update — since I moved over to WordPress Sunday night, the comments didn’t transfer to this post. But they are saved on my blogspot site. So if you have commented, I will count those comments when I pick a winner this week!!
It’s in our blood. Have you ever glued your fingers together trying to put a project together? Stayed up all night just to finish that last project before your kids wake up? Gussied up your home just so the neighbors could gawk over your detail? Borrowed an idea from the store knowing you can make one too? We have. We know. Join us. Get it before it sells out:
Here’s how YOU can win:
- Sign up for the Pick your Plum email. Try not to overdose; these are quality products! one entry.
- “Like” the Pick Your Plum Facebook page — where you can find out about their new products and giveaways. one entry.
- Link up YOUR projects. Each link = one entry.
** winner must be in the continental USA.
- Please link up the Wrap Up button— a text link is great too — Tatertots & Jello. So everyone can join in the fun!
- Please comment on TWO posts above you and TWO posts below you — in addition to any others that you want to visit.{we all love comments!}
- Have fun!!!

I am signed up for pick your plum emails
I like pick your plum on fb
I like PYP on FB and have bought many supplies from them!
I now like Pick your Plum on facebook
I signed up for Pick your Plum email 🙂
I like Pick your Plum on facebook! 🙂
I am signed up for their newsletter!
Liked pyp on fb!
I like Pick Your Plum on Facebook. (Tania Clark Scott)
…and i like pick your plum on facebook! 🙂
I signed up for e-mails!
I’m already signed up for the Pick Your Plum emails.
And just signed up for the emails! Thanks!!
Hurray for tt&j!
i’m already signed up for the pick your plum emails! 🙂
I just liked on FB. I’m glad you posted this – I’m hooked!
i liked them on fbook
i linked up!
I “like” Pick your Plum on facebook 🙂
I liked them on Facebook! 🙂
I already get the Pick your Plum newsletter!!
I already get the Pick Your Plum newsletter! Love them!
Liked them on facebook too!!!
Already signed up for the emails 🙂 LOVE them!
Already Like them on Facebook 🙂
Already signed up for PYP email 🙂
I linked up a project
I like pick your plum, and i signed up for emails, I am already so happy that I did!!
Love the new site!
I buy from Pick you Plum. I just had to sign up! Thanks
I Love (Like) Pick you Plum.
I’m signed up for Pick your Plum emails!
I’m signed up for their email!
I liked them on Facebook
I just liked them on Facebook.
I’m signed up for Pick Your Plum
Just liked on FB. Thanks love it!