UPDATE — winner is Jordan of The Goddess of Sewing
It’s an exclusive members-only sale site featuring luxury and premium brands for the home.
Typical sales offer steep discounts — 25-70% off retail!!
This is my type of site!!
This is my type of site!!
New sales launch daily, but last for only a quick 72 hours.
These aren’t “off” brands, these are big names like Missoni Home, Dwell Baby, Lilly Pulitzer, Le Creuset, Thom Felicia, and many other brands you know and love.
{Like this Fallon Yellow / Ivory Contemporary Rug – 5′ x 8′ for $384 instead of regular price of $480}
{Red Chair $219– amazing deal}
Skip the waiting list and get access to the sales though this invitation:
That’s right, $200 to spend at Joss & Main!!!
Winner will receive $200 to spend any way they choose on the Joss & Main sales.
{You do have to enter your email to join, and set up a password, just to let you know..}
Here’s how to win:
- Become a member of Joss & Main using this link{Already a member? Enter to win anyway! Just sign in and browse through the sales. Come back to this post & leave me a comment.} one entry.
- Leave a comment here letting me know your favorite find on Joss & Main – one entry.
- Follow Joss & Main on Facebook – where you can find out about their newest sales. one entry.
- Follow Joss & Main on Twitter where you can keep up on the great discounts and offers. one entry.
- Share this giveaway on Twitter, Facebook or your blog.one entry each.
{this giveaway ends Monday, June 20th}
PS — This week I am so excited about my new Summer series that is starting —
the Tatertots & Jello Summer Social!!
It is a group of talented bloggers sharing some of their FAVORITE summer ideas!!
You are going to LOVE their Summertime ideas!!!
And, I am going to London on Saturday!!!
A London giveaway is coming up soon!!
I am looking for TWO guest posters to look through my Weekend Wrap Up parties this weekend {6/17} and next weekend {6/24} and write TWO feature posts while I am gone.
Leave me a comment if you might want to do this and you can spotlight your blog too!!!
I’ll bring you back something cool too as a thank you gift 🙂 ***Title your email — London guest post…. jennifer@tatertotsandjellocom*** UPDATE — I used the first two people that emailed me. Thanks for all of the interest!! I am excited to find some fun things in London to give away!!

Became a member and am excited to browse!
Love the Angelo Home 3 piece ottoman set!!
I am a Joss & Main member!
I'm liking the Giacomo table lamp I saw there today!
Just joined Joss and Main!
Tweeted again today
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
shared to twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/egood33/status/82285734568009728
vandango33 at gmail dot com
shared to FB: https://www.facebook.com/elisabeth.good1/posts/192624340788385
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I follow Joss & Main on twitter @egood33
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I follow Joss & Mail on FB-Elisabeth G
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I'm really loving the Sandra Adult Blanket! It's so cozy looking!
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I'm already a member and love all of the great things they have to offer every day! 🙂
vandango33 at gmail dot com
Tickle Barstool in Black i love this and i would take any of the minky conture blankets =) hehe
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follow @jossandmain
sha t
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like Joss and Main on fb teh doll
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Become a member of Joss & Main
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I joined Joss & Main, and after a bit of browsing, I think my favourite thing on there right now is the cute little Candice End Table in Distressed Antique White from Blanc et Noir.
Enjoy your time in London! Its definitely one of the most amazing cities in the world!
I really like their armless chairs — I'd love something similar for my bedroom.
I just joined — thanks for telling us about them!
I made a chair just like that red one for $1….and I like mine better!!! 🙂
I just became a member of Joss & Main. Seems like a great site!
rianne (dot) kravitz (at) yahoo.com
oops that is two entries so I'll just note again that I'm already a member. 🙂
havenera at gmail dot com
I am already a member and LOVE IT. I like the zack barware they are featuring today.
havenera at gmail dotcom
I follow Joss&Main on twitteR (abijah8)
havenera at gmail dot com
I would buy on of Monet's waterlily framed prints.
I'm already a member!
I follow on twitter.
I liked them on facebook.
Oh my this is awesome! I love the odyssey 8 light chandelier!
Love the upholstered bench in Moss Green~
Just signed up and became a member!
New here 🙂
became a member of the site and am now following your blog 🙂
I like the Upholstered Storage Bench in Canary Moss… and oh so much more.
have fun in england!
I follow them on FB 🙂
I love the bumble and brown green dishes… might have to get those!
I joined them… what a neat site!
Armless Chair in Gerber Sungold
Joined Joss & Main via your link – ✔
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By far my favorite find: http://www.jossandmain.com/store/skyline-furniture/armless-chair-in-gerber-sungold.html
follow joss and main on fb
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I also love the Upholstered Storage Bench in Canary Moss from the pantone shop!
