Today I thought I would share with you a very simple project that should get a few laughs if you make one for your home. I call it “The Exercise Block” and before any of you tune me out, let me remind you that this is funny, no exercise required!
Take A Look:
Materials Needed:
1 block, any size. (mine was a 4×4)
Scrapbook Paper
Mod Podge
Sponge Brush
Printed Directions
You can use this image if you’d like:
(Right click on the image to save it, then copy it to a word doc, adjust the size to fit your block and print. I make things easy for you!)
3. Mod Podge your Directions Sheet to one side of the block, then let it dry completely.
4. I chose to distress the edges with a sander just a bit, but that is up to you. Now just pick a ribbon and tie it up with a bow.
And that’s it!!!!
My kind of exercise!
I would love to have you come visit me at somewhat simple and see what else I’ve been up to! Every day is different and each day is something fun! If you come right now, you can still add your link to our Strut Your Stuff Link Party that I host everything Thursday. Consider yourself personally invited!
Jen, thanks for having me as your guest today!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Loved this funny and had to make one… but in fabric with iron-on transfer paper for the writing!!
You can see it (if you scroll to the bottom of the post) here:
ha ha ha! that is so funny!!!
This is awesome! I'm hosting a link party for Mod Podge Projects this weekend! I'd love for you to come link up!
Visiting from Somewhat Simple! I absolutely love the polka dot runner you made! TFS…so glad to have found your blog.
That is so funny! Think I might make myself one…
Hahaha! I love this! So clever. And I love both you gals- Steph & Jen. So awesome. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend to both of you. Y'all rock!
That is so funny! I'm still laughing…what a clever idea 🙂
Oh my gosh, this made me giggle! Thank you for sharing!! 🙂
Thanks for a giggle! Gotta go now and check out Stephanie's blog…
That is hilarious! My kind of exercising!!! 🙂 The block is really cute!
Hope you're having a fabulous Friday, Jen!♥
Very funny idea…nice to see you here!
That is too cute!
LOVE IT may make one for my sister
That is hilarious!!! LOVE it! 🙂
Now that is MY idea of excercise! Love it. Thanks Steph for the cute tutorial… I am going to have to make these for a few of my friends that ~love~ excercise as much as me 🙂 Thanks for the fun guest blogger Jen!
hOW Flipping HIlarious… I do aerobics with the girls at church 3 times a week… and some are so goo roo work out… zumba instructors … you name it. I would love to give a couple of them this. LOVE IT! LOVE SOMEWHAT SIMPLE TOO! 😉
Too funny! My aunt made these for all the women in our family a few years ago, but yours is much cuter with the polka dot paper and ribbon!
Too cute! Thanks for sharing.
That put a big smile on my face! Walk around the block . . . yep, that's cute *smiles*
This is wonderful. I'm still giggling, what a fun gift. Have a great weekend!
Very cute!!!
Too funny!
This is way to funny! I want one – I would love to say I walked around the block one those days I just don't have time for anything!
love this! perfect for a best friend bday gift!
Hilarious & motivating!
very cute! lol. would make a great gag gift for a white elephant christmas party.
My kind of exercise. Hilarious!
Very cute and funny! I know a few people this would make a great gift for!
rofl! I love it! My kind of exercising!
Kim @
party inspiration
Ok, not to repeat maybe what everyone else has said, but this it too cute and a great idea with a but of humor all at the same time.
Too cute – and funny!
What a great idea! I got my exercise laughing!
That is so funny! Great gag gift! Nice job, steph!
And the second! I'm never the first 3 comments. SCORE!
Oooh, I was the first comment…
Bahaha! This is hilarious!! And now I can really give the gift of health!
I love it. I can actually DO this exercize!