Glitter Toes End of Year Tradition
Who cares if it’s raining? It’s the first day of Summer Vacation, we’re still going to have fun! I had been hearing about Glitter Toes for a long time. Basically you go to a nail salon and have them apply a very heavy-duty gel to your toes. The plus side is that this gel stays on for a long time, the downside is that it is very hard to get off.

So last week when the clever and talented Kami at No Biggie posted about a easy way to have the Glitter Toes look without the fuss, I was all ears. Thanks Kami!
- Pick out a nail color you like and a coordinating glitter. I found some awesome Martha Stewart glitter at Walmart that has pretty much every color of glitter there is.
- Paint your toenails and while paint is still wet, sprinkle glitter all over each individual toe to cover well. You will need to lay a piece of paper under the toes to minimize the mess and to catch the leftover glitter so you can use it again.
- You can brush off the excess glitter with a small paintbrush, but make sure not to brush directly on the toenail or you can mess up the paint job.
- Paint a clear top coat over the glitter to help keep it contained and to add a shine to the sparkle.
And Voila! You have sparkly glitter toes. So cute! And a great project to do with your girlfriends or little girls before you hit the pool!
We did some glitter fingers too.

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Glitter Toes
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~Glitzy Nails
Garret Merkley
If you have any questions please contact me.
Gitzy Nails! We are loving this new Fashion. It is definitely the Cutest New Fashion.
To help everybody out we are gathering all glitter toes professionals. If you know someone who does glitter toes really well or you want them done go to the Glitter Toes Directory.
Glitter Toes Directory