Easter Teen /Tween Photo Scavenger Hunt Game and Printable Checklist. Easter Hunts can still be fun when kids get older. This outdoor photo hunt requires no preparation. Kids use their phones to record “clues” and memories!

Teen Photo Scavenger Hunt Game Printable Checklist
Easter is fun when your kids are small. You might think the fun ends as they get bigger, but in my opinion holidays can be even more fun with older kids.
An Easter Hunt for Tweens and Teens
All you have to do is tweak your traditions so that they are fun for older kids too. So instead of a traditional Easter Egg Hunt, why not put a twist on it with an Easter Photo Scavenger Hunt??

Teen Photo Scavenger Hunt Game Printable Checklist
This is a fun idea for teens because most teens have phones with built-in cameras. And you can break people up into teams, so if you have kids that are too young for phones you can pair them up with teens or adults who do have phones with cameras. Another idea you can use if you have people without access to phones with cameras, is to use Instax cameras.

No Preparation is Necessary for This Fun Photo Hunt
All you have to do is give each team a copy of this outside photo scavenger hunt game and let them scour the neighborhood. Once they find an answer to a clue, they simply take a picture of that clue. I also am going to hide eggs throughout the neighborhood, especially around clues so the teams can be on the lookout for eggs too. I found the cutest bunny bags – pink and white for the teams.

Photo Scavenger Hunt is Fun and Kids Have Photos to Remember
And once the teams are all back you can go through the photos to see what the teams came up with!! The fun part of this is your kids (and their friends) will have fun photo reminders of their scavenger hunt adventures.

Print the Photos Off and Add Them to Your Albums!
You can also print the photos off and give them out or even put them in inexpensive photo albums as a party favor. I will put ours in our Family Home Photo Book – where I keep track of all the fun things we do as a family.

You Can Give Out Different Prizes So Everyone Wins
Also, once the teams are back and you have all looked at the pictures, you can give out Easter Prizes. You can give everyone the same Easter prize OR you can break out the teams into different category winners. Such as:
- A prize for the team that gets back the fastest.
- A prize for the team with the most creative photos.
- A prize for the team with the silliest photos.
- A prize for the team that finds the most eggs.

Here is the Printable Teen Easter Scavenger Hunt Printable Checklist. Just right click on that link and print it off. It’s only available for a short time, so grab it quick!!
And if you want to try another Easter Scavenger Hunt, try this one with free printable clues and FUN prize baskets!

Outdoor Easter Scavenger Hunt Game with Free Printables!
And here’s another fun and easy outdoor Easter idea. This one is for kids or teens! Printable clues that correspond with colored eggs. All of the kids get the same number of prizes and you can adapt it to be in your neighborhood or in your backyard!

Happy Easter!

Thanks for the photo scavenger hunt idea. I love your suggestions. Our neighbors are coming over for brunch and all the kids are 15 and 16 years old. We needed a more grown up, festive, and fun activity.
Oh yay! I hope you enjoy it!