Transform a bathroom closet into a beautiful vanity area @ Liz Marie Blog
There are so many amazing organizing ideas in this amazing craft room @ Sew Many Ways
Make a pretty Laundry Drying Rack @ Little Lucy Lu
Turn an old window frame into a fun accessory holder @ Life. Love. Larson
Love this — Make a Framed Jewelry Wall @ Blue. Lace. House
Make a Diaper Clutch your husband will want to carry around @ See Kate Sew
Create more storage out of cement forms and a pair of old shutters @ Girl in Air
Stack wooden crates to create storage in a playroom @ Fingerprints on the Fridge
Use baseball card pages as seed starters @ Thrifty Decorating
Upcycle old formula cans into stylish kitchen storage @ 1st Lady of the House
Use a vintage crate to corral art supplies in a play room @ Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss
Turn an old mailbox into a unique storage system @ Morning by Morning Productions
Create faux built ins out of old bookcases with paint and a pretty stencil @ Windgate Lane
Make a PB tile system knock off for under $30 @ Goddess of Gifts
Make a pretty fabric-covered magnet board @ Nuestra Adventuras en Texas
Create a spring herb box on wheels @ Blissful Craziness
Cool makeup storage solution @ Liz Marie Blog
Great closet tips @ Lamb Around
WOW — 800 awesome projects linked up so far!
There are tons of great Easter ideas, DIY projects, refashions and sewing projects and even Chevron projects!
Come check them out and enter to win $50 to
Another Great Ideas feature post coming up soon!!!
Have a Happy Day!!

Just seeing this! You're awesome, thank you so much!
Great ideas, I'm inspired to rethink some areas that definitely could be organized better!
i LOVE that bathroom vanity area!!
Hey! Thanks so much for featuring my Jewelery Frames! This totally made my week! I love these parties because it's so inspiring to me to see what everyone is doing out there. What great designs these all are! Thanks again. =D
I am so grateful to have my ladder laundry rack included in this … THANK YOU.
You made my day!
that is a lovely piece of furniture.
Wow – so many great ideas! Thanks for putting this together!
Thanks for featuring my diaper clutches Jen!
love all these ideas…seriously, jen…you've provided hours of delightful reading 😉
ps: did you do the drawing for the giveaway from my shop? if so do you email me with addresses? just wanted to make sure. thanks!
Thank you so much for including my window frame jewelry holder! I appreciate it!
Absolutely beautiful features! Thanks so much for hosting this party Jen. I look forward to it every week!
– Jenn @ Social Salutations
Truly great ideas! Thanks so much for including mine:)
I would KILL for that one craft room. Sheesh.
It's always fun here. Thanx
Thanks so much, Jen, for featuring my seed starter! 🙂