Toothbrush holder turned into a succulent planter
Turn a Toothbrush Holder into a Succulent Planter Hack. Last month I was lucky enough to visit the Better Homes and Gardens headquarters in Iowa. It was so much fun. Pretty much a dream come true. We were able to see the behind-the-scenes rooms and styling ideas. It was amazing!! One of my favorite parts of the trip was learning a bunch of different ways to use products in unusual ways. I think my favorite hack that they showed me was a centerpiece of succulents using BHG toothbrush holders. I love that idea!
I went home and as I was getting my home ready for the Daybreak Parade of Homes Housewarming party I wanted to use this hack in my main floor bathroom.
I found some faux succulents at Walmart – along with a $3 toothbrush holder that was just the right color. Perfect!
This is seriously a 2 minute craft. If you use faux succulents, just pop them into the toothbrush holder and you are done. If you use real succulents just add some potting soil and pop your live plants in and you are done.
And here’s a little sneak peek of our main floor bathroom:
You can use this toothbrush holder succulent planter anywhere in your home, but I thought the perfect place to put it was in the bathroom. And I love the way it looks!
So here is the succulent planter and here is a little sneak peek of the main floor powder room. Aren’t the green and white subway tile stripes fun?
I added some green and white floral towels, also from the BHG Live Better line from Walmart and a matching mat. It’s fresh and clean and pretty!
What projects are you working on in YOUR home?
Let us know in the comments!!
Have a beautiful day!
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Hi!! I really love your plants! May I ask a question? In case of a real succulent, don’t you need to have a saucer under the pot?? Thank you!
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