I'm already a member of Joss+ Main
[email protected]
I like joss and main on fb
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
I like this:
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
Already a member of Joss and Main. 🙂
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted the Giveaway on Twitter!
I shared! the giveaway on Facebook
I follow Joss and Main on Twitter
I follow Joss and Main on Facebook!
I would spend hours picking out something! I love this site. I do need a new mixer but I love the sage storage bench.
I registered at Joss and Main!
Following jossandmain on twitter @rusthawk.
I am following jossandmain on FB. (Rust Hawk)
I like the Stowe Ladies Laptop Tote in Black from the Bramble brown collection.
I am a current member of Joss and Main (this email addy).
I like Joss & Main on fb!
I am following Joss & Main on twitter! @kwalk106
I love the sage storage bench in the panetone collection!
I am a member of Joss & Main!
My favorite item is the skyline furniture armless chair in athens smoke. It was hard to pick just one. 🙂
I "liked" them on facebook.
I just became a member of their website.
I shared the giveaway on my Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/aashellparty
I tweeted – http://twitter.com/#!/April_Pinkchip/status/80729118378954752
I follow Joss and main on Twitter.
I follow Joss and Main on
I like the armless chairs at skyline Furniture, especially the
New England's Lace Aqua
I am a member of Joss and Main.
just liked their facebook page.
i'm always looking for a great rug, and there's been many a time where i almost buy a ghost chair!
i have a trifecta of stores that i check daily deals on, and joss and main is a great one!
I love the cube chair in canary moss style I have wanted a chair like that so bad!!
I'm a member of Joss and Main and I am so excited!!!
I also just added joss and main to my facebook!
i just signed up at joss and main! you want me to pick one thing I like? impossible however i will say the armless chair with cone legs..sorry can't be more specific with fabric!
SHARED GIVEAWAY ON FACEBOOK @ http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/kytah00/posts/173616692699579 [email protected]
FOLLOW JOSS & MAIN ON TWITTER AS "kytah00" [email protected]
WOULD LOVE TO HAVE THE "Double Gourd Table Lamp" [email protected]
Shared giveaway on my facebook page.
My FAVORITE is the Armless Chair in Gerber Sungold!!!
I tweeted about them
I like them on FB
I'd love the Cuisinart food processor.
I'm a member at Joss and Main.
There are so many things to choose from; holy cow! Love the lampshades, but if I could have anything, I'd pick a piece of the Skyline furniture.
London? How fun. I went with my dad when I was in high school and there is SO much to see. You will love it. OH–and I am now a Joss and Main member.
And right now I am so impressed w/ the Cuisinart sale! It is awesome–too bad I missed the ice cream maker but might jump on the single serve brewing system…
I'm a member of Joss & Main!
I tweeted this giveaway!
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I became a member of Joss and Main.
I shared the giveaway on Facebook!
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I follow Joss & Main on Facebook.
I love the Skip Hop bubble hooks. They would be perfect for my kids' room. 🙂
I became a member of Joss & Main!
I liked them on Facebook!
i follow them on fb
yanuzo at hotmail dot com
i really love the Pair of Fabulous Beasts Gift Wrap
yanuzo at hotmail dot com
i am already a member. I love the bags for kids
yanuzo at hotmail dot com
I love the Dog Zoo Pack. How cute!!! My dd would love it.
I am in love with the armless chairs…my fav is the colorful one Lilth Marigold. Would look fantastic in my family room!
A FB fan here!
Already a member! Love that site.
I love the gorgeous Magma Vessel Sink and Oil Rubbed Bronze Faucet…thank you!
I would love the upholstered chair in bittersweet.
I am now a member of Joss and Main
Facebooked about the giveaway!!
Simply Sara
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Follow joss and main on twitter!!!
[email protected]
Follow joss and main on Facebook!!!
Sara Haga Gore
[email protected]
Already a member!! Loving the all tru passion candle!!
[email protected]
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
I like Josh and main on fb!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
I could def. Use a new rug thanks !
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
Already a member of joss and main!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
I liked Joss and Main on facebook!
I am a member of Joss and Main. loving their stuff!
I am a member of Joss and Main. I love their rugs! But if I had to choose one thing it would be the Armless Chair with Cone Legs in New England's Lace Butterscotch. We live in a tiny apartment and I need something small but beautiful for a living room!!
facebook follower
LOVE the Armless chair in Gerber Sungold!
I became a member!
Oh yes!
Maybe a leather messenger bag!
Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting
I am signed up!
Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting
I am certainly a follower of J&M on Twitter!
Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting
already a member and love it. i am totally loving the rugs they have on there!
I am a Joss & Main FB fan.
lindsfitch at hotmail dot com
I love the Skyline Armless Chair in Gerber Sungold!
lindsfitch at hotmail dot com
I am a member of Joss and Main.
lindsfitch at hotmail dot com
I posted it on my blog!! http://wardellgiveaways.blogspot.com/2011/06/amazingthank-you-tatertots-and-jello.html
I posted it on facebook!
I am a new facebook fan of Joss and Main!
I LOVE that ice cream maker!! I'd probably start getting some of that beautiful bathroom items though for my dream bathroom!!
I'm a member of J&M
I love love love the fuschia sheepskin rug…so tempted!
I am a member! Thank you tons for this awesome giveaway!!!
I liked on facebook!!! [email protected]
I liked on facebook!!! [email protected]
I love this new site. I love all the red everything Joss and Main offers as well.
I would definately get a chair from Skyline Furniture. The hard part is picking which one! 🙂
[email protected]
I love Joss and Main!! 🙂
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I like them on FB
[email protected]
I love the cute gift wrap my fav is pair of pop heart
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i became a member at joss % main
[email protected]
I've been a member for a while now and absolutely love their site!
Hi Jen,
I love your blog, your great ideas, the things you and Shelley craft up together and all the great bloggers out there that I've met from your linky parties! I'd love to help you out while you're gone!
[email protected]
i follow joss & main on facebook!
[email protected]
I follow Joss and Main on twitter. @brideonbudget
navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Joss and Main on facebook.
navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite find is the Cuisinart slow cooker.
navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com
i follow joss & main on twitter!
[email protected]
I just joined and love the armless chair in Woodland Blue. LOVE.
You're going to my old stomping grounds (we lived in Britain for many years when I was younger). Have fun!
we've been looking for a chair with some kind of print for a couple months – so we loved seeing the great options on joss & main.
[email protected]
i became a member at joss & main.
[email protected]
I would choose the Skyline armless chair in Athens Smoke!!
I am loving their skip hop stuff right now!!
Already a member of Joss and Main and love them!!
I also created a user account!
I'd love the Cuisinart food processor in aluminum! It would look great in my kitchen! Thanks!!!
I became a member of Joss and Main
I love that Armless Chair in Gerber Sungold….perfect with the new color scheme I'm going for in my bedroom!!!
I just liked Joss & Main on Facebook.
I love the owl bookends from skip hop…unfortunately already sold out.
I just became a member of Joss and Main
I love the patterned chairs
I am a member on Joss and Main!
There are some really great looking things on this site.
I love the woks and pot holders.
I love the kitchen appliances.
I might go broke!
I like Joss and Main on facebook!
I could really use a great club chair! Finish the living room off.
Already a member and love it! Haven't bought yet, though 🙂
I would love a couple of those armless chairs from the skyline furniture
I am a member
I am already a member and would LOVE one of the gorgeous rugs!! 🙂
I blogged about your Giveaway here: http://jomoseleysblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/06132011-tatertots-and-jello-giveaway.html
[email protected]
I am dying over all those beautiful armless chairs! MUST.HAVE. Beautiful!!
Shared on FB here: http://www.facebook.com/KJMoseley/posts/216765358356654
[email protected]
Following Joss and Main on Twitter and Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/peasandluvfrmJO/status/80386662810660865
Have Fun in London! Hugs ~ Jo
[email protected]
I am LOVING the Armless Chair in Gerber Sungold. My living room needs this bit of cheeriness!
[email protected]
I'm a member of Joss and Main!
[email protected]
I like the "Mix It Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker in White" by Cuisinart!
[email protected]
I shared this giveaway on Twitter.
I follow Joss and Main on Twitter.
[email protected]
I'm a new Follower of Joss and Main on FB!
[email protected]
am glad i found your blog – loved your new upcycled dining room chairs – stealing that idea.
Thanks for bring joss and main to my attention!
Became a member of Joss & Main! I signed up through your special link! (Hope lots of people BUY!) [email protected]
I just joined Joss & Main Love the armless chairs! don't know what one is my favorite yet!!
Can I just say that I love that armless chair in Lace Aqua?! So classy!
I LOVE the armless chair in athens bittersweet! It is so vibrant! we are moving soon (hopefully my husband will get accepted into medical SCHOOL!) and we have no sitting furniture to take with us! No couch no chairs, no table! Nothing!!! this would be an amazing opportunity!
I love the Skyline Furniture armless chairs, especially the Athens Bittersweet.
I signed up to follow Joss & Main on Facebook.
