I had a few people ask me how I made the embellishments on the burlap magnetic boards. So I thought it might be fun to make up a tutorial showing a few different flowers and embellishments that you make using burlap.
- Cut out a large square of fabric approximately 2 times bigger than the size of the flower you want to make. Trim the edges of the square so they are not pointy.
- Put the material on your project with the center of the material in the center of where you want your flower to go. If you are making this to sew on something or to make into a pin or brooch, put the material on your work surface.
- Tuck the ends of the square under on all sides until it looks more like a circle. Hot glue the ends to your project or baste the ends under using a needle and thread.
- Now make folds in the circle and tuck the excess material into the folds so it looks like flower petals. Hot glue or baste those parts together. {If you are sewing this flower, make sure to turn it over while you baste so the stitching doesn’t show.}
- Take a bit of twine and find the center of it. Put the center of the twine in the center of the flower and make some loops around until it looks pleasing to you. Either hot glue or stitch the twine on to your flower.
- Put your beautiful button in the middle of your flower. Either hot glue it on or stitch it on. If you are hot gluing the flower on, press down on the button so it sinks into the flower – this will make the rest of the flower puff out.
- If you are making this as a brooch, cut out a circle of felt and hot glue or sew the finished flower onto the felt and attach a fastener to the felt.
Puffy Flower
{puffy flower with leaves on top}
You can make this is in any size you like.
- Cut out a circle of burlap that is approximately twice as big as you would like the finished product to be.
- Tuck the ends of the burlap under and either baste by hand with needle and thread or hot glue onto whatever project you are making. Do this all the way around the circle until all the ends are tucked under and secured.
- Now take another piece of burlap and cut out a circle that is about the same size as the finished circle that you just made. Fray the edges of that circle.
- Attach the new circle to the one that has the edges turned under. Attach it with either glue gun or needle and thread depending on what type of project you are making.
- Now attach your button using glue or thread. If you are using glue, press down so the button sinks into the flower.
- When the button is attached, fold up the burlap flower on top of the button and scrunch for a moment. This will make the burlap wavy so it is not so flat.
Multi-layered Flower with Big Leaves
- Cut out about 5 round burlap circles in 5 sizes from large to small. Fray the edges of the circles.
- Attach those circles together from largest to smallest with the smallest being on top. Hot glue them or sew them.
- Cut a length of burlap about 3 inches in width and about a foot long. Fold it in half and then iron it.
- Once ironed, cut out four leaves, with the seam in the middle of each leaf.
- Take those leaves and gather them in a bunch. Hot glue or sew the leaves together.
- Attach the circles to the leaves using hot glue or thread.
Row of flowers
- Cut out a very long length of burlap cut very thin in width. I did 1 inch. Using about a two foot section, put the end of the burlap length in the center and then loop sections of the burlap ribbon one over another, meeting in the middle each time.
- Once you have the flower looking the way you like, either hot glue it together or sew it together in the center of the flower.
- Attach the button using your glue gun or thread.
- Do this as many times as you like to make a bunch of flowers.
Alternate version of Row of Flowers
- Take a very thin length of burlap – 1 inch in width.
- Start with the end of the length and loop big sections out making a fan.
- Attach it all together using a glue gun or thread.
- Add your button.
Yo Yo burlap flowers
- Cut out three different sizes of burlap or whatever fabric you would like to use.
- Fold the edges under and baste with a needle and thread. For the burlap I used a double length of thread for strength.
- Once you go all the way around the flower, take the thread and pull to gather the material into a circle.
- Tie the thread off tightly to retain the closed shape.
- Do this to all of the circles.
- Attach the yo yo’s to your project.
I hope these help anyone who wants to make burlap embellishments. I have a really fun project I am posting tomorrow AND I am going to be guest blogging tomorrow – so tune in!
And I also wanted to say that I am so sorry if I haven’t been around to see you this week! I am in charge of our church’s “Super Saturday”, which is a big craft day for about 60 women. I am in charge of the crafts so I have been running around all week getting things ready. So next week should be much less busy!
I appreciate every comment and I am so grateful that you took the time out of your busy week to stop by!
So natural and such a beautiful and effective result. You are so innovative and clever.
I love your large folded flower, could you post a few pictures of the steps leading up to the finished project?
Excellent tutorial with great pictures. Easy to follow and do. I love it! Thanks so much
Two Sisters Home Interiors
Thank you so much for your sharing your talent with us.. I’m new to Burlap so, wasn’t sure how to create with it just yet. Your tutorials are so helpful!! Any tips on how to get rid of the smell? Can it be laundered?
Thank you for such clear directions, your flowers are beautiful!
This is not the first of your posts I've read, and you never cease to amaze me. Thank you, and I look forward to reading more.
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It’s glad to see good information being convey. Its a very nice written, and i really like these blog. Thanks for the info.
Education Consultants Pakistan
These are adorable! I tried them with a Burlap Flowers and Embellishments certainly they come out equally cute. Just make sure you iron them well when they are accordion folded.
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Wow, What excellent tutorials, I think if there was a Burlap Queen you would certainly be crowned! Hope you don't mind if I blog it?