struggle with indoor shots where I don't have any natural light.
Lightscoop sounds like an amazing tool.
[email protected]
I don't have very good light at my house so it would help me to take what light I have and make the best of it!!
Great giveaway!!!
My flash photos never come out good:( I have given up on pics that require it and only use natural light. Sadl this means I am missing a lot of great pics.
[email protected]
Even in the evening our living room can get pretty dark, so a Lightscoop would help me get better shots of everyday life. Thanks for the chance to win.
i posted a status about the giveaway on my facebook! this is great!
I like them on facebook!
this looks like a really great and useful tool! I like seeing the side by side comparisons. Thanks for the chance to win!
A lightscoop would solve the problem of the half-dark pictures I get when I turn my camera to the side! what a great idea! (and far cheaper than buying a hotshoe flash!)
What a novel idea! My house is dark and I hate flash pictures – so this would be perfect!
I love taking photos of my two boys and all of our friends' kids, but I struggle with the low light/flash looks…this would make my photography so much more WOW…less OK. Fingers crossed!
"Liked" them on Facebook and left a comment!
have a wonderful week!
This would help me so much! All my photos that I take anywhere besides outside in full sunlight are GRAINY because I don't know how to appropriately set my shutter speed I guess! LOL I need this! 🙂
We have old, mature trees surrounding out house, so any indoor photo is nearly impossible without a flash, even at noonday.
i would LOVE the photoscoop, sounds genius and i'm always looking for something to make it easier!!!
i would LOVE the photoscoop, sounds genius and i'm always looking for something to make it easier!!!
i would LOVE the photoscoop, sounds genius and i'm always looking for something to make it easier!!!
i would LOVE the photoscoop, sounds genius and i'm always looking for something to make it easier!!!
i would LOVE the photoscoop, sounds genius and i'm always looking for something to make it easier!!!
So far I have just sworn off flash, but this looks like it's worth giving a try!
Oh my goodness, I've got to get one of these. My food photos would look so much better on gray, rainy days or at dinnertime during the winter. Thanks for telling us about it!
I liked them on Facebook!
Lightscoop is an amazing tool- at least it sounds like it is from several bloggers who have talked about it. I am trying to make my pictures better than average and this would be a great help!
It would be so nice to take pics of my food/recipes/children and not have to worry about the object being washed out and the background being black! I have such bad lighting in my home…
First entry: I have been battling how to take shots at night without the flash. This is a great product. LOVE TO WIN IT! Love Me
what a great giveaway! thank you for hosting this. a lightscoop would have been so helpful for me this past weekend when i attended my great aunt's 89th birthday. it was indoors, and all of the attendees had on glasses. the lightscoop would have been perfect for the pictures i took indoors.
I checked out their site-owning a lightscoop would help me with my blog, and taking amazing photos of my growing little boy. My camera is pretty outdated so I really think it would help. Thanks for the opportunity!
leah beamon
Oh this is fabulous!! I will probably order one even if I don't win. 9 times out of 10 I do my projects at night and the lighting is horrible. This would save me big time. I love how their website gives you tips for all aspects of life. Like babie, family and ebay (or blogging in my case). Thanks for the chance!!
I visited their site and I can't believe I'd never heard of this before. My pictures need help all around so this would be a great start.
I just hit "like" on thier FB page and left them a comment!
melissaallore at hotmail dot com
OMGoodness! I've never heard of this product or anything like it before now! I just stopped by their site and I want one! I struggle all the time (especially during the dead of winter here where I live) to get good light for my photos. During the winter months here it isn't just at night that the light is bad.
I would be so excited to win! Thanks for the chance!
melissaallore at hotmail dot com
I've yet to find a good light source inside my house. The lightscoop may be just what I need for better indoor photos.
I like Lightscoop on facebook
This would be so great to have because I wouldn't have to rely on the time of day or the weather to take good pics!
christylynne at gmail dot com
A lightscoop would be so helpful to me since I work during the day and end up taking many photos at night.
Wow, this is great. Would love one, I have few windows with good light, and live in cloudy Michigan!
I visited their site. I would love to win this since I have been BEGGING my hubby for an external rotating flash. This can do just what that would do, love it!
I tweeted this giveaway 🙂
I tweeted the giveaway! skurin
There are so many times that I really NEED to use my flash, but hate doing it. The natural light is very minimal in my house, so this would be the perfect solution.
Oh I wish I could use this it looks like a great product but it would require upgrading my camera and — hey — winning would be the perfect excuse to upgrade 😉
I tweeted about your giveaway.
I tweeted – https://twitter.com/#!/rainintorainbow/status/67485880952164352
I am just learning photography so Lightscoop would definitely help me to learn properly from the start.
Lightscoop would make my pics so much better my hubby always wants me to use my flash.
FB about give away
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I visited light scoop
Like Professor Kobre's Lightscoop on Facebook! :o)
Oh Goodness… with how dark and grey it is here.. I have such a hard time with photos.. and I never can seem to get a good one with the flash.. I would love to be able to get great shots of my grandchildren.
How fantastic! I love to shoot up close and personal and Lightscoop would make my photos so much more natural! Thanks for the chance to win :o)
I always try to take pics of my crafts and baked goods, but often create at night after work and it's always dark! The lightscoop would help make my photos come out so much better!
this would help me tons, taking pictures at night or even just finding the right light during the day is so hard. this would be so awesome to have to help me take better photos
Do you know that where I live in Oregon, it is physically impossible to get enough Vitamin D because we don't get enough sunlight? Makes it hard to get decent photos too. The Lightscoop would make it sooooo much easier to capture things, especially during the long summer months.
Omgosh, we love doing our own portraits so I'm sure this would be extremely beneficial to us!!!
Lightscoop would make my photography so much better, especially since my house has HORRIBLE natural light. I am always having to use a low shutter speed/high ISO to get a decent photo inside my house. If I don't win, I just might have to buy one.
I liked lightscoop on FB! What a great giveaway 🙂