This is me and my boys.
I always think I’ll remember what they’ve said, but the truth is my memory isn’t what it used to be. So, this simple “Remember” Quote Box will help with that.
Here’s what I did:
My mom had a recipe box she wasn’t using, so I spraypainted it pale turquoise. Then I added a little red vinyl to dress it up.
A kind lady in my neighborhood told me she did something like this and now that her children have grown they love to pull out the box for fun and read through it together.
I think it’ll also be fun to pull out on those hard days when my boys are making me crazy. It’s always nice to remember the good times 🙂
Thank you SO much for having me Jen!
Cheri – that is such a great idea!!
If you don’t know I Am Momma Hear Me Roar – you are in for a treat. Cheri can craft, she can sew AND she can DIY.
Check out these projects:
This SuperHero Room Cheri created is beyond cool!!
Such a good idea — upcycle old tees into a Cool Dress

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Cheri seems like such a nifty momma! i love this idea and plan to do this.
This is such a sweet idea, I love it! Thanks for sharing!
This is such a terrific idea and every parent AND grandparents should do this. The recipe box is perfect and I love the entire design.
Thank for sharing the tutorial, Cheri. All your other projects are fabulous. Can't wait to check them out. ~Molly
I LOVE this idea, Cheri! But what's new. All your ideas are fantastic. I write my kids letters every year on their birthday. But I for sure miss the little funnies that happen every day. I might need to get me one of these! You rock!
When my kids were younger, a neighbor told me to write down all the hilarious, adorable, and sweet things that came out of my kid's mouths. Of course, I didn't listen. They are now 8 and 5…there's still time and this tutorial is a perfect place to put them!
That is a fantastic idea! 🙂 I'm going to have to sneak a recipe box into the house now…
This is a great idea! I hardly ever can remember the funny things my son says. I wish I did but they slip past me. This is a great way to preserve the memories!
What a fantastic idea! My kids are a bit old for this now, I have been doing scrapbooks up until now but I agree the quotes thing is so important. Some of the things my kids have said has cracked me up over the years and now I can't remember some of them. So sad.
This is adorable! I don't have kids, but I'm a nanny and end up with scraps of paper with funny things the kids say. I wonder if the parents I work for would appreciate something like this. 🙂
Love it & the cute quote!
You mean if I killed someone I would still get a yoyo?? Awesome!
It's kind of embarrassing to admit that I've had a box like this set up for over year but haven't been using it! I think I need to paint one to match my kitchen so that I'm motivated to leave it out and use it. Or maybe Cheri could just send me hers since it matches my kitchen exactly. 😉
I love the "remember box"! I follow Cheri's blog everyday, and she is awesome. I love the "halloween eye chart", too.
Awesome idea, tfs!
Such a cute idea!! Makes me wish I had more than two kids to fill the box!
Great idea! Pinning 🙂
i love that my favorite bloggers are on each other's sites today. :] just read your halloween post on eighteen25.
Lovely idea! I always used my calendars and saved them. It's even a joke in the house, "get the calendar out, mom's got to write that one down." I'll never forget one quote that my then 4 yr old daughter said… "Mom do you know what I wish? I wish the whole world was as soft as our front yard, me too honey, me too!" You have no idea what a great gift you have created yourself! Enjoy!
I love this idea Cheri!! Thanks!!
What an awesome idea! My boys are always saying the funniest things that I just know I will want to be able to remember years from now. Thank you for such a wonderful idea! I will definitely be making this.
What a precious idea!!
Thanks for the idea! I have the perfect wooden box that I purchased about 4 years ago just hanging around waiting for it's day:)
Oh, what a great idea!! I used to write down cute stuff in the baby books, but then I grew lazy. :s This is such a sweet project.
Love it! I started a journal of letters to the boys but I think this would also be a great addition to just quickly jot down those funny one-liners. Hmmmm…off to find a box…
The box is an amazing idea!! I am definately making one! I'm sharing this one on my blog today:)
Oh I absolutely LOVE Cheri! What a fantastic idea. My little guy is constantly saying funny things. I definitely need to make one of these.
Wow, I love everything…the photo at the top, the kid's room, the dress and of course the box! Bookmarked the page so I can make one…when my son is old enough to talk! 🙂
Hi Cheri & Jen! I love this idea! I was just thinking yesterday (after my 5 year old said something…o I need to remember that! Thanks for sharing ~
that is such a sweet idea. i love that. when i have kids i have got to remember this.
{love} lauryn @
I love Cheri and this is such a cute idea. I keep track of my boys' cute sayings on my family blog, but this would be a much funner way to get out and read them together!