Hello, everyone! SO happy to be back this month with another really fun free printable (or 26!) for you. I’m Kiki from Kiki and Company and am so excited to be here.
It is Back to School time. Can you believe it?!
My kids are SO excited to start school and when I thought about the changes they have made over the last few years, I thought it was about time to design something up to show that change through the years! Today, I designed a start of the school year AND end of the school year printable interview so you can have a tangible memory of just how fast they grow!
Each one has 11 questions to answer as well as a space for a 4×6 photo of their first and last day each year. Won’t this be such a fun thing for them to look back and see!
I designed the Kindergarten-5th grade the same and the 6th-12th grades the same to reflect their ages. And guess what..you can have them all for free!
To download all 26 Back to School printable interviews click on the link below:
First and Last Day of School Printables- Interview
I am also sharing these super fun printable Back to School Photo Signs at Kiki and Company today and they all coordinate with the interviews above! (and are also all FREE!) I’d LOVE to see you there.
I hope you have the BEST start of the school year and that you snuggle those little munchkins while you still have a little bit of time left!
Thanks so much Kiki! I just LOVE those printables. What a fun way to document your cute kids growing up. Older kids will have so much fun filling them out too! Kiki is such an awesome contributor. I’m always so excited to see her new ideas.
You don’t want to miss out on these fun projects she’s had over at Kiki and Company this summer:
Free Smile Catcher School Edition
Frozen inspired Chilly Paper Tots
DIY Frozen Elsa Dress / Summertime Activity House / Summertime Cube

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Thanks so much for sharing…these are wonderful and you are so sweet to share for free!
Hi. I love the first & last day of school interviews. Can you just print the year you need or do you have to print all 26. Don’t have that much ink at the moment. Can’t figure it out. Thanks
Love these! Would be awesome to have one for Pre-School also! 🙂
Good News, Jenn! Here is a link to the preschool cards: http://kikicomin.com/first-and-last-day-of-school-photo-signs-and-interviews-for-preschool/ Sorry they were forgotten the first round. 🙂
thanks for adding preschool!! i was just going to ask the same thing. Thanks so much for these 🙂 They are so cute!!
Hi, I love this so much! I was wondering if it would be possible to get a digital file of this. I would like to change the colors to our school colors, which are Burganry, black anf grey. Would this be ok with you?
Your start of the year and end of the year sheets are so cute and such a great idea! I have one starting preschool this year and am a HUGE fan of consistency for things like this. Any chance you could make a preschool interview sheet and sign? Pretty please? I’d love to use your whole sheet set up for both my kids! 🙂
I would also love one for this exact reason! I’m building my preschoolers school days box this week and would love to add one to her preschool folder!
Hi Whitney, Here is a link to the preschool add-ons: http://kikicomin.com/first-and-last-day-of-school-photo-signs-and-interviews-for-preschool/
Thank you so much for this! You are so nice!
Thank you for sharing! These are perfect!
Thanks for sharing these! Can I edit them in Photoshop to add color to the 6th and 10th grade ones so they aren’t just black and white? And delete the colored area behind where the photo would go….just seems like a bunch of wasted ink to print something that wouldn’t even show up. 🙂
Wow! These are AWESOME. Thank you for sharing. I too would love to see a preschool page. Have two in preschool now-but am for sure going to print these off starting next year!
Hi Becky, Here is a link to the preschool add-ons: http://kikicomin.com/first-and-last-day-of-school-photo-signs-and-interviews-for-preschool/ Thanks! 🙂
I love this idea of interviews for schools kids- but, I would REALLY love a preschool one, since I am a preschool teacher & can see all kinds of possibilities there…just sayin’ 🙂
Hi Kathy, Here is a link to the Preschool pages: http://kikicomin.com/first-and-last-day-of-school-photo-signs-and-interviews-for-preschool/ Hope your preschool year starts out great! 🙂
I LOVE this idea! I’m printing mine now!!
I love looking back at my daughter’s artwork and writings. This is such a great keepsake to have! Thank you so much for sharing!