I am a member of of Joss & Main
I now follow J and M on fb
I love the skyline chairs! Armless chair in summergold!
Already a member of Joss and Main!
I think my favorite item up right now is the Armless Chair with Cone Legs in Athens Smoke. Beautiful!
I just registered at Joss & Main!
I love the chairs! Especially the Armless in Emilio Sand!
I joined Joss & Main!
I am a follower on fb;)
I love the yellow armless chair. I'm looking for a new reading chair and I think I might have found it.
I am in looooove with those Bramble and Brown bags! I have a laptop bag already, and a tote or wallet would be awesome! So many gorgeous things to choose from =)
I just joined Joss & Main! Love it already!
To Die For!!!
If you could just see my front room…BIG OL WOODEN FLOOR SPACE…yea, it echos! I have been on a mad search for a rug and am IN LOVE with the yellow one you displayed from Joss and Main!
Fingers crossed on this Monday…hoping to win!
"echoing in Orlando"
I follow them on facebook now. 🙂
Love the Cube Chair in Canary Moss Style. I hope I win!
I just became a member of the site.
Love the Nail Button Armless Chair. [email protected]
Great giveaway! I am a member. [email protected]
I like J&M on FB
I really want the Cuisinart Food Processor they have right now!
I'm a member of J&M
I would definitely use the $200 towards an armless chair…the patterns are great!
just joined and am excited for the sales!
Wow, love lots of their things. Love the chairs as well as the rug's graphic quality. would LOVE to win!
I'm a J&M member
My favorite items now are the upholstered chairs – no idea where I'd put one, but they're so nice!
I'm a Joss and Main member!
I follow J&M on twitter.
I follow J&M on fb
Im drooling at the gerber sungold chair or the athens smoke chair..
Im a member now 🙂 awesome site! Love it.
I'd really love the cuisin art food processor.
I signed up though your invitation.
I shared this on facebook.
I follow Joss & Main on Twitter
[email protected]
I follow Joss & Main on FB. Thanks!
[email protected]
http://twitter.com/#!/DesMoinesDealin/status/80323511784185857 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
i am already a member and i like the pair of fabulous beasts gift wrap by roger la borde! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I became a member of J&M!!! Thanks a bunch!! 🙂
I joined Joss & Main! Thanks for this giveaway opportunity!
[email protected]
I can picture the armless chair in gerber sungold in my living room!
I like Joss & Main on Facebook!
I hadn't even looked at the Skyline Furniture Sale because I didn't think it'd be affordable – but I love the armless chair in athens smoke! And only $219 is amazing!
What a fun giveaway. I am a member of Joss and Main.
I'm already a member!
I'm a member. And I'm following them on fb!!
Ooooh! I'm dying over the woodland noir chair. I want!!!
I love the sink bowls and some are just $96!!!
I follow Joss and Main on Twitter.
I like joss and main on facebook.
I really like the cuisinart food processor because I really want one of those right now.
I became a member at Joss and Main.
I 'liked' Joss and Main on Facebook.
[email protected]
I became a Joss & Main member.
[email protected]
I would buy the Armless Chair In Athens Smoke 🙂
[email protected]
Posted your give-a-away on FB.
[email protected]
Liked Joss & Main on FB.
[email protected]
I LOVE the Armless Chair in Athens Smoke. I've been looking for an armless chair for my guitar playing hubby. Something fun & different… definitely found it here!
[email protected]
Super excited for this give-a-way!I'm a memeber of Joss & Main
[email protected]
I became a fan on facebook and started following them on twitter!
I signed up and created an account on their website as well.
My favorite find was the black and white armless chair with the damask print. So cute!
I have always wanted a reason to join!
I love the Skyline furniture especialy the golden-yellow one. Really growing fond of yellow lately.
i liked Joss and Main on FB!
i love that fallon contemporary rug!
i'm a member of Joss and Main!
I Like them on fb! (Tempest Bisang)
I'm a member! And I love the chairs they have today. Love every single one of them! 🙂
I sent you an email.. It would be fun to write a weekend wrap up post.. 🙂
I follow Joss and Main on twitter
I like Joss and Main on FB
I also tweeted about the giveaway.
I follow them on Twitter (@evil_lina).
I follow them on FB.
I've had my eye on the Skyline chairs for ages and would love the Gerber Sungold one.
Thank you so much for introducing me to this site! Although my bank account probably won't thank you. Such great stuff!
I love that yellow rug! I need it soooo bad!
I became a member
My primary interest would be furniture. I'm digging on the Casablanca corner chair, but undecided on the putty color.
Joined via your thoughtful invitation. Thanks!
