Hello Tatertots and Jello readers!
I’m Amanda from Our Humble A{Bowe}d and I am thrilled to share a DIY project with you today.
Our whole story began with a large oak table that I hated more and more each day. It was four feet in diameter with a pedestal base which made it impossible to push the chairs within six inches, making our small dining room feel even smaller.
So, Ben and I began looking for a new dining set. We couldn’t agree on anything, so we gave up. A few weeks and a lot of whining later, we tossed around the idea of building a table. We discussed a wooden table, but neither of us was thrilled about that. We did, however, love the idea of a marble or granite top. The snag? Ben didn’t feel comfortable having a 300 pound slab resting on a wooden base. Bummer. Then, a little light bulb appeared over Ben’s head. What if we built the base out of steel? And so, the idea was born. The other problem, ben has only welded one thing, and it was going into concrete, so it didn’t have to look good. But, that’s one thing I love about Ben. He’s willing to give anything a shot, including welding a table, cutting and polishing a granite top.
A quick trip to a local steel supply and we had our base materials: four 3 inch square tubular legs and 4 3 inch ‘L’ beams, all cut to size. We agreed on a 1/2 inch inset apron with a cross support. Pass about four hours and we had this:
The steel had been very rusted, so Ben used a grinder to remove the rust. Then, he sprayed the entire base with spray primer and let it dry. We applied three coats of Rustoleum gloss white spray paint to achieve the final color.
In between coats, we ventured over to a local marble and granite supply and picked out a piece of greenish-black marble. It’s beautiful and a remnant! Score! Ben got the chance to cut the slab with the owner and hauled it home. Once the slab was home, Ben got to work polishing the sides.
Originally, I chose the Loft chairs from World Market, but at $100.00 each, neither of us was thrilled. Ben searched the internet and found the Barrett Side Chairs from World Market at 50% off! We coudn’t resist, so we bought 4 for a grand total of $125.96. We also bought six Modern Stacking Chairs from Target for extra seating, without taking up valuable storage space.
After 6 or so hours of work, $383.96 and some heavy lifting, we had ourselves a new dining set.
The overall size is 4 1/2 feet long by 3 feet wide, which fits perfectly in our dining room. The chairs tuck under neatly, fitting close the edge of the table, leaving two feet of walking space on all sides. The apron is set in 1/2 inch from the legs, giving the base a polished look.
I love the clean, modern Parsons style legs paired with the more traditional marble top. It’s a perfect balance of modern and traditional. The dark wooden chairs are comfortable and stylish, but still add warmth.
And here, you can see the entire dining room facelift, complete with a new light fixture, plate rack, and fresh paint job.
Thanks for having me as a guest today. It was a blast!
That table is just amazing, Amanda.
Thank you for sharing how you made it with us!!
Amanda has so many wonderful DIY projects and ideas on her blog!
She is the queen of Board and Batten treatments! Check it out!
And, she also does cool crafty projects like this super awesome Cloud Light.
She even made a pillow of her house — how cute it that??
And to top it off, Amanda has a fabulous etsy shop where she sells amazing personalized prints! She just put these holiday ones in her store:
Be sure to check our Our Humble A{Bowe}d — you’ll love it!
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Looks like picture links are broken. Can you please help share the pics? I tried in Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer as well and couldn’t get them show up.
I wish I could see the images. Tried in Safari and Chrome
Love all the paneling in her home! The office is going to look great! We are in the midst of doing our living room.
Thanks for the amazingly kind comments, everyone!
The dark blue is Hale Navy by Benjamin Moore. The light blue is a mistint, but I have the formula if that's the color you're looking for.
Thanks again, everyone!
That's so cute! I love it!
(I'm going to check out her blog now…)
That table is absolutely gorgeous! And love her woodwork too, will have to check her blog out.
I am so impressed with that table. If we hadn't just gotten a new one, we might try this. It looks fabulous. I am going to check out the chairs as we haven't replaced ours yet and they don't match the new table. Great post!
I would really LOVE to know the paint color on her wall. That blue is gorgeous! Can you find out?
this is sooo awesome!!!! i love it!!!!
What a great table!!
Holy cow! That table is quite impressive!
What a great table! My hubby and I have talked about building a table to fit in our breakfast area, but I never thought of using stone for the top! So smart!