You Are Loved Sign @ The Corner House
Camera Strap Covers @ Diary of a Crafty Lady
Upcycled Blue Dresser @ Crafty Scrappy Happy
First Birthday Party @ Me and My Insanity
Girly Reading Nook @ Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss
Painted Striped Rug @ J and J Home
Chore System and Printable @ Being Brook
Shirt to Dress Makeover @ Mommy by Day Crafter by Night
Old Shirt to Maternity Skirt Refashion @ Simple Simon & Co.
Magnetic Art Station @ Burton Avenue
Ruffled Garden Flag @ Vintage Gwen
Here are just a few of the awesome ideas going on this week!!
I’ve only just started going through the projects. I love seeing all of these inspiring ideas!!! And come link up YOUR ideas to win an awesome
from Anthea Cotton of Scentsy!!
Another Great Ideas post is coming up soon!!
Have a Happy Saturday!!

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Thanks for featuring my chore command center! Love all the projects. Totally making the You are loved sign!
I love all these ideas, going to check out the "you are loved" sign and magnetic art station first!
Hey! Thanks you for sharing my maternity skirt…they are easy and inexpensive to make which is perfect for maternity clothes.
However, I am so looking forward to these next weeks when my baby is finally here and I can say goodbye to that massive belly and start wearing normal clothes again!
Thanks for featuring my party, Jen! You are the best! Hope you've had a blast at BlogHer! I miss you guys. Say "Hi" to everyone for me!
Thanks lady for the feature!! It's nice to be in great company as well!
Thanks so much for featuring my Art Center. I've had a big smile on my face since I saw your post!
And thank you for all the traffic your terrific link party has sent to my blog after linking up my Mom Cave (Craft Room) post this week!
Your blog is so amazing!!!
The 'you are loved' sign makes me tear up everytime!
you seriously know how to MAKE people's day! Ashley (the cute A is for Apple dress) is my "real life" friend and when I was scrolling through your blog and saw her picture up there I shreiked! haha. I'm so excited you did that for her, she is the cutest friend. You're a wonderful blogger! Thanks for what you do!
Rach H
I'm crazy about that block cake! What a simply GOOD idea.
U r loved sign is too cool
What fabulous finds!! I love the reading nook. I've actually thought about taking the closet doors off and putting curtains in my little girls room when she gets older. Just adds a bit of sweetness to it. I'll have to check out the DIY. Love the beautiful pics. Great eye candy for the weekend. thanks!!
Ohhh woooowwwww thank you so much for featuring my dresser—it is such an honor! You made my day! :o) All of the features are wonderful! I am off to check them all out!
Jaime from Crafty Scrappy Happy
I'm in love with the magnetic art station! Such a cute idea!
Thanks for the feature! Such a thrill to see my camera strap covers 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the feature. It was such a fun surprise to pull up tt&j and see my sign. A lot of those are some of my favorites too.
Wow, love that you are loved sign! Where could I put one, hmmmm… 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Swoon! Love the reading nook and the You are loved sign. Thank you for sharing!!!!
Oh my heck!!! Thank you for featuring my a is for apple dress!!! I was just looking at your blog and had no idea it was on here and had to do a double take when I saw my picture!!! I love you blog so much and it is totally surreal to be featured on it!!!! 🙂 Thank you, thank you!!! You are awesome!!!
xoxo, Ashley J @
I loved everything but the you are loved always sign is awesome!