Loving the woodland armless chair in noir or really have been wanting a sandwich maker
Ooh, I love the armless chair in lace butterscotch.
I'm a Fan of Joss and Main on Facebook.
I follow Joss and Main on Twitter.
Oh, you will just LOVE London!! Have so much fun!
I'm a Joss and Main member!
i like the upcoming sale..
Skyline Furniture – Upholstered Accent Chairs
I'm a memeber.
I already am a member and follow them on facebook. I am now following them on twitter as well. The Button Armless chairs (all the colors!) on the site right now are fantastic!
I'm loving the skyline furniture chairs. Oh man would I love one of those!
I signed up for Joss & Main emails
I was really tempted by those ikat armless chairs they currently have…
Already a member!
I am following Joss & Main on Facebook.
I am a member of Joss & Main.
I shared this giveaway on my blog!
I'm a fan of Joss and Main on fb!
I love the armless chairs! So adorable in their bright colors. I also like the leather wallet with the buckle, super cute.
I became a member of Joss and Main! Loving it!! 🙂
I love that they have a large variety of stuff! I like the cuisineart sale they have going on, and they have really cute kids bags from skip hop like the penguin one!
I like Joss and Main on facebook!
I love so many things over there…where to start? I love the animal lunchies, the opera glasses, and I really like the Barcoder note cards. LOVE all the cool stuff!
I joined joss and main, what a great site!
I became a member of Joss & Main. Great stuff!
I'm a member of Joss & Main. I love it!
I follow Joss and Main on Twitter! @JustJingle
I follow joss and main on Facebook.
I am loving the Roger La Borde graphic gift wraps….I think my favorite right now is the Pair of Indian Rose Gift wrap!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
I'm already a member! They have some great tea deals right now! jinglesells at gmail dot com
I really would like a nice diaper bag that is stylish – so I really love the Studio Diaper Tote in Champagne
I follow on twitter: mandysbargains
I like Joss and Main on facebook.
I just joined Joss and Main 😀
mandyfarmer23 at gmail.com
I'm a member! [email protected]
I like Joss & Main on Facebook.
I like the Erik Bagger four piece silverware set.
I am a member of Joss & Main.
shared this on twitter
follow Joss & Main on twitter @huffychic
like Joss & Main on facebook Tara Huff
Love the Skip Hop Zoo Pack Penguin!
already a member! So many great sales going on now!
I'm lovin' the beautiful fabric chairs!!
Following them on FB as well!
just joined their site– ooo la la! loving the Ikat and Tribal treats selections, but the graphic gift wrap is divine, too. 🙂
just joined thier site… thank you!
Posted giveaway on my blog.
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
I would totally use the credit to buy a new rug for my dining room. I LOVE THEIR SITE!
Hi Jen, I would love the oportunity to do a guest post while you are in London. My blog is tiny but I love your blog and would do you proud! I will send an email.
I just joined the site! Thanks!
Shared on FB here
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
Tweeted here too
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
Follow J&M on twitter too as gmissycat
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
Follow Joss and Main on Facebook as Georgia
[email protected]
I really like the Miyabi knives
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
I'm a member. 🙂
I am a member of J&M.
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
My favorite item at Joss& Main is the Greenwich Large Ladies Wallet in Black. The huge buckle on it is adorable!!!
[email protected]
I became a member.
[email protected]
I tweeted about your giveaway @gaprhonda
I like J&M on FB
I am now following J&M on Twitter
My favorite item on their site currently is the Trinity East/West Laptop bag
I signed up for J&M. Thanks
I signed up for J&M-thanks!
tweeted about giveaway
I follow Joss and Main on twitter
I follow Joss and Main on facebook
My favorite finds offered right now would be the tea and accessories as well as the skip hop gear
I became a member of Joss and Main
I would buy the Button Armless Chair in Marakesh Graphite
with the $200!
Following on Facebook!
I'm a follower on Twitter!
I'm already a member of Joss and Main! Love it!
I blogged about this giveaway.
[email protected]
I shared about this on FB.
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I shared this giveaway on twitter.
[email protected]
I follow Joss and Main on Twitter.
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I follow Joss and Main on FB.
[email protected]
Wow, there are a lot of really good deals right now! Lots of things I'd be interested in, like the tea, the skip hop kid's items, and the Cuisinart items, among others! I would choose the Cuisinart soft serve ice cream maker as a favorite. My kids would love that! Using that would be fun!
[email protected]
I became a member of Joss and Main.
[email protected]
Oooh! Have fun in London, too!!
Jen, I sent you an e-mail. I'd love a chance to do some spotlights. My blog is just a little ol' thing, but I'm a HUGE fan! Thanks!