Hi all! I’m Tracie from Cleverly Inspired and I’m so glad to be back today to share a delicious recipe for summer picnics!
Everyone going in all directions all school year long….it is nice when things slow down a bit in the summer time. I hope you are finding time to visit the pool together, maybe a day in the park, going for ice cream…all those things that we love about the lazy days of summer. This little pressed picnic sandwich is a perfect way to make eating on the go easy and fun. You can really add in anything you like. This version is kids friendly…so I didn’t add in anything too spicy. Best when made a day ahead….when you are packing up for your picnic just slice it up and wrap in waxed paper. Take along a bag of chips…some fruit…yummy treat and your picnic is all set!
Here is what you will need:
ciabatta loaf
baked ham
oil vinegar sub mix
romaine lettuce
Here’s how to:
slice long ways down the entire bread and open it up
layer cheese on (I cut my slices in half and placed on each side of bread)
layer lettuce
layer ham
drizzle a bit of oil ( placing it in between meats will prevent from bread getting soggy)
layer salami
layer any other items you may want (red roasted peppers are great here)
close the bread
wrap in double saran wrap
place in fridge with a heavy weight on the top
when ready to leave, unwrap and re wrap with wax paper, slice up on the diagonal
You’re ready to grab and go!
I would love for you to stop by and see what I have been working on!
Thanks for having me visit this month Jen:)
Thanks Tracie! Now, I want to go on a picnic!! I love summer too, and that sandwich just looks so yummy, and pretty too!! I think they would be so fun to serve at a party too. Tracie has amazing ideas on her blog. Make sure you stop by and check out these projects that she’s been working on:
This Pumpkin Spice Latte Ice Cream Topping makes my mouth water!! Who wouldn’t want that on top of their ice cream??
You all know how much I love wreaths. This DIY Boxwood Wreath she has on her blog is so pretty!! I love all the greenery on the front door!!
And, here’s a great and simple idea for a Paper Bag Vase! This makes decorating for the 4th of July so easy!!
Visit Cleverly Inspired and

- ciabatta loaf
- provolone
- baked ham
- prosciutto
- salami
- oil vinegar sub mix
- romaine lettuce
- slice long ways down the entire bread and open it up
- layer cheese on (I cut my slices in half and placed on each side of bread)
- layer lettuce
- layer ham
- drizzle a bit of oil ( placing it in between meats will prevent from bread getting soggy)
- layer salami
- layer any other items you may want (red roasted peppers are great here)
- close the bread
- wrap in double saran wrap
- place in fridge with a heavy weight on the top
- when ready to leave, unwrap and re wrap with wax paper, slice up on the diagonal
This sounds delicious!
I`ll definitely give it a try.
Another great picnic sandwich idea is called “Shooter’s sandwich”.
It’s a type of pressed sandwich and it’s great due to the fact that you can
improvise with the ingredients a lot.
Check it out.
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This looks delicious! I’d love to make these sandwiches for my family’s next picnic!
That looks amazing, I shall have to make one soon
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I love this time of the year – barbecues, picnics, outdoor entertainments… 🙂 And this great recipe is just on time. Thanks for sharing! Looks really delicious!
OK….these sandwiches look delicious! I can’t wait to make one. 🙂
Hi Jen!
That sandwich looks delicious – I love the presentation! I make a similar sandwich but I use the dry Italian seasoning mixed with minced garlic and olive oil! OMG – it is sooo good – especially after it marinates all night.
I’m craving one now that I’ve seen yours – it looks amazing!
OMG – That sandwich looks so delish – I didn’t realize it was that easy to make a pressed sandwich either. We love a good hoagie in our house – especially on hot summer days! Super Yummy – thanks for sharing!
Oh my…this looks insanely good! We’re taking a hooky day Thursday and I’m thinking this is just the right picnic option!