I got a wonderful tip from Lindsey @ Pleated Poppy last week — she clued me in to a great place to get beautiful fabric, Hawthorne Threads. They have a great selection of yummy fabric and it’s really easy to order. I was thrilled when a package came for me TWO days after I ordered!
It was all so pretty – I didn’t want to cut any of it up. I finally decided to make some little Spring topiaries.
I used burlap as the background and then used the pretty fabric to make fabric flowers. They look so bright and Spring-y in my kitchen! The topiary would make a cute centerpiece on your table, but I decided to make three – I think everything looks better in threes, don’t you?
If you would like to make some, here is what I did:
Terra Cotta Pot(s)
Styrofoam ball(s)
Wood dowel(s)
Fabric scraps
Scrapbook paper scraps
Jeweled scrapbook brads
Gorilla Glue
Gorilla Glue
Flower arranging block(s)
Vinyl numbers or stencil and paint (optional)
- Spray painted the pots. (3 coats). Once dried, I added a vinyl number to each pot. You could also stencil something on each pot. Or just leave it plain too – it’s up to you.
- Cover the balls in burlap. I cut a 3 inch strip of burlap. Wrapped it around the ball to see how long to make it. Cut it to that length. Attached it with hot glue. TIP: This is a great way to NOT burn your fingers. Get a few straight pins that you don’t mind ruining. After you apply the hot glue, stick a straight pin in the ball and let it cool. It helps attach the burlap to the ball so well!
- I made little cuts in the sides of the burlap. Run a line of hot glue inside the outer edge of the burlap strip. Then press the edges down, the little slits will help the burlap conform to the ball shape without wrinkles. Make an oval section of burlap to cover up each end of the ball.
- Once the ball(s) are covered in burlap, set them aside and start making the flowers. Cut your fabric scraps — mine were 2 inches wide by 20 inches long. I made 14 flowers per topiary. Then make a long, running stitch down the middle of each strip with your machine, or by hand. Then gather the thread at one end of each strip and pull to gather the material. I gathered all of the strips at the same time.
- Once the strips are gathered, make them into flowers. Take one end and fold it around in a circular motion until you have made a circle, make the circle a little bigger each time it goes around. It should go around about three times. Secure with a pin.
- You don’t have to use a machine to do this craft. If you don’t want to use a machine, skip the gathering step and move right on to the this step — You can make the flower using hot glue. Take one end of the strip make a little fold to the side and add a dab of hot glue, keep doing this, going in a circular motion and gathering your material as you hot glue it. This may take some time and patience.
- Once you have made your flowers, hot glue them together. I flipped each flower over and added hot glue from the back, putting a dab under each layer of material until it keeps it shape. Remove the pins once cooled.
- Cut out some circles out of scrapbook paper. I used three different papers. I used a 1/2 inch punch. Then put a jeweled scrapbook brad through each circle.
- Now attach the flowers onto the burlap balls. I used straight pins to arrange them on the ball ahead of time. Space the flowers out so that the burlap shows though the middle. Then I dabbed some Gorilla Glue onto the back of each flower. I then put a straight pin back in the middle of the flower to hold the flower on to the ball until the glue dried. Once the glue dried, then I pulled the pins out.

- Now attach the scrapbook paper to the center of each flower with a dab of hot glue. Hold until the glue cools.
- I put a little block of flower arranging foam in the bottom of each pot. I put a little Gorilla Glue in the bottom. Then I took a wood dowel and stuck it in the bottom of the burlap/flower ball and then through the center of the pot.
- Then I wrapped the dowel in ribbon.
- Finally I put hot glued a layer of moss over the top of flower arranging foam.
Love this!! I was thinking about doing something like this for a photo shoot with my 6 month old….I hope it comes out this cute!
Great tutorial on the fabric flowers!! Definitely going to try the hot glue method. Now I just need some pretty fabric! 🙂
OMG! I totally LOVE LOVE LOVE these!
I love, love, love these!
You sure have got the gift, girl!
Adorably cute toparies! That's spring?!? It's going to be in the 80's today here…
jeanette from http://www.sweetjeanette.com
These are so adorable!
Those are adorable…of course!
It was sunny and close to 80 degrees here today. Our spring break was two weeks ago and it was COLD. That really doesn't make for great spring break weather. Mayber your snow will miraculously melt and the temps will rise!
Hope you have a fantastic Easter weekend, friend.
I don't even sew and that stack of fabric is exciting to me! You come up with the best ideas. As for the weather…I'm in Florida where it is cooler than usual, but perfect 70's and sunny most of the day. Of course I haven't had much time away from the hospital with my mom, but when I do get out…gorgeous.
Another Genius Project! I love it!
It is windy like no other here, we are in tornado season…
Have a delightful day!
very cute! Where I am it's in the 80's and sunny, but the wind is blowing like crazy! Sorry, I don't mean to gloat.
what a great idea.. it was nice and warm here today but windy. we have rain coming.
Very cute topiaries. Oddly, we had the worst snow storm ever during Spring Break and now that all the kids are back in school it's beautiful and warm. Darn it!
The weather has been great here in Tx. Expecting a little rain tomorrow, but a great weekend! Warm, yeah!!
