dinosaur (or dragon) tails!**Please be respectful of my designs and only use this tutorial for personal use. Not intended for commercial sale or manufacture, even on a home based scale.
Make them for yourself or as gifts, but I’d appreciate not using my design and instructions for profit.
This is a simple, fun, toy for kids. I designed these tails with two straps that wrap around their waist with velcro in front making it easy for them to get them on and off themselves.
CUT LIST: MAIN FABRIC: tail: (cut 2): 22″ x 11″ waist straps: (cut 4): 12″ x 3″ circle: 7″ in diameter (*I cut a 7″ square, fold it in fourths, then cut the curve from fold to fold) CONTRASTING FABRIC: spikes (cut 2): 22″ x 3.5″ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Trim tail strips Taking your two strips 22″ x 11″, lay them face down. On one end you’ll measure 4.5″ from each side. The two inches left in the middle will be the tip of the tail. On the other end, you’ll measure 4″ along the sides as a marker. Connect these two markings to create a diagonal for the cone shape of the tail. Cut off the triangular sides and throw them away.
Then you can turn the whole strip of spikes right side out, using a pen lid, knitting needle, etc. to push the tips of the points out. Iron your spike strip nice and flat.

This is such a cute project. Perfect for my 2 1/2 year old grandson who loves to dress up as monsters. The picture of the little guy laying on the floor is way too adorable! Thanks so much for posting the directions! This rainy day is not wasted
Thank you so much for this!! I pinned it when my boys were new born, they’ve just started stomping and roaring around the house so I think its finally time to make these!!! Im so excited!!!
Thanks for sharing the tutorial, the pictures and instructions are really great!!
Thank you so much! I have never sewed before, but my 3 year old girl wanted a dinosaur themed birthday party, so I thought it would be great treat. My friend, mom and I made 23 for the party and mate another pattern that was 1/3 the size for the baby sisters and brothers. It was such a fantastic party favor and SOOOOO hilarious to watch them all run around with their tails on. Thank you for the excellent directions that were easy enough to follow that someone with no experience (me) was able to figure it out. It took me about an hour per tail once cut. We made a template out of card board to make cutting quicker.
Oh Aurora that’s a fantastic idea for a party!!!!!!!!! I bet the kids had so much fun and it would’ve made for awesome pictures!! So keeping that in mind for a future party for the boys!!
Thanks for the great tutorial. It had been a while since I used my sewing machine, but this made it so simple to put together a great Halloween costume for my daughter. Her pink and purple dinosaur costume was a hit – with her and her friends!
Just finished my son’s dragon costume, complete with a spiked tail. Thank you for the great tutorial! I’ll be making more for play dates, I am sure.
Thank you for the great tutorial. I just made to for my daughters. They are going to wear them tomorrow to school.
I just made 11 of these for my grandson’s 3rd and 5th Birthday party. The boys LOVE them. I can barely sew a straight line but the directions, especially pictures, were a tremendous help! My first one was a throw-away but after that I cut a pattern out of poster board and started cranking them out. I used a fabric from Joanns called “snuggle fleece” (I think) using a dinosaur design for the body and solid for the spikes. They turned out amazing!! I did run out of velcro but it was just as easy to sew on afterwards. Now I don’t want to stop!! Thank you for the great post and directions!!
Thank you so much for sharing your very original idea. Just have to find the time to do this before Christmas – one for my grandson and one for my SON. The little one has to have a playmate and my 6’3″ son would look like a hoot. I can’t wait to go through your other ideas. Thanks again.
Just finished a tail for my sons 1st bday party, dino theme 🙂 Thank you SO much for this, cutest, awesomest thing ever!
Fantastic!! Disfraz de dragon!! Muy bien detallado!! Muy buena idea!!! I love it!
Made this tail for my little guy! He LOVED it and you helped me save Halloween
(I linked to your blog in my latest post, just fyi http://clutteredhouse.blogspot.com/2012/11/how-pinterest-saved-halloween.html)
Thank you for sharing this! My mom made some for my kids (3 and 9 months). They are SO CUTE! Plus the kids are crazy about them.
Exactly what I was looking for to complete my nieces’ dragon costume . Quick and super simple. Thanks so much !!
