Welcome to the Mother’s Day Extravaganza!!!
What a fun day!
I am so pleased to announce this new giveaway — Cristil @ Lilsteinstyles is going to give away TEN — Germie Stopper Stroller/Carseat Signs.
These make great gifts for moms with newborns and preemie babies!
Thanks Cristil for the great giveawayl!!
How to enter:
1. Go over to Lilsteinstyles and see which style Germie Stopper style you would want {there are 6 different ones} then let me know in the comments. One entry.
2. Subscribe or follow Tatertots & Jello if you don’t already – and if you already do, add an extra entry as a comment below!
3. Comment in the Tatertots and Jello BlogFrog community or start your own discussion there. Remember each comment over there can bring people over to YOUR blog. You get 2 entries for doing this.
4. Tweet about this giveaway. one entry.
5. Mention this giveaway on Facebook or your blog. one entry.
4. Tweet about this giveaway. one entry.
5. Mention this giveaway on Facebook or your blog. one entry.
Leave me a comment for each thing you do — except the BlogFrog one. I will be picking random winners out of the BlogFrog community at the end of the extravaganza!
I will pick winners using Random.org Monday (5/10 at midnight) and post winners on Tuesday!
Be sure to check out these other great blogs that are participating in the Mother’s Day Extravaganza! Each one is giving away fabulous prizes all weekend long!!!! Every comment you leave on any of the BlogFrog communities enters you to win the FOUR grand prizes that Alice.com is giving away — An All-Day Spa Package, $250 Alice.com Shopping Spree, Three Months of Free Housecleaning and THREE bouquets of Flowers to your Favorite People!
Loyal follower!!!
I blog this giveaway, at:
I like the blue and lime green polka dot longsleeve tie, size 24 mo. perfect for my boy, he is 6 mo. but we can save it! and the germie stopper with green germs, green frame and green ring.
I follow your blog.
I think this one is SUPER cute: http://www.etsy.com/listing/45380339/germie-stopper-stroller-or-car-seat-sign
I like the one that says "germs can hurt me" I had a preemie and it's a good reminder to those that don't know how sensitive little ones can be. He's 5 now, and full of life.
I'm a follower.
Follower of your blog!
Erin Crandall
I joined your blogfrog community and I commented on lots #2
lovelyritaann at sbcglobal dot net
I joined and commented on lots on your blogfrog community #1
lovelyritaann at sbcglobal dot net
I like the one with the green background
lovelyritaann at sbcglobal dot net
I'm already a follower- extra entry.
elaine guenther @ yahoo . com
I'm already a follower.
elaine guenther @ yahoo . com
I like this one:
elaine guenther @ yahoo . com
I like the second germie sign.
I follow your blog.
I commented on blogfrog under the date night forum. #2 entry.
I commented on blogfrog under the date night forum.
I follow you!
I like the one with the green in the background
I am a happy follower!
I follow you!
I follow your blog!
I like the "Please wash before touching Germs Scare Me" with the pink rim.
i follow you
I love the one that is two shades of pink with a striped background
I follow you!!
I love all their stuff but am partial to the DR. SUESS shirt. Thanx
I already follow your blog. Yeah. Thanx for sharing. Kelli Hansen
I am following you blog 🙂
I love the very first one.
I need this! Im having a baby! ha. I like the one with the all blue handle (since Im having a boy and all). Im a follower and I joined Blog Frog community and commented on someone's discussion thingy. 🙂
i follow you!
i am having a hard time getting the etsy shop to load but I love the one with the green background.