Jen Jen, you've outdone yourself! Those topiaries are fabulous!!! I love them! I am going to have to make those for my kitchen table.
fantastic as always!! I love Hawthorne Threads! They have great prices and awesome service!!
I'm so sorry about the snow! we lucked out and it's 80 and sunny!! I hope it warms up there soon!!
This project is adorable!
Super cut Jen! You got my wheels turning! Love it! (as always)
You've got your trademark burlap and colorful flowers thing down girl! I love these. So when will they be for sale in your etsy shop??? 😉
I love those flower pots and the topiary and the flowers and the ….
I live in Florida and it was hight 70's today, sunny with a little breeze.
Love it this time of year. Not so much in the summer.
Your blog is looking so dang cute! Too bad I've already featured you.
This is out of this world cute!!!! We are expecting horrible storms tomorrow but that is norm for this time of year in Texas. We woke up to 9 inches of snow Sunday of the first day of spring – that was weird.
Gorgeous! They are so cute! I poured rain last night but now is is about 60 and sunny.
Your tutorials are always great. I loved this one. Thank you! 🙂
So adorable!
These are really beautiful.
Beautiful! It is sunny but looking like a storm may be brewing:O)
I love Hawthorne threads too! I ordered stuff from them on a Saturday and it came all the way from New York to Washington by Monday. Through the mail that NEVER happens. Anyway, sorry about the snow!
YAY! So glad you posted this, I was searching for it last night from the pic on the header and thought I was crazy I couldn't find it. So cute! I have everything to do this but the burlap, to Walmart I will go! Thanks again for the post.
Seriously!!??? Why do you do it to me??? I want to make everything I see on your blog!! My hubby is going to kick me out! 😉
Well, these just make me happy! I love that cheery fabric! It's sunny here today but tomorrow it's supposed to be pouring rain. That's spring for ya! ;D
Oh, and I'm totally grabbing your button for my Blog Roll page! 🙂
Those are very cute! They say you are supposed to have 3 or more of something. 3 is supposed to signify a collection.
Happy Easter to you and your family!
I'm certain your home looks like it could be the perfect place to shoot a design magazine! reading through your posts makes me want to head straight to Jo-Ann Fabrics. I signed myself up for a sewing 101 class about a month ago, but it isn't until May. I can't wait! I think it's so amazing to make things with your own 2 hands. 🙂
These are inspired! You always have such great projects. I love the way you painted the dowels!
SO cute! I saw the topiarys in your header… and thought EWWWW, can't wait until she shows those! Love them, super super darling. So sorry about the snow! AND hate to rub it in…… but today its warm sunny and gorg. I was wearing capris and flip flops! ;(
P.S. SO WISH WE LIVED CLOSER TOO!!! ;( BOO HOO! hugs, luvs, jenn
So cute! I think you may be able to find a million crafts to make with burlap! I'm working on a burlap project in my head right now…hopefully it will be as cute as all of yours always are!
80 degrees and warm….Beautiful! To make you feel better…I am stuck at school for Parent-Teacher Meeting until 6:00!!!! The snow scene is gorgeous!!! Love your flowers!!!
These are so incredibly cute! On my way to look at this Hawthorne Threads… my husband will hate you. lol!!
I was browsing through Hawthorne threads the other day… LOVE their fabric. Can't wait to order some myself.
I love what you did- I've been looking for just the right topiary to brighten some pots I found. These are perfect! Thanks!
These are adorable. Mine would never come out so nice but I think I'll give it a shot.
It's gorgeous here today…I ate lunch outside for the first time this year!
"Sew" cute! Lovin' the fabric…
Just adorable!!! I'm thinking those would look really cute on my kitchen table 🙂 Guess I know what I'll be doing during Spring Break!
Ouch! That snow is even worse than what we are dealing with here in Alaska. Love the topiaries!
got to love these cute things! and the snow we got yesterday and today is finally melting! woo hoo!
So cute! What a nice bright idea!
These are such a fun idea. I love the sweet fresh look to it!
You are the burlap queen!
I LOVE this! OKAY I need to do a project now, your ideas are fabulous! Love the pops of color and the fact that there is 3 of them…well…that's just awesome. Thanks for sharing! Oh and it's sunny and 80 degrees here…;)
These are great! I've added yet another one of your projects to my Inspirational Projects list on my sidebar … another one for the "to-do" list!
These are cute, Jen! I like how you wrapped the dowel, too! We finally have some sun this week and it must be at least 65 here right now. We are supposed to have a glorious weekend in the 70's. With a day off tomorrow, I'm looking forward to it!
What a clever project! Love those fabrics too. Sorry you have snow. I won't tell you how it is here, because you might not really want to know… Best wishes for a lovely holiday weekend!
very cute! I love the little flowers 🙂
And so now you're going to send ME one, right?? LOL
They are cute!
Very cute and fun craft – I've been looking for inspiration for all my quilt scraps…BTW, it's 71 here in Austin and supposed to get into mid-eighties! yes, i had to go buy my first shorts of the season so i didn't bake in my jeans! (:
How did you know i was in love with those from your header?? 🙂
Guess what's on my project "to do" list this weekend?
🙂 i am about to post on my blog how the weather is here.. it's so lovely currently!
Make today great!