Wow, just finished the dragon tail and I absolutely love how it turned out!!!! I know my son will have a blast running around with it ! Thank you so much for posting this!!! The directions were simple and the pics were super helpful 🙂
Just finished the DinoTail for my 2yr old son’s Halloween costume. Great tutorial! Thanks so much!
I’m using this for dad’s Dinosaur Train Buddy costume to match our son’s. Thanks
Thank you for your Dino tail tutorial. I used it to make the tail for my son’s dinosaur Halloween costume. Your instructions were easy to follow and it turned out awesome. Thanks!
My husband is in the Army and currently deployed. I used some of his old uniforms (the legs were almost perfect for the tail, once the pockets were removed) and my girls loved that they had something of Daddy’s. I sewed strips of ribbon where the spikes go and then tied bows. It didn’t turn out like I expected, but it was still cute. =o) Thank you for sharing your genius with us. I appreciate it so very much.
Thank you for a GREAT tutorial! Came together quickly and easily. A perfect (free, using fabrics I already had!) birthday gift for a 4 year old’s party tomorrow 🙂
Made these for my Nephew & Niece – thank you for sharing this tutorial 🙂
View the results here:
Hello !! I have loved the tutorial on how to make dino tails. I have a dinosaur online shop and a blog and would love to translate the tutorial and post it in my blog, with a mention to your blog, of course, what do you think? Many thanks and kind regards, Cristina
Hi Jen, the dinosaur tails you create are so beautiful, my son loves dinosaurs and for carnival i’ll try to make one of it. Thank you for the adorable idea !!!
I wanted to thank you for your amazing tutorial. I made this for my nephew for Christmas, along with a pair of dino head gloves from a tutorial on Martha Stewart. It went over very well 🙂 And was also fun to make! Attaching pictures of the final projects:
Tail: http://flic.kr/p/aHeDf4
Gloves: http://flic.kr/p/aHeF3p
Oh My Goodness! These have got to be the most adorable thing I’ve seen in a long time! <3
I've been searching and racking my brain for months trying to come up with something that little boys would like to dress up in! I have the market cornered for girls with my Tutus <3, but just couldn't come up with anything easy, fun, different and boys will like. Some of my other ideas were Superhero capes (so over done), Bow ties (what boy REALLY wants to wear one?), etc, etc, etc. I've been playing around with ideas of dinosaurs and monsters for a bit; now I can try your brilliant idea out!
Thank you so much!
My daughter will be teaching 4 year old children next year. I’ve been looking for interesting ideas for her classroom and in particular, costumes for her fantasy area. You can imagine my delight when I saw your dinotails …. simply awesome!!!! I’ve made four thus far … and can’ wait for next year to get feedback from her children and colleagues. My daughter loves them! Thank you for sharing your marvellous idea.
Thank you SO much for posting this tutorial. The directions are very simple and detailed. I found it very easy to follow, even for someone with limited sewing skills like myself. I made 6 for my son’s upcoming birthday party. They turned out so cute! Many thanks!
I’ve just found your website via Pinterest – I love the tails… and was amazed to see them because I made a stegosaur tail for my daughter for book day in almost exactly the same way! I’d velcroed the tail to her trousers but your idea of a strap around the tummy is much better. I’m going to ‘upgrade’ her tail. Thank you for sharing.
My sons saw these pictures, roared, and thought they were the coolest things ever. My mother is giving me one of her old sewing machines for the holidays this year. I’m thinking my boys will be getting their dragon tails this year! 😉 Thank you so much for sharing this pattern.
I love the dragon tales. Amazing and they look like fun. I will have to give them a try so we can add them to our “imagination” bin. Thanks so much for sharing!!
Just used this tutorial to make the tail for my son’s dinosaur costume. I used fleece for the body and felt for the spikes. The entire costume came together in under two hours. Thank you so much!!
Thanks for the great instructions! My 4-year-old son wants to be a dinosaur for Halloween and these tails are perfect. It came out great. I even made a 2nd one for his little brother. I would’ve really botched this up if I hadn’t found your tutorial. Thanks again for sharing. My kids think I’m Supermom.
i made three of these this afternoon for halloween. they are so fun, the kids love them! thanks SO much for a great idea and terrific instructions.
So I finally posted the dragon tails I made from this tutorial here:
Thanks SO MUCH for sharing!!!
