Hello all, this is Heather from WhipperBerry! I am soooo excited that Jen invited us WhipperChicks to guest post today on Tatertots & Jell-o! {Giddy!}

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I started thinking it would be lovely to have a place for people to write down and display what they are thankful for at your gathering.
So…I came up with the idea for a blessing board and here is how you too can make one…
First, you need to find a open frame that you like. I found this one on clearance at a frame store. Didn’t love the color, loved the price, so I spray painted…
…and distressed a little with some sandpaper.
Next, I drilled holes in the inside of the frame. I didn’t measure, I just placed holes roughly two inches apart. I didn’t want them to be perfect because I wanted the twine to have a more natural feel once strung.
I then installed Screw Eyes in each of the holes. I chose screw eyes so that I could restring the frame with ribbon or another material if I wanted later.
Using heavy weight hemp twine I threaded each of the screws going back in forth.
Now the fun part begins, embellishing. I wanted to keep the frame rather neutral so that once Thanksgiving was over I could use the display board for other things. Think Christmas cards, Valentines, children’s artwork or school work.
The “give thanks” board is created with a basic precut birch wood board from the craft supply store. Spray painted, distressed and then attached with Scotch Dual Lock Fasteners. It’s kind of the bigger and much stronger brother to Velcro and I found that at Target.
For the “Give” I used brown vinyl and my lovely Cricut. The “thanks” is created with chip board letters from the craft store, glued on. I then embellished with burlap and sweater flowers.
Emily our paper genius at WhipperBerry fancied up some basic clothes pins with spray paint, paper and Mod Podge. She also created a fun printable subway art tag for your guest to write down what they are grateful for.
Voila, you are ready for your feast!
Well…at least you have a cute blessing board, you still have a lot of cooking to do!
If you would like an opportunity to win this blessing board come on over to WhipperBerry and enter our Blessing Board Giveaway!
Thanks Jen, for the opportunity to stop by and say hello. We are truly honored!
Kisses from the WhipperChicks!!
Thanks so much Heather!!
I absolutely LOVE that idea!
What a great way to celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving!!!
If you haven’t been over to WhipperBerry – you really need to check them out.
They are so creative.
The WhipperChicks throw wonderful parties:
![[_MG_2278 a[4].jpg]](https://lh6.ggpht.com/_-fnKHrxIOI8/TMUPvOgQWmI/AAAAAAAAEI8/MGT8ASq561M/s640/_MG_2278+a%5B4%5D.jpg)
![[WB Halloween[4].jpg]](https://lh3.ggpht.com/_-fnKHrxIOI8/TLJzOX6fxxI/AAAAAAAAD04/a5UREzg3bMM/s1600/WB+Halloween%5B4%5D.jpg)
And Tutorials!
![[WB 309[4].jpg]](https://lh6.ggpht.com/_-fnKHrxIOI8/TLTeBzKGHjI/AAAAAAAAD30/uermayylD-Q/s1600/WB+309%5B4%5D.jpg)

Go over and check out WhipperBerry —
You will be hooked – just like I am!!
PS — Check out the GroopDealz Offer today — it’s my friend Birttany from {Love Stitched}!!

$10 for One Headband and One Hair Clip from Love Stitched ($20 Value) – FREE SHIPPING
PPS — AND, it’s Friday! My favorite day of the week. Come over and link up your projects/ideas so I can feature YOU! WWU starts at 6 pm {MST}

Hi Jen! What an amazing keepsake – I just ADORE this idea! : ) I shared it in a round-up on my blog today: http://www.chickabug.com/blog/2012/11/thanksgiving-be-thankful.html
Thank you for the inspiration!
hi there
Love this and plan on doing one for a friend for christmas, I am just wondering if you are able to tell me or send me a pic on how the sign is attached to the frame.
Thanks and Merry Christmas
Whipperberry is an adorable blog! Thank you for sharing. Loved the chalkboard charger plates also!!
What a GREAT idea with the frame! I have one sitting in my storage calling me to do this! Thanks for the wonderful idea. You got a new follower! Please stop by my blog if you have time. Thnx!
I featured this cute idea on my blog today!
Great tutorial! I am so doing this!
is there a link or way to download the subway art tags for guests to write what they are thankful on – I absolutely love this!!!
Can I ask what color Heather used to paint the green frame?
great project! I love repurposed old frames!
What a gorgeous project! Beautiful in every way! Angie xo
OMGoodness Jen!
I've only been on your blog less than 1 minute and I'm in LOVE!
So delighted to meet you!
Following big~time!
ANd I am in LOVE with that blessing board!
I many have to let my hub look at this!
I need to make this for a friend and take it to her house for Thanksgiving!
oh my – I am not even sure where to start with this comment! so much good stuff all over here (my first visit!) that I am all verklempt trying to find words…
The whipperberry project is insanely awesome and I actually just started spray painting a frame last nite for a similar project! Love the tutorial! and now to go lose myself in the rest of the eyecandy of your blog!
What a fabulous project! And those parties look amazing!
wow!!! i love the whipperberry parties, the one in the back of a truck is sooo lovely!!!!
Love this message board tutorial! Reposted at http://itisagoodday.blogspot.com/2010/10/halloween-last-minute-ideas.html. Thanks! — Teresa
Whipper berry chicks really are creative. That truck looks adorable! Absolutely love the thanksgiving, giving thanks, board. What a great thing to introduce to children and adults!
I truly love this project. Thanks for introducing me to a great new website.
Whipperberry is kind of the peak of perfection. Yes? I cannot get enough of them. And I LOVE this. {love} Thanks for featuring them, Jen!!
I love this idea and I love WhipperBerry!
What an awesome idea and totally adaptable to an Advent / Christmas Countdown project!
I love the Thanksgiving board, that is an amazing idea!
That is a very cute idea!
What a CUTE idea! I love that Thanksgiving board! 🙂
I love, love, love that give thanks idea!! Thanks for sharing!
I love Whipperberry! They are amazing. Thanks for the tutorial. I love all the ideas for showing gratitude.