I just finished the bulk of my dragon tail and I am SO excited, it looks so cute! It's for my daughter who will be 3 next week. I am glad that I didn't have enough stuffing or velcro to finish it today, otherwise I wouldn't be able to wait until her birthday to give it to her! Thank you for the tutorial!
So excited to make these! Jen, I have to let you know that TWICE today I was thinking of a project I'd seen SOMEWHERE (couldn't remember where…) and googled the key phrase. Skimmed through tons of "eh" pictures until I saw the fabulously cute thing I was thinking of and saw OF COURSE it was from Tatertots and Jello. Love your blog…
I just made a dinotail for my daughter, she just loves it!!! Thanks for the tut! See pics at my blog:
I made one of these for a 4 year old birthday party last week.. of all of the gifts given and opened that day, the tail was the only one that was immediately played with! Several moms have asked me to make some for their kids, too! My 3 year old daughter totally wants one… and I have plans to make her one as soon as I get done making all of the birthday gifts.
As I am making so many as gifts, I decided to make a pattern on cardboard… I got a large flat rate box at the post office (for free)and it is big enough to cut the shapes out without having to tape on more cardboard (like what happens with frozen pizza boxes!)…
So, thanks so much! The perfect and much loved gift for birthday parties and GIRLS too!
¡I liked it! and your photos are so nice (sorry for my english)
Just finished a set for my boys, who are obsessed with dinosaurs right now. THANKS so much for sharing!!!! They're having a little trouble balancing the new weight, but are having too much fun slamming my tables with thier tails.
I am a brand new follower and I absolutely LOVE this project! I don't have kids… but I am a preschool teacher and know plenty of kids who would adore something like this!!
so so so funny idea! must to try!!!
Amazing! Truly a unique design. Can't wait to try one myself!
These are PERFECT!!! I absolutely MUST make them for my three little fellas!
I am DYING from the adorableness. DYING.
What a fabulous idea!! I love it!
sew cute I had to pin it! What a fun project!
This is so cute!! What a fun idea. I've added it to my To Do List.
Those are adorable! My boys would love them!
These are brilliant!
Those tails are so fun!
I'm laughing at them because they are just so stinkin cute, and I can totally see my 4 year old diggin' them! fun tut, thanks for sharing!
These are just darling! Fabulous tutorial, Jessica. And fabulous pics, too. The little guys (and tails) really stand out in the snow.
THOSE ARE SO DARLING! love it! winks-jen
Well I don't sew, but I think these are so cute! So are the models!
That is funny Beckie, my husband wears them on his head like a unicorn crown to play.
My 4 year old would flip for that. Heck my husband would flip for that..okay maybe not really. I love Jessica she is so talented.
WAY cute!
so adorable. wish my boys were still little, i'd make them some!
Ohhhhhh….THANK YOU!! So excited about this post. My youngest is turning 1 in May and having a dinosaur themed party. I am so making these for big brothers and niece to wear at the party!
OMgoodness!!! I reeaaallly need to learn to sew!! These are adorable!!
OH. MY. GOSH. I love these! You totally made my day. And I am totally going to make one of these. Or seven!
Awesome tutorial Jess! 🙂
Isaiah would LOVE those dragon tails!! So cute!
I love that pic of the nursery! Gosh it is ADORABLE!!
so fun! bookmarking to add to my to do list!
Oh good grief! That is the cutest thing ever! Wow. (That last photo of the little guy on the floor with his tail up in the air is beyond cute.)
I haven't commented in awhile but I've been here. I love this and am going to have to make some for my three boys.
OH MY GOODNESS this is perfect!! my little boys would love this!
You are so awesome.
Nuff said.
You are so awesome.
Nuff said.
what a fun way to play dress up as a boy! I love this idea and am sharing it with my FB friend and my cousin~
What a cute project and so useful for Halloween. Just dress them up in a solid colored sweatsuit, make a cap and VOILA! instant costume.
That is so cute! I can see little boys wanting to wear that everywhere!
Super cool! Anyway you can post the winners on here?! I gave up Facebook for Lent:)
Oh…that was the coolest tutorial! Wish I had a little boy of my own to make those for! I may have to make them for my nephews and friends…or make some for my house for kids to use when they come…:)
love love love it!
great pictures too!
i'm not much of a sewer, but that's sew cute. 🙂
pun intended
this is such a unique and wonderful project! love it!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Totally gawking! Great project!